I'm so out of the loop, I hadn't even heard of this until very recently. Vista: not so great, in my opinion. So I hope it's an upgrade. I'm still running xp, and don't plan a change anytime in the near future. My school, which constantly upgrades software (as it's needed, considering the requirement in our fields to be fluent in industry standards, and software is extremely important) is still running xp on all of the PCs..and I believe all of the Macs run duel hard drives, one with Mac OSx and the other with Windows XP. When my mom got my laptop for me in 2007 (December) she paid extra to have Dell downgrade it from Vista to xp, at my request. I'm curious as to the answers from anyone who may be using the new Windows, though. I sincerely hope it's better than Vista.
I'm still using Xp on my pc as well. My little niece has Vista on her laptop, and nobody really complains about it. I've gotten on it once or twice and noticed it's not difficult to navigate. Of course, I am rather computer literate. Um, W7...let's put it this way. Bill Gates and his crew at Ms spend real money regularly getting peep to buy software they generally would not need. Maybe 7 is a major jump forward, but it does not mean that it would accomplish anything different than what you normally would require. For me, Xp allows me whatever I need. Now, it would be nice to have that media software which allows to connect to home entertainment centers and such.(believe that's Vista) But otherwise, don't buy what you probably don't need.
We have 4 computers at home and only mine is not with Windows 7 reason is too lazy to format the computer but in few days i will.. anyway i dont see many difference.. i do like it .. we have Windows 7 for a while now .. my son keep asking me when i will change so i told him if you format my computer and you put Windows 7 anytime you want so he will do it next weekend
I don't have it yet. I've talk to a few people that have it and they seem to like it a lot. If you have Vista then you'll have no trouble with 7 as it's really just Vista re-worked... The XP holdouts will have a harder time because they [Microsoft] change the names and locations of files and folders when they went from XP to Vista. I never had any troubles with Vista Ultimate so I'll more than likely wait until I buy some new machines before I get 7 already loaded. All in all I think 7 will do a lot to win back some PC people.
vista is dead.. in some tech circles, Window's 7 will be the 'true' successor to XP, triumphing over the multitude of issues plaguing Vista.
I'm using Windows Professional now and I have say it's pretty sweet. Coming from Vista it was no big jump in terms of learning curves but they did make a few small changes to some basic layouts. IIS is the same if you use that to test locally. I thought all of the Task Bar talk was hype but it's not....
Windows 7 on the Media Center Windows 7 on the new laptop I got last Friday (Black Friday). Most stable operating system they have released! Vista wasn't that bad, I never had any major problems but the last series of minor issues, the RC was out so I made the jump. I didn't have to format the Media Center, I lost all my Programs (they are in the old Windows folder) and I backed up the rest of it. If you have Vista upgrade, if you have XP, well you can upgrade your missing out, but then again if you don't do anything special with your PC, then skip it.