Why G.W. Bush Does Not Deserve Credit For The Death Of Osama bin Laden

Discussion in 'In the News' started by hellified, May 3, 2011.

  1. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Co-sign. Seems to me our friends here believe the more counter-intuitive, the more credible, which is laughable considering Bush authorizing torture and invading Iraq led not only to a decline in American prestige but a spike in terrorism recruitment the world over.

    I mean building up the SEALS and sending them into Afghanistan? ANY president could have did that. Its because of his grave incompetence 9/11 happened in the first place. Remember the National Intelligence Estimate entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S."? This he ignored. Now Bush is Jesus or something... he was so misunderstood. He sacrificed soooooo much for us, right? Apparently, through all this, we should be giving him credit. Fuck outta here.

    The WH had no actionable intelligence as to OBL's whereabouts till August of 2010, which was sketchy even as of last Saturday. This president was mocked during the campaign for stating he'd go into Pakistan with or without their authorization to get him. He took a big risk. I didn't even vote for the guy, but I give the man his credit. That people are actually looking for ways to credit Bush speaks to the low-information buffoonery which has so plagued our political discourse.
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Yeah, yeah, Obama is a warrior, he was the leader of elite Green Berets team. He flew the helicopter, carried the K-9 on his back and went in Osama's mansion like a Demolition Man. He by himself brought down the most terriost person in the world. Pls, spare me the tap dance, we're talking about a guy who can't even throw a baseball straight. I love Obama as a brother as much as the next logical BM but let's come down off our high horse.
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    What is it that Dubya said??? I'm the DECIDER!!:cool:

    The POTUS the one who makes DECISIONS!! Good or bad, the consequences fall squarely on him and him alone.

    Has nothing to do with whether or not Obama is a decorated veteran. He's the Commander In Chief of ALL THE ARMED FORCES. He holds the lives and deaths of literally hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers in the words he speaks and documents he signs.

    Recognize the man's job description before you beef that the POTUS is 'just another dude living in a white house'.:smt104

    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  5. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    All I'm saying is it took three administrations to catch him. Obama did the deed. Nothing personal. Now make no mistake about it, each has their policy oversights. We can even say each contributed to the outcome, if for nothing else their human resource management. Paul Pillar is the story of Bush administration. A case where the former officer of national intelligence to SW Asia, under both Clinton and Bush, says the latter administration "disregarded the community's expertise, politicized the intelligence process, and selected unrepresentative raw intelligence to make its public case", yet that same officer enabled them, allowing that same administration the blank notarized documents they so desired. Bush presided over the penultimate administration, where everything went fantastically wrong. He was blindsided, overreacted, told us to go shopping, and left not only two quagmires, one of which was started having not resolved the first, but cut taxes and left all the expenditures off the budget. In short, Bush was a disaster. I took no delight in that Iraqi reporter launching his sandals at the POTUS. But extending Bush credit for a job well done is at worst disingenuous, at best an oversimplification.
    Last edited: May 6, 2011

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