that other races of men tend to get offended when their women start dating Blacks?I have to say..i have been to Asian forums,Indian forums,Persian/Armenian forums,White forums,Hispanic forums and they all had something in common.On all forums there were atleast 3 threads where the men of that "race" were complaining about black dudes with their women.The only forum that was he most sympathetic to the idea,was the hispanic forum.Members in the threads then started to list our like qualities and why we may ""seem so attractive" to girls.The amount of insecurity in those threads was amazing,they were actually trying to compete with us loll :roll:Usually these types of threads went on to be 13+ pages of dudes trying to figure out why their females are attracted to if it were some formula having to do with some rocket science experiment. I recall a persian guy saying some pretty racist stuff,because of alot of persian girls that he saw with Black dudes up in Toronto. Anyway,why do you think so many dudes get offended by this?Is it because they fear that they dont measure up,or what?
my cousin has been in a relationship with a latina for quiet a few years now... if any, they seem to be more receptive to the idea of IR... they share our urban music and style the most everyone else..I dunno about..
A somewhat similar thread,but not the same.This one is about men of other races being offended by black men with their women.The other was about other races of men who get offended when black guys are with white women lol.
Yeah alot of latinos seem to appear sympathetic about it.The other groups.,especially indian and persians,not so.
latinos are the only ones who are cool enough with blacks to use the "n" word, and get away with it... unless someone is upset, then it becomes something when j'lo used it in a song AFTER she broke up with puff daddy... :shock: they share our boat a bit in america, and they can relate to us to an extent, which is why some of us are comfortable with them saying it...
that may be true....but I wouldn't live my life like it was That just gives us more reasons to do better for ourselves, and to each other.. every "race" has it's hoodlums, degenerates, pissants, rich, poor, inventors, destroyers... the list goes on and on...
if you seek it you will find it. you specifically went to a few boards looking for negativity and there you found it. I mean, c'mon I'm black and I think a lot of what is said around here is offensive if you are not a black male or a white female. Keep in mind that its the internet and the internet allows for anonymity. So its possible to say unpleasant things and still keep it moving. But what do I think about it? Of course they are going to be upset. You think hatred isnt still around? What makes YOU so different from them? As long you/I/we have a beating heart negative perceptions will still exist.
Not the mexicans They'll dissown their own daughters faster than a southern redneck for dating a BM :lol:
Are they cool enuff to call us n*ggers or are we too damn weak or stupid to stop them?? I'd knock the grease off one of those oily mofos for talkin that shit to me.. They do no "share our boat" here in America(are you crazy)????????? That's BULLSHIT.. There are no SANCTUARY LAWS and CATCH AND RELEASE PROGRAMS for us.. We can't buy houses with FAKE ID'S We can't drive around with FAKE driver's licenses we can't work and bank with FAKE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS as a matter of fact They call us "changos" and "mayates" the second we turn our backs.. The latinos really have you snowed.. Go to www.brownpride and see how much they love you.. :lol:
STFU Mexicans and native americans are not as hated as the BM..Not even close.. If mexico were a Black country that border would be SEALED TIGHTER THAN DICK'S HAT-BAND and MILLIONS would be deported without any outcry from the public or politicians. I didn't see any attack dogs and water cannons when those mexicans protested.. They are not a threat to white a matter of fact..they support it.. Get real mofo :lol: Negroes are ALWAYS trying to claim another mofo..even to the point of IGNORING the hatred they have for us. Mexicans and Native Americans HAVE NO LOVE FOR THE BLACK MAN You better get off your knees and realize mofo
SOME white people might look down on blacks...but in many cases it has more to do with knowing who presents the greatest challenge to their "power." You only keep someone down when you know that they are quite capable of knocking your lights out...literally and figuratively. Immigrants in any country take cues from the this nation...that would be the WASP's. The Latino's, Middle Easterners etc. (some not all) may feel that in order to assimilate...they must emulate the big dawg. Consequently some of them try to look down on us. However...most of these people come from nations that were colonized/occupied by Euros/U.S. whites as well. There is a syndrome..(forgot the name) where a person is beaten/raped/held hostage etc...and the victim after a while begins to empathize and identify with the person that has or is harming them.....that might be what is happening here to some extent. READ THIS PART AT THE BOTTOM BECAUSE IT'S IMPORTANT We always talk about the media and its impact on people. A lot of immigrants can't help how they feel about blacks because so many of them never get the opportunity to associate with postive brothas and sistas. Many of us black folk have a negative perception of can we expect others to view us positively when a lot of don't view ourselves that way? I think so-called "minorities" need to come together and discuss our differences....find common Big Momma said in Soul Food...(i'm paraphrasing)...."When your five fingers are separate, they can't do much but if you ball them into a fist you can strike a mighty blow."
wtf man.. native americans' were anything and everything but exterminated in the US... how can you say they aren't hated?? they have "reservations" for these people, which pretty much lists them on the "endangered species" list. How did they get that way? It wasn't because the white man loved them, believe that... as for the "n-word," ni**er would be offensive, even if it was coming from a black person to me. "N*gga," is more of a slang term, used by just about every black rapper out there, and a few latino rappers. When latinos use it, I don't get offended because, like I said, they choose to share a lot of our culture. They may not have a deep history of slavery in this country, but to some, it's still accepted. Maybe not to you, and that is your opinion. In philadelphia, where I live at, latinos are like black people, with straight hair.
quit yer bitching, it only helps to perpetuate the 'victim' status we have stamped on our heads. :roll: sure, go an "knock the grease of an oily mofo" if it will make you feel better.
Hetro, you would "knock the grease" off a latin for calling you a ni*#a, but have you listened to some of the racist crap you have said in your own post. You can stand up for yourself without spewing such racist crap like those who are insulting you. Thats a "lose-lose" situation.
yeah, i don't base my judgement of people, off of some fuggin' website.. I've known and know latinos in my life, who I look at, as if they were a black person like me.. that's like me saying that all white people hate black people, going off of what some neo-nazi facists are saying on "racist site." whatever..
Actually, flaminghetero is right. Criminal illegal aliens are murdering blacks in inner city Los Angeles at an alarming rate, yet it barely gets mentioned outside the Los Angeles Times office. You can swear on your grandmother's life if whites were murdering blacks the way Mexicans are doing, Al Sharpton (who i usually agree with) will order the 2008 version of the March on Washington. Congressional hearings will be seemingly endless and the supposed leaders would be demanding Michael Hayden send some CIA agents to protect black neighborhoods. But of course since "people of color" are murdering each other, it is not worth the hype - as if it were any better. In many parts of the country, illegal aliens are disposing black American citizens from the workforce. Yet the Congressional Black Caucus demands that black and Hispanics come together to form a "rainbow coalition". Well, i'm all for collaboration but not at the expense of one side. So as much as many like to spin this discussion into one of "victimhood", i couldn't agree more with hetero.
once again, people who only have some idea about whats going are talking about it with full conviction. I used to live in Los Angeles, one half block away from Florence and Normandy. This intersection is important to note because it is where Reginal Deny was beaten to near death and where Tom's Liquor store, one of the jump off points of the 1992 Los Angeles riots were started. From my point of view, it was only a matter of time before the "tension" between black and brown would escalate. I remember growing up and hearing the older black people around me using very racist language to describe the Mexicans that lived in the area. I also remember seeing Mexicans taking on a short version of the "American Dream" I knew many people in the neighborhood and I can recall seeing recent immigrants going from one to two words of english, broke with barely anything, working very (very) hard to make an existence. At the same time I remember seeing a lot of the black people in the neighborhood acting very shiftless. Gang(eight tray's were very very present in the area, as were Brims and other affliates) activity was high and I remember the difference in the take on reality. Now, I'm not saying all blacks in the area were shiftless and I am def not saying all Mexicans were hard workers. They were in Gangs as much as blacks and many people were still working people in the area. People did get along(brown and black) but there are/were a number of blacks in the area that acted to build a case. I mean lets be honest, if you think its about race then you arent looking at the bigger picture. Essentially, if you are not a part of the financial elite you and I are just crabs in a barrel. The point is to keep people divided. And at this point, I feel that Mexicans(illegal or whatever you want to call it) are supporting America in places people do not want to admit to. Think about it. They are making up our labor and service industry. I have respect for them, for without them we would surely become fucked.
sometimes, and im speaking broader now, it feels like a lot of black americans want to be malcom x without putting in the work like booker t.