Woman Wears Camera To Show The Harassment She Endures Walking In NYC (Video)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by qwils86, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Naw....hes a dumb ass caught in head lights
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Bliss, why did they edit the white guys doing?

    It is totally fine to show every race of guys doing it. Why did they edit it out?
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Bliss , we or some of us, get what you are saying. No one is condoning whats going on. We are saying there was no need to edit out all the wm and men in suits (black or white).

    It made them look suspect not the issue of cat calling. We talked about approaching women on the street before in a different thread and if i remember talked about thirsty dudes (cat callers and guys dont care about u guys being uncomfortable)

    Read the article i posted.

    Then you will see why we looked at it side eyed.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And she was perfectly on point? Lol
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I saw it when it was first aired...she wss too busy wondering wtf?

    Seriously...that dude fucked it all up. He looked really crazy....like sandusky type 1 each
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Exactly, No one is arguing that there isn't sexism in NYC. It happens in all races. The question is why was it not depicted in white when it was caught on tape. That's where I see racist propaganda. If he had placed everyone in, I'd be fine because the stats are the stats but when you askew them to show your version of the truth then there is an agenda.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Exactly....it seems they are selling tshirts and trying for as many hits on youtube as possible and get some crazy law passed
  8. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    KWhat im gonna tell my daughter.....

    How to diss a dude withput drama

    1. Eat garlic and onions

    2. Tell them im on my period and i have no pads and tampons....cant wait for the color change of my pants

    3. Tell em my herpes are flaring up...boy they are itchy

    4. Im going to the pick up point for the mother ship to take me to planet zerion

    5. Say marry me

    6. Tell em im a dude.
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Exactly. We don't like it, and it's insulting & stupid for someone to stubbornly argue that we do. That crap gets on my nerves too.

    Those are the dudes we're talking about. What some dudes don't seem to understand is that someone doesn't have to literally have his dick in his hand to come across as though he does.

    The women aren't conflating anything. The main reason women's feelings on this issue are being dismissed is because of blatant refusal to take women's feelings seriously about anything. What may look or seem harmless to you is immaterial when it comes to how it looks or feels to the woman experiencing it. Whether it's some over the top loud, lude, obnoxious remarks/behavior (including cheesy bullshit lines like "haven't I seen you somewhere before?" when a dude knows he hasn't) or something more subtle or just a creepy vibe a dude is putting off doesn't matter...if it makes a woman uncomfortable, she has every right not to like it, and she shouldn't have to be bombarded with that shit just going about her day minding her own damn business.

    It also makes no difference how good looking a man is if he's acting like a creepy bastard, and the stupid notion that it's only unacceptable to a woman if the dude is ugly is bullshit. Good looks don't make a creepy, sleazy, disrespectful fool any more appealing than an ugly creepy/sleazy/disrespctful fool. My stalker is a good example of that crap, because his initial approach was just like the dudes who harass women on the street. Physically, he's good looking guy, but his good looks didn't cancel out the fact that he's a creepy, disrespectful motherfucker or make him the least bit appealing to me.

    I definitely don't agree with what the ad agency claimed to be the "unintenional" end result of their editing process. What they did was wrong, and it undermines the real message women with no political agenda want to get across about the harassment we deal with all the time. Not only did they fuck up the true message by turning it into something else (my only guess is maybe they did it thinking people would take it more seriously if they took out the white/white collar dudes :smt102), they made people take the harassment issue itself less seriously as a result.

    For me, this is just an opportunity to discuss the issue of street harassment (which also happens in other places), and not just about that video in particular. TBH, when I first watched it I wasn't paying any attention to the race/looks/dress of the men in the video. I was too busy noticing the oh-so-familiar behavior of the catcallers toward the woman they were catcalling.

    Yeah, I know, but I'm expressing myself anyway.

    You're welcome, Loki! :freehug: I loved the show, and I still enjoy watching his old videos on occasion. :D

    The back & forth made my head hurt, but overall, I was least impressed with him and his dismissive attitude & his silly claim to know what women think. If you want to know what someone thinks, you need to go directly to the source; if you want to know what women think, ASK WOMEN.


    • Catcalling is NEVER acceptable.
    • Thirsty behavior is NEVER acceptable.
    • Objectifying comments about a woman's looks, body, clothes, hair, walk, smell, etc. are NOT compliments. This also includes sexual comments.
    • Don't address a woman you don't know on a personal level as Baby, Sexy, Ma, Shorty, Pretty, Mama, etc.
    • Lip-licking, "mmm"ing, crotch-grabbing, sucking air through the teeth, or any other irritating & disrespectful gestures or noises are NOT appreciated.
    • Keep your cheesy lines to yourself.
    • NEVER tell a woman to smile.
    • If a woman ignores you, leave her alone. Don't get mad and don't verbally attack her...just because she doesn't want to talk to you doesn't make her a bitch, whore, lesbian, etc. She doesn't owe anyone a return 'hello' or a 'thank you' to comments from strange men on the street.
    • Invading a woman's personal space is NEVER acceptable. Don't touch her, smell her, get too close to her, or follow her.
    • Don't stare at her like you're starving and she's a pork chop.

    It makes a difference when a man doesn't treat a woman like an object. A smile & a hello is the best approach. If a woman doesn't find you threatening or creepy, she's more likely to respond in kind. It doesn't necessarily mean she's interested in you, so never approach a woman with any expectations. And if she doesn't respond, don't take it personally and keep it moving.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Tam like I said before the video was an extremely poor example of cat calling the way you're describing it.
    Please please please address how saying hello, God bless you, and you're beautiful on a crowded street makes a woman feel unsafe and like its cat calling. I am not saying people shouldn't be able to go about their business without being harassed but if simple greetings have become harassment then we should never leave our homes because we are done as a society. I don't doubt for a second that it really happens but if saying that how you take a compliment or an approach doesn't have anything to do with looks completely goes against what we as people see in life.
    And please don't dismiss the obvious racial component because yes minority men cat call and harass but when you produce media show just them it does a disservice to both minority men and women in general because it serves as yet another reason to fear minority men and gives women a false sense of safety around non minority men.
    I don't know why we can't agree that they did a very poor job of conveying there message especially if after 10 hours of filming all you got were 7 or 8 momentary encounters half of which were just normal greetings.

    And most importantly who can truly speak for all women on this matter?
    What about the women who actually enjoy this type of attention? (WHEN IT'S NOT ACTUAL CREEPY HARASSMENT)
  12. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    As soon as you look at and talk to those men there is interaction and they will come close and follow you. I would advice her just to pass, ignore.
    There is nothing friendly or kind behind their behaviour. When one follows, shout at him and make other people looking at the situation, that would be my advice for your daughter
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Once again, I'm not talking about a video. I'm talking about the harassment issue itself. As far as what the "how a dude looks" conclusion you come to based on what you see or think you see, it can only be based on assumption. Without being privy to what's going on between two people, you can't know the why behind it.

    In no way did I dismiss any racial component to anything, so it's silly to tell me not to do something I didn't or wouldn't do. Evidently you didn't understand what I meant when I said I wasn't paying attention to the men's races, looks, or attire...my focus was on the topic/behavior itself. The men & the woman I saw as people in general, and not as people of a certain race/class/whatever. Whatever the makers of the video were trying to accomplish in regard to non-white men wouldn't work on someone like me who doesn't have the racial hangups that many others do, and you should know enough about me by now to be aware of that.

    A hello and a smile is a normal greeting, and most of what was in the video didn't qualify. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that, because neither of us is going to change our minds. Peace.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And by focusing on just the topic and not the under tones is a dismal. If they did a video on drug abuse and focused entirely on crack houses in BK even though the topic is drug abuse you're pulled into thinking only people depicted have a problem with drugs.
    And you're right we will have to agree to disagree.
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You either still don't get what I'm saying or maybe it's just the tactic you're using to keep the discussion off the harassment issue. Just because I didn't notice it initially, doesn't mean I'm dismissing anything. When a person watches something on a certain topic, of course the inital focus is going to be on the topic itself, because that's what it's expected to be about. No one with any jacked up agenda is going to pull me into any type of thinking, because I have sense enough to not allow that shit to happen.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Thank god they're going to make it illegal for blacks and Latinos to catcall white women
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I agree with everything
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Oh i know. i was trying bring a little humor to it
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    He dont get because he's that thirsty dude with his dick in his hand
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok now you sound like a straight up clown. I've had multiple girlfriends and posted pics of me and them together.
    You're still waiting for your first hello from a white woman you lame lol
    Keep bashing buddy, you'll still be giving "macking notes" while going to bed alone every night.
    This guy lol

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