Women are more mature than men.

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Kushton Slater, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Real talk fam. They are in constant competition with each other. I rarely see dudes speak ill of their friends with a lot of girls that shit is regular.
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    That's because in my experience women are spiteful, back bitters in higher percentages than men. A lot also tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves, which makes them more difficult than men to deal with. You have to sugar coat with women, not so much with men. That's not all women of course, and as I've said before we all seem to get along really well here, but perhaps we're all just similar in personality. In general I'll always prefer to deal with a man instead of a woman, with only a few unique exceptions.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So well put baby girl
  4. One to Remember

    One to Remember Restricted

    what do you mean OP in terms of personal individual conduct or men v men versus women v women?

    I think that women are mean to each other for no reason. i always found it crazy when a girl would tell her friend her guys scum and she'd blame the girl or try to say she was trying to move in on it. like on Jersey Shore that whole mess with Ron's chick fighting with jenni and snooki.

    they are always talking about men being unfair and immature and then they do the same things but say its okay because they are women..

    they have such a bad choice in men at times. They fall hard for liars and abusers.. They are naive to the bone. They play mind games, they are always scared or unsure of something. They choose jerks over good guys then have the audacity to question the results of that..

    They are competing at the most idiotic and inappropriate of times..

    there are dozens of polls showing there are more men willing to vote for a female president then there are women..

    they will tell you something isnt wrong then expect you to know it is anyways.. they ramble on and on and when you tell them you are wore out and cant talk they flip out or call you insensitive..

    ill be watching What Would You Do on ABC and you'll see some girl being taken advantage of and some older broad will start rambling about what she was wearing or they will tell men near by that they know not to intervene.

    a long list of nonsense really.. :x
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I find a lot of truth in what you're saying but let's be fair fam. Men do dumb shit too. We're willing to fight and kill over things like "honor" or "pride". But I do agree women as whole or entirely way too emotional and competitive.
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    That's not the best source of information, or the most accurate example of 'women'. It's reality television, as such they seek strong personalities who will create lots of drama, thereby assuring higher ratings.

    Much of what you describe is due to oversensitivity, immaturity, selfishness or game playing. Not all women do that. I will concede that women do that more frequently than men, however plenty of men are equally capable of being immature, selfish, and playing games. You don't have to associate with people like that though, the choice is yours. There are plenty of women who are not as you describe, just look around. They'll probably be the ones not hanging out with a bunch of other women, for obvious reasons.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's why I always find it hilarious when women call certain men mysoganists when they don't like women either lol. I wish more you weren't so sensative, it makes communication almost impossible and then you have so many people lying as a result.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Women don't dislike other women for the same reasons that misogynists hate women though. Something typically drives a woman's dislike, such as jealousy, competition, etc. Misogynist originated from Greek and literally means 'woman hater'. I think misogynists have no basis for the hatred, other than the object of said hate is female. That's the distinction I see between the two Andrae.

    As for sensitivity, women are typically raised to be more sensitive, and a lot of people feel that's tied to the nurturing side and therefore you can't separate the two. I don't happen to believe that, and it is possible to not wear all your emotions on your sleeve despite the amount of estrogen in your blood. However the vast majority of women I know are of the more sensitive variety. It is unfortunate that this leads people to lie to them to keep the peace, or avoid conversation all together. I personally don't put up with that kinda crap, if someone's being hypersensitive I just tell them they are. That doesn't always go over wonderfully well, however in my experience a woman will take anything that's viewed as criticism from another woman far better than she'll take it from a man. Woman to woman it's often viewed as constructive criticism, whereas from a man it's just seen as criticism. Again I don't think that's a good thing, but it's what I've observed.

    It's unfortunate all the way around when some screw it up for everyone. Women bitch and moan about wanting honesty, but then when they get it they penalize men for it if it doesn't happen to be what they want to hear. Yet they can't seem to see the correlation between that behavior and the resulting lack of communication or lack of truth. Too much emotion, not enough logical thought. That's on their parents IMO, children learn what you teach them, so teach them better than that.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the correction, you make a valid point. So what would you propose as a solution?
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I have no solution LOL, if I had the answer to that I'd be rich, famous, or both!

    I seriously do think you just have to raise your children to not think like that. I was raised in an environment that demanded logical thought, free from emotional entanglement. I raised my children the same way, and despite influences to the contrary, they both managed to maintain that type of objectivity. My son is actually more prone to being emotionally clouded than my daughter, though I'm hoping that's just the teenage male in him and he'll outgrow it as he matures. I think you can teach children darn near anything, and teaching them to be cool headed, calm, and objective isn't a stretch. Children also learn by example, more than anything IMO, so if you're the sort of parent who panics or blows things out of proportion, then that's what they'll grow up thinking is normal behavior and they'll repeat it. I've always been a fan of the lead by example method, it works, and honestly it's hypocritical to tell your children to follow rules that you won't follow yourself.
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I would love some links to the "amount of ridiculously catty nonsense going on there lately" against women.
    Really, what are you talking about..

    seems to me the majority of beefs in here are created by men.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I read though the whole thread.. and once again - a thread went down the road of bashing women in general.
    I goes that way on here on the regular.....
  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think Peccorino is up to his usual stirr in the pot stuff - but sometimes its just venturing into poor taste. Lets have him do an extra shift at the corner... he as way too muc time on his hands.
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    agreed. thank god the headless wonder is a nice little money earner...he'd be worthless to us otherwise
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Yes. I see them insult each other all the time. So to say the women go at each other more is well:


    Thank you petty for giving us that gif so we can use it on you every chance we get. :p
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Youre using a quote from a very old post

    Try making an argument against me when topics are still relevent

    and you cosigning jackasses ain't worth the paper your undies are made of

  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    2 mo is very old?? LOL
    Still relevant question - where is all the cattiness you claimed the board was full of? - there were still the men doing the beef.
    And yes, the topic is till relevAn, just not they way you see it.

  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I don't recall any of the women here recently calling any women out for being too pretty, I think all the ladies here are beautiful and we're forever paying each other compliments, more so than the guys do to guys so huh?!
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    pay attention and confront me when threads are still active. Dont come in and snipe me with the bullshit when the joint is dead, and no one remembers anything.


    go back to the kiddie table

    grown folks talkin, lil' mama


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