When confronted with proposals by Socialist French President-elect Francois Hollande to raise the millionaire tax to 75 percent, actor Will Smith — a supporter of President Barack Obama’s proposed Buffett rule — was shocked. Slate’s Matthew Yglesias wrote about the interview Monday. The Buffett rule calls for taxing individuals with earned income over $1 million at a 30 percent rate. Smith, one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood, told the Associated Press that he is “very supportive” of the increase in taxes that would affect around 210,000 tax payers. “America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country growing,” he said. The anchor told Smith that Hollande is proposing tax increases on earned income over 1 million Euros, asking what Smith’s view is on the American debate over a 30 percent rate. Smith responded that he’s happy to pay extra money and is happy to be an American along with the taxes that come with that. Then the anchor told Smith that the French proposed rate isn’t 30 percent, but rather 75 percent. Smith’s response: “Wow, that’s different. … God bless America.” http://dailycaller.com/2012/05/14/buffett-rule-backer-will-smith-astounded-by-french-tax-proposal/
give unto caesar what is caesar's, and give unto God what is God's.. loopholes for the affluent and corporations to avoid most taxes have led to crumbling infrastruscture and flatlining city services for years now.. Romney & the like will never live in fear of utilities being cut off or unresponsive police & fire patrol..
I just thought his reaction was funny thats all. Smith says he'll pay "whatever he needs to pay" and then he was told the French tax proposal and nearly shit a brick.:smt043