Why? The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    We all heard the sexual attraction, to the "being better" attraction, skin attraction, complection attraction, hair attraction for some, but what was the most important one the natural attraction in other words what it was the particulars, your hormone sense, the woman/man as a whole.

    And I ask that because of an incident I saw on Judge Greg Mathis(My boy!!) where this white woman was asked if she was prejudice cause she was into black men, and she gave the old famous answer "Im more attracted". And Im always havin the why discussion with family members everytime a whitegirl pop up on t.v. here they go.

    But every sense I just gave natural attraction answer they have calm down a bit.

    So to everyone what was the natural attraction, and for the ones who get hounded by their prefrence try givin that answer.
  2. designer

    designer New Member

    For me [this is only me speaking for me] it's just the male - female vibe.
    I really believe if you put men and women together, they will connect as men and women and nothing more.

    I'm not only into white women as I like women [good women] so I see it as a natural thing for the most part - Or I should say it can/should be a natural attraction.

    If we are talking about only the physical, then I'd say the whole of the female body. Not a man.... Soft, curves etc.
    "Not me" if you understand that.
  3. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I'm not sure if you're looking to hear from people who only date ww or bm exclusively, if so ignore me.

    The first simply physical attraction to my man came from his beautiful skin, his build and posture, and his handsome face.
  4. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Im lookin to hear from those who get called prejudice and teased because of their preference and tell people the natural attraction.

    For example:

    Alot of the guys on here love a big round booty on a woman
    and if you go back and read some of the posts we detail alot and profess
    the sizes and shapes, we give and post pictures of clear examples, some like it real big & round some like it just big & round, but it is all the same thing a big round booty, jeans, shorts, tight mini dresses is how we beautify it, doggystyle is how pleasure and get pleasure from it(otherways as well :wink: ), caressing is how we love it, and seeing it on a ww is how maximize the explorations, joys, intimacy of interracial dating. That is what goes into a natural attraction.
  5. ItalianLady

    ItalianLady New Member

    For me, it is a natural attraction. I am quite simply strongly attracted to black men! I find them to be so Damn HOT & SEXY!!!! My current bf is black African from Nigeria and he's absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! It's their raw sex appeal, incredible style, everything about black men turns me on!!! I luv 'em!!!
  6. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    I think for many who develop an attraction to someone of a opposite "race" it's a matter of life experiences and enviroment. I live in a very much all white state so having grown up around more whites then black I'm going to develop an attraction to white women.
  7. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Perfect example of what I mean by a natural attraction. Thanks Omaha.
    Life experiences & Environment, maybe I should of wrote so people would get the idea. (LOL)
  8. JohnMP

    JohnMP New Member

    Italianlady: i like you !! i smiled broadly when i read your note. it's a beautiful thing, really. i still wonder why i'm so attracted to white women. at times, i've concocted various reasons for my attraction, but the reasons do vary from year to year. more consistently, i find sex to be at the heart of my attraction to white women (including a fine bella). i think white women are just HOT & SEXY as you put it. i admit to feeling a tinge of guilt sometimes, but i can't help it. to me, to my eyes, white women (however pale or dark, very thick or modestly chubby) are just so damn fine. ok, i prefer thick women, but i love all hair-colors, all eye-colors, wide hips, etc.
  9. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

    Although I am still single. My attraction to WW is that they are very down to earth women and pretty. Plus I love the mixing of cultures and relationships. I just feel that an interracial relationship is hot. It's beautiful.
  10. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member


    If i have to give a factor for the attraction in white women it's their breath of knowledge on a wide range of issues. Some, not all are some of the most intelligent human beings you can ever meet. I imagine for some black men that is most intimidating.
  11. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I am calling BS on this last post. Race has absolutely nothing to do with being intimidated by intelligence.
  12. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Chigirl sorry to bust your bubble but there are relationships that i call mismatch relationships in which some black men from backgrounds that are not as broad as some white females who attended the best schools, heavily traveled and having a certain socio-economic standing do feel a bit intimidated. Stop trying to deny this as a fact. Nothing wrong with this. In many instance those same men are inspired to improve their own lives by the example that such women present to them. What is wrong with that? There is nothing racial about it.
  13. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    The mismatch you are talking about can happen with any ethnic mix or any intra-racial relationship. BM have no bigger or smaller issue dealing with disparities in a relationship (education, job status, income, exposure to different countries and cultures etc.) than anyone else.

    I am not denying that there may be couples where one or the other may be intimidated, I can imagine that a couple made of an MIT Grad and a blue collar worker have to deal with a unique set of challenges but where does race play into this?
  14. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    BT, I have to agree with Chigirl on this one.

    Not to brag, but I'll use myself as an example. I can communicate with anyone from a rocket scientist to an oil billionaire on a wide variety of subjects....to the point that they would wish to continue the conversation for as long as possible.

    Conversely, I've dated and befriended a number of white women where the conversation never went as far as "lets go to 'Club Mix' either today or tomorrow."

    It's all so individual. Chigirl is right when she says "it can happen with any ethnic mix."

    Paris Hilton was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. Does she have the genius, sophistication and analytical skills of Russell Simmons, who's parents were middle class but not insanely rich and worldly like the Hiltons? - NOPE.

    And, if you could only converse with their minds (I'm trying to take Hilton's body out of the equation...no easy feat) and could not see their bodies, who would you rather have an intelligent conversation with? Hilton or Simmons?

    I love Hilton. But, if it's a deep, worldy conversation, I'd be crazy not to choose Simmons.

    The average WW would be just as intimidated by a successful, Black financial trader driving his Ferrari to Monterey. And, according to the last census I saw and despite all of the problems, Black men still make more money than White women in the United States (on average).

    It depends on the two people. And it could just as easily be a well traveled Black woman and a White male farmer that's never left West Virginia.
  15. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    No problem on disagreeing. I have learned long ago to agree to disagree. I'm hardwired to believe that the dynamic nature of the interracial relationship between black men and white woman has so many intrigueing dimensions to it that has yet to be explored.
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Why WW? Uhh.. .well. ..

    - I was raised in a predominately white private school from the age of 5-12. I developed feelings at an early age.

    - I grew up in a predominately white city and 90% of my friends were white all the way through high school.

    - I never had alterior motives or other intentions to surround myself with people not of my own culture or cultures alike.

    - A lot of people in my family are lighter because of my great grandmother and her Irish husband. I became fond of lighter skin even within my immediate family.

    - All throughout grade school, non-black girls were the only ones interested in me (that I was aware of).

    - enough with the reasons, I think you get the point..
  17. blackmale22

    blackmale22 New Member

    this is true.
    for me personally also the "being better" attraction, skin attraction, complection attraction, hair attraction stuff
  18. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I just find sexy white women irresistable. The fair skin, straight hari (for most), the various hair and eye colors....and when you add, the boobs and the curves....they just get my hormones raging! I grew up around a predominantely white community, so I see being with my white gf just perfectly natural for me.
  19. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    It's more than attractiveness. Not all white women have to be drop dead gorgeous to be appealing. It's more than just looks, but how they relate to you as a man. It is how much they give themselves as women. I think the problem with some of my gender is that they do not truly understand these women. I'm still learning. I keep asking myself what is it about my lady that keep me with her. It comes back to how she treats me. I also think the attraction has more to do with the taboo and the historical mystique about them. They are indeed fascinating.
  20. Obsidian71

    Obsidian71 New Member

    My formative years were spent on the conservative side of WA state. I was too young to date and that's probably good because none of them white classmates were bringing me home to meet the parents.

    I came back to Seattle in the 6th grade and Western WA being far more liberal was evident I don't quite remember any crushes but the probability of a white girl liking me wasn't that far off. By 7th grade the interest picked up. I'm still a bit shocked because I'm used to the "other" side of the state. I don't date any white ladies at the time. Perhaps I was a bit self conscious. I continued to date black women throughout Mddle and High School. It really wasn't until right after HS that I started dating white women which is a bit odd to me.

    I think where you grow up certainly can determine who you have a preference for but I found that being away from black women made me gravitate towards them initially. Attraction works like that sometimes.

    White women do tend to talk about more subjects than black women in my experience. Most haven't "dumbed down" to keep street cred.

    I think males tend to gravitate on the whole to the women of least resistance. When I say resistance I simply mean it in the way of how a woman is perceived accept a level of subordination. Now before you rip my head off I'm not saying that women are subordinate by default ..there are varying levels that are often imbued through culture.

    So I'm not surprised when I see black men grow fond of white women who are no push overs but don't have the reputation of being as caustic as black women. The white women that are still too strong will push white males to Asian females and if an Asian female is too strong then the next step I suppose would be the morgue.

    I could be full of shiza but that's what I look for as far as trends in attraction.

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