Why BM/WM is what it is?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Authentic, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. Authentic

    Authentic New Member

    I was thinking about how many people are proud of or complain about how black men and white women seems to be the most pronounced IR. I think, it's because attraction can be broken down at its most basic form into masculinity and femininity. For whatever reason, white women are stereotypes as being feminine, at least more so then how black women are stereotyped. On the other hand, true or not, black men are stereotyped as being masculine while white men, Asian men are not.

    The people who have the easiest time in IR fit these roles. For example black men have an easier time, I believe, than Asian men, because of the masculine role. Asian women and white women have an easier time because they are deemed more feminine.

    Again, I'm speaking in big broad generalizations, some of which I don't really care about either way because I'm an equal opportunity dater, but it's just what I've seen. Anyone have any other ideas?
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    There's no such thing as WW being the ultimate feminine female and the black man is the ultimate masculine male.

    That's all theory.

    Black men don't have it easiest. If anything, I'd say they have it harder.

    Asians aren't far off descendants of Euro(geographically/culturally/ genetically) and Spanish are much related descendants to Euro so.. they have it easier in the scheme of things.
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah but believe it or not,Blacks are closer to whites than others genetically.


    Anyway,ive heard various reasons.A popular one being that Black men are the most masculine and white females in many ways are the most feminine,thus the attraction.Dont know if i believe it or not though.It kinda reminds me of animals;how the females of diff species are attracted to the strongest,dominant male.If we went by that,then why dont you see alot of asian girls with Black dudes?Asian girls and Black guys usually arent attracted to eachother.

    Hey,who knows lol
  4. Pinnacle23

    Pinnacle23 New Member

    The white women I have been with have all been very feminine, partly because that is what I treasure the most in women besides their beauty. I don't know about the idea that WW are more feminine, because every woman at my job is black except two, and they are all very feminine. Whether BM are more masculine than others is debatable as well. In some cases I can see truth to it, but it always depends.

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