Man this is weird and really crazy. Three times this week this has hap penned. I see a fine and I mean FINE WW out in public. Being the shy, reserved guy that I am I hesitate. Okay, big deal. Well in each case I finally get up the nerve to step to this lady so I put my eyes on here and begin to go in her direction. As I am approaching her she will go around a corner, go down some stairs, or walk into a store. Well once I get to where she is supposed to be she is gone. Completely disappeared, vanishes into thin air. Please believe me when I say that in each situation I have looked in every possible place where she could have gone. Around corners, upstairs, downstairs and even in closets! In EACH case there is no scientific reason for her to disappear. Weird. Maybe I should have moved faster but I feel really crazy right now...
Why are you all promoting stalking?!? Sorry, hon but if she wanted you to "catch" her she would have walked slower.
Does she see you and then takes off? Or does she just walk fast regularly? Don't chase after anyone. The best place to meet someone is in a store when they are looking at something.
Let me be very clear. I'm not a bad looking dude at all. In fact quite the opposite so there is no reason for them to "run" away from me. In neither case the woman ever knew I was looking at her (or maybe she did but I doubt it). I wasnt trying to stalk or anything, ok maybe I was after they just dissappeared. It was like something off of Cris Angel Mindfreak. I dont know, I was just wondering if this meant something deeper...
You've answered yourself. As long as you don't make yourself and/or your intentions noticed somehow....... it's good to be subtle but not that subtle that she won't even know you exist. Establish a contact fast (eye contact, smile or conversation), to see how she reacts to you, or if she ignores you. If you don't provoke a reaction, you won't have one. These things have their moments. If you let the moment go away, its gone. I don't know how other women are, but I always know when someone is looking at me, even if I haven't looked once in that person's direction, I'm aware he is looking at me. You kinda feel those things...and we also posses periferical vision So there is the possiblity that she knew and wasn't interested or .... waited for you to do something and got pissed off/tired and left when she saw you don't and don't and don't.......... I don't know which one is it, you haven't been very precise.
I don't see how wanting to get a chance to talk to a woman who's only passing by very quickly is stalking, especially if she's moving fast. Usually, if she seems to be in a hurry, then I don't even bother.
Exactly. Wait, i should not really be talking seeing as i met my ex girlfriend while she was angrily in a hurry :lol: :lol: