Woman Wears Camera To Show The Harassment She Endures Walking In NYC (Video)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by qwils86, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. qwils86

    qwils86 New Member

    Thank you ;-).

    Well I don't expect us to have an agreement on polygamy and we damn sure aren't agreeing on the pimp game lol.

    And Tariq has a lot of influence, some things he says areconsidered "controversial" though.
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    LOL..it's not that long ago, I've exactly had that discussion. I came home, totally nerved, because of a man that didn't want to understand, just to leave me alone and I told my friend. The reaction was, typically, a suffisant smile, something between ( do you wanna tell me now, how pretty you are?)and his own imagination in his mind (oh, how would it be wonderful, would I be surrounded by a crowd of beautiful girls and they all want me). I exchanged then his beautiful girls with gays, with physical strong men and asked him the same as you do. Would you still feel comfortable?
    The point that many men don't understand is- the men that approach us in this way aren't interested in this particular woman, they just look for someone to screw. That is the insult
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I don't think they are hearing you very well. The echoes of the room are deafened by the sounds of throbbing mushroom tips.

  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Lol.. took me some time to find out what that means..:wink:
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then we need better examples because these videos are horrific examples and do nothing to represent what you're talking about. And again I wonder is considered a feasible solution.
  6. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    In the other thread about this video, I said she has a nice figure, looking at the video again I've changed my mind.

    She is ok in the face, but she walks like a duck which ruins a lot of the appeal for me. To me it looks like she walks through a variety areas, a couple not as great as the others. The interest she attracts in the "ghetto" areas are right inline with how a large category of women like or don't mind being approached. More than half the comments aren't all that bad.

    But let's also look at more of the facts, this is a very loose social experiment. There are no hypothesis, controls, or placebos for this experiment. No analysis of uninformed participants, no variables such as actual interaction. No other subjects used more attractive and less. The whole thing stinks and should be done in a more credible manner, not like an 8th grade social studies experiment.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm colorful. What do you expect? :cool::smt050

  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Another brilliant post.

    So sad that some men don't see us anything other than we are here for their entertainment. We are not afforded the luxury to just go about our day without being harassed just because THEY like/sexualize what they see.
    You would THINK the men insisting that there is nothing wrong with it, would get that part, at least.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you, Bliss.

    It's a sad thing indeed, and extremely frustrating & disappointing. It's like a woman can't go anywhere without somehow being put on the spot...it's like being seen as some thing out on display just for them to enjoy and comment on like we're not people whose feelings and space should be respected. There is nothing flattering or appealing about some crude talking/behaving creep making a spectacle of himself like that with no regard for the effect his agressive behavior has on the women he's harassing.

    Sadly, the guys who insist there's nothing wrong with it just don't get it, and some of them seem to not care enough to want to (and a couple of them are obviously just trolling as usual). They don't understand that it has nothing to do with how a woman looks or dresses, where she is, or what she does...none of those things mean she's "asking for it" or that she has no right to be offended by or complain about creepy dudes bothering her. They need to put themselves in our shoes and appreciate where we're coming from.

    Those men also need to understand that their thinking that kind of behavior is okay is immaterial when it doesn't affect them; it's the women it affects so the women's feelings about the harassment are what really matter. I wonder how they'd feel about their mothers/daughters/sisters/wives/girlfiriends being subjected to that shit, and if they'd be as dismissive of their feelings about being harassed. I do think the suggested 'what if' scenario involving those men being harassed by some agressive gay man who's behaving the same way women's street harassers do, would have them feeling the same way we do about being treated that way.
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you, Playboy magazine.

  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    Yes, street harassment happens everywhere, so please focus on the actual point of of the video & not the location.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I seriously wonder if we're seeing the same thing or focusing on different things because I don't think all of it is bad. Yes hissing at someone like an actual cat or right out asking for sex is creepy but just saying "hey haven't I seen you somewhere before" isn't creepy.
    Before apps like Tinder and POF men were actually forced to go up to women they didn't know and talk to them. It was very much like cold call sales approach. How else would one be able to meet women if they weren't willing to actually say hi to a woman like they did in the other video?
    I get that it can be annoying but the vast majority of it, at least from what's been depicted and described, is harmless flirting from men they aren't attracted to.
    I'm still waiting for someone to let us know where when and how is an approach acceptable.
  13. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Brillant and very clear!
    The most annoying is that even when women say...WE DON'T LIKE IT!..there are still men that think it's good for us! As if they would know better than we know what is ok for us, as if we would be insane, handicapped or kids... that stubborness gets on my nerves
    We are NOT everyones Baby, we are not interested in everyones attention, we are not interested in getting to know everyone we meet on the street
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    My heart goes out to yall.
    I feel for my daughter....man oh man . Im gonna have to teach her some stuff about foul dudes.

    Theres a difference between what im talking about and cat calling...... Major difference.
    Theres a proper way in approaching. Like i stated eluded to i approached this woman ob the street and she stated "i liked the way you did it because it wss in a gentlemens manner . ...."

    The problem is that you guys are merging the two.

    Hell i understand there are creepy dudes... i saifd this in the other thread thats talking bout this.

    Most of the dudes are acting thirsty. If she shows she is not interested then step off.

    The problem would be if this marketing firm got their way (go look at their site) then a man would not be allowed to approach a woman.

    If you are at a bus stop and a guy wanted to meet you and take you out for drinks...then he cant do it because he mite think you thinking he is harrassing you.

    No guy will approach you at the grocery, clothing store, book store or any place.

    No guy in his right mind tries to date someone at work unless you are marriage material but u will not know that until u date them.

    Its hard enuff to ask s woman out in fear of getting shot down but now we might go to jail for saying hello to get a date.

    Yall gonba be pissed when nobody says anything to you.

    Are you married? How did u and your hubby meet?

    Would you prefer men to meet you at an assigned spot? Night clubs.....alot of good men wouldnt have a shot at you in the nightclub. Men really dont care for the nightclub....alot of them dont. So where would you want us to meet you?

    You said "some" inferring not all. So are you saying there are alot of men hollered /approached you in a proper manner and you were out and about?

    They also said they editted the video ....they admitted they took out certian class of people. (Cnn). They said "well yes it was men in suits doing it too but there was too much noise"

    To me thats suspect but thats besides the point.

    I said over and over ...its not cool to call out a woman cause it fucks up the true way for a guy to try to mack (try to date a woman) up a woman versus thirsty dudes.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Get the popcorn

    Did not we talked about this in cold approaching?
  16. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I asked why he didn't ask that in the video myself.

    I will say this.You have to define what is the difference between asking a girl out and over the line. That's where the problems are coming from.
    Stating can I bleep you in the bleep(I loled so hard at boldness of that comment. like dude, what's going on) is clearly crossing the line of offensive. Following a girl for 4 mins is wrong but some of the women are a bit absurd.

    Asking a girl if she comes around here is a clear setup to get to know her. I didn't see that as wrong.

    The blond haired lady was very nice in comparison to the first video. She said hey back. but saying I want to bleep you is over the top. I never thought guys were doing that. NYC is a different world. Never seen that crap before.

    Also, everyday???? I think they are exaggerating.

    My personal feeling:
    I think the feeling is if a good looking guy asks a girl out(Not saying I want bleep you in the bleep) then it isn't over the line but if you are the opposite all of a sudden it is over the top.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    We understand that....thirsty dudes. Guys who approach women with their dick in their hands. Dont know how to act. Say and do foolish shit.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I need to move to new york cause i would rack up. Ny dudes are fucked in the head.

    You dont approach women like that....thirsty mofos.
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member


    I've noticed how I haven't posted much pics like I use to back in the day. Time to get my post pic count up.
    Loved this post. I wish I had read it before my last post.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Heres an idea....if a guy is pesterring you ...give him an 1800 number...(fake number) or take his....and dont call

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