[YOUTUBE]HAfPn1Bmd5o[/YOUTUBE] http://abcnews.go.com/watch/world-n...0016/world-news-1129-wiikileaks-strikes-again what do u guys think about the wiki leaks situation
Disgraceful. Abhorrent! Ashamed he's from Australia! He just endangered and probably cost thousands of American military and civilians lives, at the least put them in jepoardy. War is dirty work, and sometimes Governments need to speak to each other off the record. This is fodder for the enemy and they must be pinching themselves. I pray they fall asleep after page 10 of the 250,000 documents.
Kunoichi, Only if Australian government agrees to hunt him down! Right now, I'm very disgusted by the latest release by wikileaks. Sounds like he hates America, as whole country. Just what's his fucking problems?! Why can't we, of people, hunting him down?!
From what I heard yesterday, the U.S Justice Department plans on doing so to charge him. Not sure yet of what though.
I support Assange 100%. Foreign policy cannot be transparent enough, so let's definitely lay it all out on the table because those decisions effect the lives of billions. I also love that he'll also be directing his energies against corporations as well.
Yeah, but you know what, so many people bitching about the way the watch is made instead of APPRECIATING that they get to tell the time- I just love to see them do a BETTER job. Let them (you) whoever, go run the damn world. Do you know how it was to the way it is now? Half/most the world never had it so good. Knowing the Saudis SUPPORTED the U.S to keep Iran in nuclear check...is a bad thing now?? Now that its known, it will appear to be, like it was "kept secret', when really it's just BUSINESS! Knowing every time anyone took a shit isn't going to change a damn thing, except get MORE innocent people killed.
Nothing but love for what Assange is doing. Just wish there were more people like him. Kunoichi...do you always feel that the end justifies the means? I don't get what you're going on about. Who is it that is saying it's bad the Saudis supported U.S in keeping Iran in check? I don't think Assange said that. Didn't hear satyr say it. Assange released the information and everyone else is free to make of it whatever their prejudices decide. With that kind of info, you become just as able to make your own picture rather than accept some picture from people you'll never ever meet with interest outside of your own. Kinda silly to have a democracy when only certain people are allowed to information necessary to make those decisions. 'most/half the world never had it so good'...Good is relative. I don't quite see how you can use it in the same sentence that implies the other half of the world doesn't have it so good especially when the topic has to do with government foreign policy. The very thing which has a very strong influence on how we ALL live. I don't see how ANY info regarding the politics around Iran could ever be likened to someone taking a shit when those very politics (with tweaking) will be what the govt tries to shove in our face when they want to make the case for war. Besides, what yardstick did you use to decide 'half/most of the world never had it so good' and so we all, except for some chosen few, should have no inkling of what is really going on? Innocent people have been getting killed before this information came out, and will continue to be killed. I'm guessing you mean that more innocent people will get killed. Do you think Assange's work generally supports the case for war or not?
That man who released all of this info has no cause. Most of this is boring but,some of this info can endanger lives and support to the friends of this nation. He is not a Daniel Ellsburg who leaked the Pentagon Papers years back but, guy who is jerking off the US.
Keep me up to date, my dear. But, have U.S. Justice department talking to Australian Government into to hunting him down if he ever returns back to his home country? From what I understand, he's hiding right now. He's hiding somewhere so no one will be able to find and catch his ass. Well, I want him caught, he has putting too many lives in jeopardy. Uh, um, I think Swedish Government is hunting him down, is that right? I don't know, but it has to do something with rape charges. That's why he's hiding from society. I don't understand what's his problem with United States of America, by exposing many secrets. Right now, he's acting like Osama Bin Laden. I want those Governments to catch his ass! Having wikileaks shutting down for good!
Assange is a little douche-y, but I HOPE to God he gets a chance to release the info dump on a yet to be disclosed U.S. investment bank before he's arrested by interpol or has an unfortunate 'drowning' accident in his toilet bowl.:butthead: Supposedly an insider with one of the big Wall Street investment banks blew the whistle and has paved the groundwork for a massive criminal conspiracy prosecution with the insider info he gave to Wikileaks.
The rape charges are bogus, and stem from his last expose of the military killing innocent civilians, which was filmed (and what was leaked). Odly, Sweden in fact are helping him right now... With this update, I don't think even Hollywood could have spun out this drama....I see Tom Cruise playing him...
I heard crossing the wires that it could be Bank of America....however the way I see it, what isn't known about BOA at this point? The CEO is a cross dresser? Hold me. If it's (predictably) how they f-ed the Fed and Americans in the ass, that ship already sailed.
Depends what they knew and when they knew it. I was hoping the info had to do with a more traditional investment bank, not a huge commercial bank trading in securities.
Assange is a scumbag he risks the lives of others for his personal agrandizement. Bradley Manning is a champion of repeal of DADT and a tratior to his country. Assange looks like a pervert.
yeah I find it funny how all of a sudden, the man is a 'rapist'. There's an old saying that, in a democratic world, you have to develop a lie and get your citizens to believe it, in order to start a war. This is a textbook example. Rape is like one of the worst things out there, and to vilify a person as a rapist just kills their life. (obviously they could have assassinated his ass already, but that would have made him a Martyr for truth) Reminds me of the X-Files movie, where the US government blackballs someone who was helping Mulder. Mulder tells him that he was wanted by the FBI, and he says 'on what, kiddieporn?' It was his belief that, in order to silence him, the government created some bogus charge just to keep his ass from exposing the truth.
For compromising the secrets of the United States and putting our spies at risk,.......Bradley Manning and Julian Assange should be captured, strip naked and placed in a large aluminum cage.........and then lowered slowly into a super-sized vat of boiling grease until they are crisp and silent forever................
yeah and if you are going to lie make it large enough of a lie that it make people suck wind. GASP or how about tie his legs to a helicopter and lower him down in a football stadium with a bunch of soldiers with bats so they can beat him like a piñata.