I'm considering working a second job. I want to relieve my wife from working to spend more time with our son at home. I know this will set off the feminists, but my wife agrees with me. Working the second job is what many seem to be doing for one reason or the other. Whether it's to bring in more income for savings (what we are doing) to pay off debts rapidly, or to maintain ones life style due to the rising cost of living. For me, working that 2nd job will take me more out of the picture with my son, but it's a scarifice I'm willing to make. How many of you are currently working more than one job? How is it working for you? Does it take much out of you (energy/time) and what do you have to give up in doing so?
I've heard it is a great way to maximize your income. I know a coworker who does it but hardly gets any sleep. Not sure how he does it. He's a machine. I am considering it myself just to have the extra income for things I like personally, but I have many other priorities, and my career in my main job is my top priority. Learning outside of work is a big portion of my career for advancement so it really depends on your position. Frankly I'd look at some passive income or something you can do on the weekend. You have me thinking of doing something for the holidays.
The same is true for myself. My work hours is from 2:00 to 11:00 evenings which I prefer. To work a second job would mean I would have to get a part time job during the day or secure a job working graveyard shift. I would need the time for rest. But, as far as going back into school or doing teaching martial arts it would be out of the question. It would be a sacrifice as I must do whatever is necessary to support the family.
I don't know about this. I'd say a son needs a father around more than a mother but it depends on your hours. Someone has to teach the kid how to be a man. Number 1 guy is POPS.
Archangel, you are so right. This is going to be tough. I will take this into consideration. My son is very important to me. I want the best for him. Thanks, I will think this through a little more. I will let you know my decision.
Kudos to you for being such a great father to sacrifice but you need to strike a balance between parents. It's already harder for dad's to bond when the kids are little, because with the mom giving most of the care the bond flows more easy. Also in this market having a gap on your resume is really hard. It would probably be easier for her to get a small PT job for a day or two a week and keep her job gap in check but do it when you are off so you can be the alternate on the care. Good luck. Your son is lucky to have two great parents.
I love this site for the great insights and alternatives in thinking. Thanks JordanC. I need to think beyond just myself. The wife and I are in this as a partnership. I should not handcap her at my expense. Thank you for making me see the other side of the coin.
My opinion depends how old your kid is, I started one for a few reasons and it's 6 months tops, your kid younger than 6 I see no problem at all just make it temporary or dramatically change your lifestyle
I respect the fact that you are enabling your wife to be a more full time mommy, if this is what she wants. I don't know how old your son is, but I wished I had more time at home when my children were younger. I have always envied stay at home moms, being able to spend more time doing mommy and me activities. Now that I am on my own, I have to work a second job to make ends meet. I could probably do it with just one job, but the extra funds helps. I also found a second job I had a passion for (baking) and work for my girlfriend who has a new and thriving business. I find that even though I love the job and responsibility of managing and doing wedding consultations, its also pretty tiring and takes away my own free time to do other things I enjoy... I agree w Jordan. You should definitely consider the job market, and consider the gap in employment for your wife. I am sure you could find a happy balance for both of you, like J said. A part time gig your wife enjoys and you can find something to earn a little extra income. Remember to consider that daddy time with your son and also the quality time with your wife and also your time together as a family.
I used to do it 10 or so years ago. Just make sure you address the tax issues, you want one of the jobs to be the main one with the deductions and the other one will not have any deductions. I am going on memory because I was screwed by the IRS the first year because I had put 1 on both jobs when filling the forms HR gives you regarding your exemptions.
Maybe for the holiday season? Again, I think some sort of passive income would be good but that's finding that niche first.
I decided not to take the second job. The wife will keep hers. I will make the time with my son in setting up our home schooling program to have a more hands on approach in his upbringing. Thanks.