oddly enough the klingons were not only the darkest mothafuckas on the show.. they were also the most violent, rudest, brutal ones too.. Gene Roddenberry may as well had them stealing shit (anyone else find it funny that Worf's black ass was the head of security) from the Man too.. then we'd really understand what he was trying to convey to the masses, with his Klingon archetype on the flip side, he did have a brotha in charge of engineering.. so apparently blacks weren't just good at fighting and making people feel secure; they were also good at maintaining and operating, the insides of trillion-dollar starships
Capitalism has been supplanted by another mode of production in the Star Trek universe, and there is no currency as we understand it.
Troi was a twit. But I wasn't a big Worf-Dax fan either. Give me that half Klingon/Half human lady who was the mother of Worf's child. That was Worf's true soulmate.