Why I prefer white women, tell us your story

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by tuckerreed, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Why do i prefer the delicate, femininity and worldly sensibiliites, the charming allure, the interesting mind, the sexy dress and walk, of a European/European American woman?

    be cause I love the way they carry themselves and know their confidence in themselves
  2. SwanRider

    SwanRider New Member

    Oh come on, I admit that I'm certainly a white-female enthusiast like your good self, but not even I am going to start talking about them like the fact that they're white contains any useful information.

    I've seen white women uglier then a congenital uglian in the land of Extremely Ugly things, and stupider too, and some of the ones I've seen have been so indelicate an elephant would shriek and run if they tried to stroke it, and there are certainly many of them with the confidence and self-esteem of a trodden-in cow-pat on a very hot day.

    I'd love to be able to brandish the magic "w" word as if it's some sort of garauntee of quality and sexuality and niceness, but it's not, it's just a stupid word that's meant to tell us what color a person is.

    I tell you one thing that's worrying, if you ever find yourself hanging around the neo-nazi site racist site, you will understand that you've been atttracted to the place due to a shared interest in white-o-philia.
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I don't prefer white women, but many of the women I find myself attracted to happen to be hispanic or white. It just is what it is.
  4. SwanRider

    SwanRider New Member

    I contend that, you clearly stated in your long and very eloquent post on my other thread that you in fact DO preffer white and hispanic women, why are you denying it now?

    I don't get why people in this forum seem to think it's a bad thing to come out and say "Hell Yeah! I preffer such&such, I ain't ashamed" There's nothing wrong with it, admit it to yourself, repeat to yourself these words,

    "I preffer white and hispanic women, I preffer them very much indeed, in fact I preffer them exlusively. I accept myself and my desires".

    You'll see, you'll feel better, and it's much more positive to embrace your sexual-racial prefferences then it is to just diss black women all the time.
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  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Ok, let me put it this way, "I don't go after women who are "ONLY white & hispanic" I just happen to find more attraction to them. It's NOT like, "well she's white or hispanic, therefore, that's reason enough to be attracted to her." It's more like, "she's pretty, understands me, and I'm really attracted to her." 90% of the time, she's usually hispanic or white.

    I'm not fighting feelings inside, I just stated my wording wrong.
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  6. SwanRider

    SwanRider New Member

    Ah, I see what you mean, I tend to take it as a given that a person means they seek out individuals that they find attractive in a certain group. This site is specialist about One of the aspects I'm strongly attracted to in women, I have to go to other sites to indulge other interests that I look for in a woman. Skin color would usually be the least important to me if not for the fact that Northern European looks are exotic and arousing to me, and make me feel Way more Heterosexual then I usually would do, its that "fire from within" feeling that only fetishists understand.

    Aside from that I like women who don't wear much make-up, women who are pretty active and dynamic, women who love their music, I like proffesional women, I like Rock chicks, and chicks who dig trance, hippy chicks, chicks from all sorts of scenes, I like watching white female runners running, but I'd never go out with one, athletes are so frikking boring and sports-nerdy, too focused if you know what I mean.

    I also like women who have tattoos, women who are deep thinkers, women who love a good ConFronTation, and women who are laid-back, mellow. I think the thing about me is that he fact I know I have a thing for White women is pretty much one of the few things I can easily hold onto and say "This, this I know I want", because it gets pretty muddled and particular from that point in.
  7. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    great posts, wish i knew what you guys are talking about, seems like talking about preferences, read the other post--why you prefer black men.

    its not about the blackness having any special powers so how did he read that in this post.

    I prefer white women just like others prefer black women
  8. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I prefer white and hispanic women not solely for superficial reasons. Yes, i love the light skin but its not just that. I like them because of the way they carry themselves. I also happen to be attracted and fall in love with white and hispanic women. Their intelligence, complacence and positive attitude to life is a huge turn-on. I dont expect my criteria to be the same as everyone else but i can assure you that the black man who wants white women for negative reasons has some inferiority complex issues to tackle.
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    It seems like a lot of the guys in here who talk about their attraction to white women are only talking about the things about white women that attract them based on their own personal experiences (intelligence this, grace that, etc.) when these traits can be found in a woman of any color...

    having said that, I know that I am just naturally more attracted to white women, but not for the superficial reasons stated in this site before, just like some of the ones white women write about their attraction to black men...

    and, Swan has a point. The guys in here always feel the need to defend and explain themselves for being here because they are black men, but somehow, the white women are not obligated to.
  11. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    You should say, because our pussies taste like sugary candy. Which is, of course true.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You mean in all cases? :shock: :wink:
  13. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I know mine does.
  14. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Mine too, it has been likened to a Crunchie nut bar.
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

  16. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I'd say mine's more like a box of Thortons Edan and just as pink...(but not nearly as big!)
  17. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I don't think we're ever going to be able to escape the bucket fanny jokes. :lol:
  18. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    sardonic you are right, and that is why i like white women for their active nature and adventurous spirit. I rarely if ever see black women active in the same kinds of things that I enjoy doing. maybe once in a blue moon do i see a black woman at the rodeo, and I never see a sistah when I am out surfing or at the dive shop, or skiing or snowboarding. I never see sistahs mountain and rock climbing, mountain biking, going to folk and bluegrass festivals, rarely if ever seen them on the river fly fishing or kayaking--heck where I live i hardly see single black women at the fine arts museums, farmers markets, symphony or at many of the ethnic restaurants. I am sure there are some that do these activities I just have never run into them in my last 35 years of doing these sports.
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

  20. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    I'd say I prefer them because of both physical reasons and personality reasons.


    I won't generalize since not everyone white girl is the same or every black girl the same or every latina woman the same. But from my experiences, even though EVERY WOMAN can be sweet and EVERY WOMAN can also potentially be a bitch...white girls seem to be less demanding of me and nicer to me.

    Once I held a door open for a black girl and she goes "I can hold my own damn door!" I did the same for a white girl and she smiled and said "Oh Thank You!" When Black girls get to know me and when they see I dont do drugs or club every weekend or listen to DMX twenty four-seven, they think im phony. Around them I have to be "Blacker and Harder" than I really am.

    Around white girls I can be myself and they are fine with it. One of my closest friends, a white girl named Stacey, likes alot of the same rock bands I do (Linkin Park, 311, Guns N Roses, Story of the Year, Disturbed) and we talk about them all the time. There's no way I could do that around a black (or hispanic) girl. As soon as I mention I like anything other than hip hop, they laugh. Don't get me wrong I love rap as well (mainly Nas, Jay-Z, Eminem, Fabolous, Fort Minor, Talib Kweli, Kanye West, Busta Rhymes, etc.), but black girls (and some black people I've been around in general) aren't as open minded as others. For a race of people who hate ignorance and close mindedness, we black people can pretty close minded.

    I usually surround myself with people who have the same interests and sense of humor I do. I enjoy people who listen to rap AND rock, action movies, sports, and going to the mall or the movies. If those people happen to be asian, hispanic, white or black, it doesn't matter. Growing up my best friend was black. When he moved away my next best friend was puerto rican. My current best friend is Guyanese. In each case we had similar interests, similar tastes in girls, dressed alike, used the same slang, similar senses of humor, etc.

    White girls I've met have been much more accepting of my personality and interests. Because I'm black they EXPECT me to like rap and dress the way I do. But they also get excited when they find out I'm also into rock music and certain TV shows black people might not normally watch. They accept both the "white side of me" and the "black side". With black girls, I can only show my "black interests" around them, but I must conceal a big side of me and you can't be friends with people like that, much less date or spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn't understand or accept half of who you are.

    I remember a black girl once asked me in high school why I'm so happy all the time and that it was annoying. White girls have never asked me that. In fact my ex-girlfriend I was with for 3 years asked me once, Why are black people so angry, and I couldn't give her an answer. I didn't know. Well actually I did (hundreds of years of racism, slavery, civil injustice, prejudice, and hatred can make people a little irritable, and trust me I've seen my share of racism in my life), but at that moment I realized I couldn't really relate to alot of black people who were poor, lived in the ghetto, experienced crime alot and were angry all the time.

    Friends would come over to my house when I was in elementary school and be shocked that we had a huge home, a maid, and that my parents were still married. I looked around and saw that most of the kids I had a similar upbringing to were white kids. Is that my fault? Am I fake or phony or traitor because I feel more comfortable with white girls? Personally I think acting tougher than I really am and pretending to know about a lifestyle I really don't know about, would REALLY make me A FAKE.

    Now if I meet a gorgeous black girl who likes both rap and rock, is open minded to different kinds of movies and TV shows, then hey, bring her my way!

    (P.S. As far as hispanic girls, they pretty much treat me the same way black girls do. Just from the sound of my voice and maybe just the way I carry myself they can tell I did not grow up in the "ghetto". Therefore they know I am not "one of them". The only hispanic female I've ever really gotten along with for a long time period was my brother's girlfriend who he's been with for almost 10 years.)

    It seems simple when psychologists say that when one racial group accepts you while another rejects you, most people tend to gravitate toward the one that accepts you. But what do you do and how do you feel when the racial group that rejects you is your own?


    This is a little harder to define. All nationalities of women I have seen from the neck down can be thick, thin, nice ass, nice chest, and everything else. No advantages or disadvantages there. Some might say black and hispanic women got more hips and ass. But from my experience, Iv'e seen some really skinny and anorexic looking black and hispanic girls, and some really really thick and FINE and big booty white girls. For me the deal breaker physically has to do with face and hair. White girls just have a facial beauty about them that you cannot deny. Their tiny soft pink lips, the variety of natural beautiful eye colors they can have, and of course all the different hair colors. Blonde, brunette, red head, whatever.

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