Woman Says She Was Kicked Out of Pool for Wearing One-Piece Swimsuit

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Beat-man, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They are long overdue for a dose of their own medicine.
  2. K

    K Well-Known Member

    You'd be surprised - there's some big money coming in (and expanding). They are being given all sorts of incentives and tax breaks.
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The tax incentives and breaks will be passed onto the residents...hence the exodus.
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    So is this something that recently started? Before they were letting illegals stay that had priors and warrants? Based on your previous post they are "going after people that have priors and warrants" apparently those that don't are in the clear. How can they have priors and warrants if they were not given a pass in the past?

    They should go after all of them. It's insane to have people here this day and age and not know who they are, have no record of their birth or any kind of paper trail like taxes, school, relatives or anything. Just out of this world ridiculous to just allow that. It's a criminals dream. All they have to do is cross the border and go back to Mexico and we won't know if they are even originally from Mexico or Panama, just fucking out of this world crazy.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    It's over dude....stick a fork in the American labor movement .....the civil rights movement.....and the middle-class.

    It's over.

    Joe 6-pack has been replaced by Jose half-pack

    Truth be told....more times than not.....illegals drive across the border or ride the bus back and forth.
    They're not nearly as poor as they'd have you believe.

    MOST of them own homes on both sides of the border...yet the media likes to follow the narrative of the poor immigrant looking for a better life.
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Unfortunately...there are tons of people who they really have no idea who they are. Bunches will use the same name. We've dealt with it several times directly either at work when people have used a "brother, cousin, friend" whoever's name, made up ss#s (my son's was one that someone happened to make up) and all sorts of other things. I had a situation several years ago when we were wanting to hire a guy we used from a temp org. I told him he needed to let us know if there was ANYTHING that could pop up on his background check. He said no there wasn't. Then sure enough there was. But get this - it was NOT him. He was using a relative/friends info and that guy had some sort of record. Big surprise for him.

    Recently, I was asking how they even know who they have is who they are looking for - it's all fingerprints. So whatever information they used whenever they were fingerprinted - that's who that is. What else can they do though. You go in and get booked and claim to be xwz and there are no documents of any sort. They take your prints and run them and hope to find a match (which would indicate you've been arrested before).

    I don't think I made it clear though. If they are here illegally and they were convicted of a prior crime here then they will go after them. But it's also a priority matter...those with outstanding warrants are going to be gone after first, they also are prioritizing the levels of crimes.

    I agree that the bottom line is IF they are here illegally (in whatever way - overstayed visa's, etc. too) then they are indeed criminals and should go. But this is California and as many as they are sending out, people are pushing for "Sanctuary State" which is absolutely nuts IMO.

    Think about this....many Hawaiian (and other Native Americans) were not documented and didn't agree with documenting. I would think that's not the case any more. However, I know that culturally many are not ok with govt documentation. My guess in those cases is that they have ways to prove somehow that they are from the US.
  7. K

    K Well-Known Member

    There is a fast track program here where they get govt services/welfare very quickly....more quickly (and often more) than those Americans who have lost their jobs. They are also fast tracked for some housing programs.

    I had a friend who lived in Southern TX who was talking about how many would drive across daily to take their kids to a very nice school across from where he lived and they would work in homes in the area and then drive back across the border every day. The kids were given breakfast and lunch every day too.
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    When you're booked by law enforcement, they take your picture too. So they have your fingerprints AND picture.
    That's usually enough to identify anyone for a crime.

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