Good job on the "most black women" generalization. Dude has given thumbs up smileys n' shit in topics about some famous black dude creepin' around behind his wife's back with some white woman or getting some white woman pregnant who isn't his wife. If some white dude moved in on Seal's woman and got her pregnant, this fool would raise hell. As long as a black man is getting it in with a white woman by any means necessary, he's cool with it. That's why his shit is all fucked up.
I NEVER said or implied that. Just Mikey. All I meant was that it was messed up that he seems to take joy in their divorce. That's all. READ my previous posts and get your facts straight.
Man, you ain't lying. Agreed 100% with this. :smt023 Or as Tarshi/Alectrona would say: "I Jaisee this". lol And just because they're getting a divorce(if that indeed is the case)doesn't automatically mean Will is going to hook up with a white woman. He may hook up with another black woman.
you're right ThePrince, my bad. To Mikey: I dont think a black man who dates only white women (and part of his reasoning for it is a "resentment" of black women) is destined to have failed relationships with these women because part of why he loves them is because he doesnt like black women. at the end of the day if he truly likes the girl then he is going in with the right intentions and if the relationship ends at some point then it is no different than any other relationship of any racial makeup that ends at some point. now if he dates a white woman he doesnt even like simply to rub it in a black woman's face then that is ridiculous, wrong, and bound to fail. almost all black men who ONLY date white women do so because they have some sort of (large or small, consious or subconsious) resentment of black women. are you saying all these men cannot have a happy or successful or long lasting relationship with the white women they are with? Because many are happy and in good relationships. To BACU: There is no "generalization" about black women going on. NONE AT ALL. I HATE when people say that. I am not saying ALL black women, I am saying MOST. There's a reason black women are the least married among all racial groups/gender groups. Do you need the statistics? There's a reason many many black men are waking up and steering clear of black women and marrying white/asian/hispanic women. Why do you think a site like this even exists? There's a reason millions of black men say the things they do about black women. Do you watch BET? Do you live in a big city or inner city? Have you ever even met or interacted with a large group of black women throughout your life? Would you say the majority are as classy, intelligent, and caring as white women? Im not saying those types of black women dont exist (in fact I met a very pretty, smart, driven, classy black girl on Facebook a few weeks ago, although she was mixed...she LOOKED black). All Im saying is you are on crack if you think those types of black women are the majority. They are NOT. This is not some generalization made based off guesses, rumors, magazines, or word of mouth. This is stuff I have experienced with my own eyes and its not just me. Many black men on this site, on TV talk shows explaining why they dont date black women, dozens of my black guy friends, YouTube spoofs, feature films ALL AGREE WITH ME. stereotypes exist because they are based on truth. sometimes the truth hurts. but we cannot ignore it because of blind loyalty or to "be nice". FUCK THAT! FUCK it to HELL. Im not backing down. Im right. Theres a reason people call Jews "cheap". because millions of people over decades experienced them being cheap. theres a reason black women have a reputation. if they wanna change it and be respected they need to change their behavior. but they dont. they just respond with arrogance and hostility and denial when faced with how they behave. they dont care. they dont give a flying fuck. they are proud of their ignorance. and thats why they end up alone, knocked up, and in the welfare line. to be honest, thats where they belong. Im very happy with my white women. thank you.
Okay, you're right about what you said towards me. However, I have a question for you with regards to your response to BACU. If you replaced American black women with black women of a foreign descent, would you suddenly find that the prospects for meeting black women are more attainable? I understand that portion of what you're saying and I realize that largely it's an issue restricted only to America and not a problem in other countries on this planet. There isn't much we could really do about it. We all date whomever we like, just don't involve dogging down the opposite gender of your own race, because we're in this together. All of us either sink or swim, if you know what I mean.
Dude, you're a fuckin' idiot. But then again, the posts you've made in the past have always been on the dumbass side.
Intelligent response. the first person to resort to name calling without making an actual point has already lost the argument. Goodnight.:smt039 P.S. Are you familiar with the cartoon series The Boondocks??? It is created and written by two black men who feel the same way I do about much of black culture and how it has gone down hill. if i say america's economy is in the $hitter or the president is messing up it doesnt make me a bad american. it makes me honest. i care about where this country is going. if i say my father is an alcoholic, then its because i love him and i want him to get better. im not the bad guy for pointing out the facts. you clearly have not lived my life. if you spent over a dozen years looking for a respectable black girl and couldnt find one and all you saw was welfare getting angry loud thug loving slores you'd jump ship too. im not blind. alot of black men arent. im sorry it hurts your vagina that i spit the truth. am i offending you? look around. when you look at black culture in america are you happy? are you satisfied? if blacks wanted to change i wouldnt be so angry but they dont wanna change so i say fuck 'em. its these thugs why i cant walk the street without a women clutching her purse tighter as i walk by. its why cops pulled me and best friend over and harrassed us because he has a nice car and they assumed we were drug dealers. i think my words are wasted on someone as ignorant as you. go enjoy your food stamps. loser.
So to counter my insult, you throw out multiple insults to me(and black women), therefore lowering you to my pitiful level. Good job on trying to sound like you are above me with your "facts". And then you stereotype blacks, yet again. But now you stereotype me, a black man, and assume I get food stamps like the black women that you know get food stamps. You just said I don't know your life, so how would you know if I get food stamps? Fool, I got a damn job. And yeah, I like grape flavor drinks, fried chicken, pork and hip-hop and talk in slang and have a job. No, I'm not on welfare, gang-bang, drink malt liqor, shoot at police officers or talk in slang in the work place(just in case you had anymore stereotypes to throw out). And thanks for introducing to the Boondocks. I remember watching a show just like that back and 2005, owning the dvds, and quoting Granddad and Riley...oh wait. Black culture going down the drain has been covered in that show as well as black men who think black women are lower than everyone else(Uncle Ruckus, if you could figure out the obvious). Thanks for the history lesson.
I think the gentleman doth protest too much. Replace the word woman with man and tell me how that sounds to you.