Women are more mature than men.

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Kushton Slater, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Pay attention lill papa - it was already revived days before I got in it...
    But look at it this way - even though you were full of "stirr-in-the potness"- you broughteded the little kitty we now have used against you.
    That was fun!
    I think Ill keep it - for future sniperness. You were due lovely.

  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Like I said FlyingTurd

    dont drudge up a 2 month old post, and come at me with some Johnny BigBalls shit like you actually know what you're talking about

    because you dont

  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Like I said PittyTurd, your comment makes no sense since you clearly dont know what your talking about - I wasnt the one that revived this joint.
    You know I love to mess with ya - and you were due.
    Now, Ill banter you on yahoo - if I wasnt going to bed.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    stop letting everyone know we have e-sex on yahoo

  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    U having e-sex on yahoo?? I didnt know that. Why u let people know these things. Do you charge? Otherwise your stealing money from me!!! Now, go to your e-corner!!!
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    red panties or white ones tonight?

    i love this game
  7. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    I suggest a black latex thong :mrgreen:
  8. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    that's good when he's going gimp...but i do enjoy him in his red or white panties
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    LS guys never pay each other compliments. That shit is gay so your point is moot. And as far as girls being catty let me remind you of the bbw thread where girls were going at chicks like you and DD for being skinny. And the men never really have ebeef that lasts, we hash it out and then that shit is done and over with in a few hours. Women on here tend to either leave or put people on ignore when they have minor disagreements. Which one sounds more immature?
  10. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Hmm, I forgot about that. You're right. I don't think it happens a real lot though.
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I agree. I think during that particular period of time that Andrae referenced, there were quite a few people being catty & abrupt with each other, men and women, and some new members who were doing a good job of starting crap all over the forum. That seems to have died down, thankfully.

    Anytime you interact with other people you're going to occasionally bump heads. I think it just becomes much more noticeable when lots of people are bumping heads at the same time. That's really only happened a couple times on here in the year I've been a member, which honestly is probably less than you'd think to be typical for a forum this size, with members who have vastly divergent POVs a lot of the time.
  13. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    I don't see that distinction at all. Rarely does hatred exist independently. It's usually encouraged or it develops after negative experiences. I believe that many men dislike women for the same reasons that women dislike women. And then there are 'misogynists' who don't really hate women, but rather, they like women so much that they can't cope with women not liking them back and it drives them to madness, i.e., George Sodini.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  14. One to Remember

    One to Remember Restricted

    flying geek why are u always on the look out for haters and instigators? in ur quest to end conflicts or avoid them u always create more.. quit being paranoid..

    andrae i believe there is a very VERY THIN line between macho pride and holding your ground in a dog eat dog world. I think on average our issues with eat other our less petty. they are usually unavoidable or atleast more so then all female beef.

    Espy I know Jersey Shore is the new epitome for trash tv but that whole nonsense with the girls in the house plays out every day and it truly makes no sense.

    you say that women would rather here w/e from women instead of men. I think we are dealing with different women. The ones i deal with are a little different from the ones i deal with but still too far near the edge of the spectrum. Being that far on one side is not always rational, i dont think either of us deal with women who take the middle ground approach with their mentality and thought process..
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I didn't say misogynists were born hating women, I'm sure some aren't and it's learned behavior. However the accepted definition of misogynist is a man who literally hates women. I've actually known one man in my life that I would characterize as a true misogynist, he had a hatred for all women, even before he knew anything about them. The remainder of men who many would term misogynists, I generally would consider more along the lines of jaded. They've had bad experiences which leads them to view most women in a negative light until they see something that proves otherwise. I think the misogynist simply hates women, and nothing is going to change his mind. I think what you describe, i.e. George Sodini, isn't misogyny but rather mental illness. There are people who simply allow rejection or fear of women to send them over the edge, though many of the well known cases indicate there was some mental instability prior to that point and negative life experiences simply triggered it so to speak. Think serial killer, sexual sadist, schizophrenic and the like.

    I agree that sometimes men dislike in women the same things women dislike in other women. However men tend to be less prone to be jealous of women in all situations, and that is likely due partly to them not competing in all the same areas. In my experience women are grudge holders more often than men. Most men I know just blow something off and move on, even remaining friends with the person who pissed them off. Women appear to have more trouble with that, or at least the women I've known did have. It's these sorts of things that I find distasteful in all people, but I just see them more often in women. Regardless of the fact that I prefer to deal with men more than women, I don't hate women or myself. Seeing a flaw in someone, or acknowledging their negative points isn't hatred, that's honest and observant.

    FYI, I'm not arguing with you for the sake of argument, nor am I irritated in any way by your opposing POV. People seem to always assume that if you don't agree with them that you must be angry with them, and that's rarely the case with me. I enjoy polite discussion and debate and you often bring up excellent points that require more intense thought to respond to, and I appreciate that.

    I have to say that FG is not the sort to start crap for no reason. She simply saw an older post and responded. It's not as if she goes around digging up 2 year old posts of a negative nature and bumps them for fun. I realize you have some problem with FG, more so than with anyone else on this forum, however it's uncalled for. FG is truly one of the most open-minded, accepting, polite people on this forum. You should try reading more of her posts with an objective eye and I think you'd see that. Just a suggestion.

    I agree that many, if not most women tend to allow emotion to color their thinking, therefore it runs less logical than most men do. There are of course emotional men, and very logical women who are exceptions, but they don't represent the average man or woman IMO. I don't have an issue with people who take the middle ground, they tend to be the peace keepers in life and I think they often sacrifice their own feelings and opinions in order to achieve that goal. I think peace is a very admirable goal, but there are times where things need to be said and dealt with, rather than glossed over or kept quiet in the interest of peace. I speak my mind, but I endeavor to do so in the most polite way possible, however I don't consider that taking the middle ground. I also think that many of the women here don't take the middle ground, though a fair number of men & women in the real world do. What I personally find distasteful is people who take the middle ground because they can't decide what their opinion is, or they are afraid to voice it, or because they simply don't care. Apathy and cowardice are two of my least favorite things. I feel it's always better to make a decision, and opting to not do that is still a decision, it's just a very poor one IMO.
  16. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    Point taken. Sorry about the misinterpretation.

    I think that in this day and age the word misogynist has become a flexible label pinned on any man who disagrees with the contradictions of feminism or refuses to put up with princess syndrome. Misandry on the other hand still isn't even recognized as a real word, hence the squiggly red line under it when you type it in.

    How unfortunate.

    I suppose I would fall into this category. But I conduct myself well and never let my personal feelings spill into my impersonal life. You don't have to like people to respect them and I strongly adhere to that philosophy whether it's in the workplace, school, or at a bar.

    Actually, I don't believe that he was mentally ill and many forensic psychiatrists would agree with me. He was pushed over the edge, that's for certain. But he knew exactly what he was doing. Lorena Bobbitt got off on "temporary insanity". She claimed that she had no recollection of chopping the man's penis off and it worked - also she's a woman and people are more sympathetic to women. George Sodini had detailed records of his mounting frustration and what he planned to do. He knew exactly what he was going to do and why. And even if he hadn't left behind detailed records of how he felt and what he planned to do, I highly doubt "temporary insanity" would have worked for him.

    For the most part, George was a fully functional member of the community. He had a good job, his neighbors liked him, his coworkers liked him, etc. He was described as a generally nice person who had no prior history of violence. He wasn't so different from me or any other guy who's not successful with women - or at least he wasn't until he let his self-esteem get so low that he didn't want to live anymore and decided to inexcusably take several women with him.

    I can agree with that. I never give in to jealousy much but I think that I am jealous of how easy women have it when it comes to dating.

    What's a little bit of alcohol poisonin'? And what's a little fight? Tomorrow you'll be boys again -Eminem (True words there!)


    I don't think I necessarily prefer to deal with men. Some female company would be nice for a change. But in all honesty, male company has been more pleasurable to me than female company (on the rare occasions that I've had female company) has ever been. In my experience they're generally funnier, more open to intellectual discussion, and they have hobbies.

    I don't argue for the sake of argument either. If I see a post that I think I can add something to, and perhaps gain something as well, I chime in. Thank you for the polite response Espy. It has been a pleasure exchanging thoughts.
  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i don't know why you feel the need to always chase down geeky and start things with her but it's completely unnecessary....!!! if you don't like what she has to say i suggest you just put her on ignore and go on your merry way. enough of the attacks on her...she's hardly the type to instigate trouble & is one of the sweetest people on this forum.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    No apology needed at all.

    I agree that misogynist has become a more frequent label that people are often far to quick to assign to any man who voices anything that appears to be anything but glowing praise of women. There are women, and some men, who think women deserve to be put on a pedestal solely because they are female and women should be revered. I don't agree, I personally don't want to be treated that way, I prefer to earn the respect I'm given.

    I agree, I approach people with respect until they give me a reason not to. I personally view being jaded as really unfortunate. Everyone likely encounters people at some point who mistreat or disappoint them. I think if everyone allowed those experiences to dictate how they approached people, we'd just stay home and not deal with anyone. I also refuse to allow someone who mistreated me, or let me down, in the past cause lasting damage that negatively impacts the remainder of my life. That's giving the assholes in life entirely too much power IMO, and I'm just not gonna do it.

    This we disagree on. Lorena Bobbitt was a battered woman, and battered woman syndrome is a mental disorder. I think anytime one person forces another person to bend to their will, they damage them psychologically. Over time you will eventually cause that person to snap, and if you've personally abused them then you shouldn't be shocked when they do you harm.

    As for George Sodini, just because he had no prior history of violence and seemed responsible and likable to some people, doesn't mean he didn't have issues. I'm not sufficiently familiar with him to know his history, but often times with people who appear to just snap there's something in their past that predisposed them to it. I think a well balanced person wouldn't allow their lack of success with women to push them over the edge like that. Though I suspect all people have the ability to reach the point where they'd take a life, it's just a matter of how much it takes to trigger that. I also think you can be what would be considered to be insane and still be able to plan.

    I tend to prefer men because they are more straight-forward and less sensitive. There's less beating around the bush, less need to be PC, less misunderstandings, and less chance of offending them, at least once they get a good grasp on your personality and figure out you are the same way. I rarely run into women like that outside my own family, though I find quite a few of the women on the forum to be like this.

    I appreciate your ability to discuss calmly and politely, it was a pleasure.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  19. One to Remember

    One to Remember Restricted

    I don't do the ignore button, ignore aint in my e-vocab.. Your usage of the term attack was wrong, out of context really. If I was chasing her down I would be on the forum every day counterposting where she is, this is my first interaction with her in weeks. And it does not matter if you think she is "sweet" or whatever, every seriel killer I have ever seen on a Court TV bio has a clip on his show featuring neighbors or friends saying how sweet and etc they are.. From my standpoint as a man who has known misogynist men i could say from my stand point they were alright fellows too..
    I dont think any hate other then antisemitism mimics or should even be considered mental illness. This Sodini guy was a shooter and I think I know about him a little. He and Bobbitt are both haters and outlaws all the same. And how the hell could any jury buy that bullshit anyways? hE CHEATS, dogs her, then his penis of ALL THINGS is cut off and thrown off the side of the interstate for K9s to sniff out and recover.. It was almost cliche.. Do you believe there are mental components to hatred of women or men?
    Its debateable if anyone thats jaded can be called irrational though.. The men you described could be called bitter I guess. Do you make a distiction between the two though? The true hater and the one that is just tired of the same ol same ol? You say that its wrong to let the past infect you with negativity but is that jadedness not in this context perhaps a component of the human defense mechanism?

    You've already said you believe there more irrational ladies then rational. I think thats true and I agree, I believe the debate is how its divided. 70% to 30%, 90% to 10% or whatever..

    I am going to put it like this, I don't agree with the female thought process because I feel it is in many situations a means to an end. Perhaps not irrational but definitely its track record of success justifies my scrutiny.
    Sometimes are interactions lead to blood shed though lol. I think that lying to people to not ruffle feathers or hurt feelings complicates things and leads to huge break downs in communication which usually leads to conflict.

    I prefer talking to mem, working with men, dealing with men, but I would say if it came down to the numbers, I'd prefer out of a hundred people who i interact with 70 to be men, 30 to be women, and atleast 20 of those women to be strait up tomboys. Atleast ten percent of the time I can go for those things that you described above..
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member




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