Why are you here?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by 100%African, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    My brother, whom i love very much and have been best friends with all of my life, will be getting married to his fiance (who is white) in about a week or so. Even though i'll be losing a best friend (because you're spouse then becomes your best friend) i'm very happy for him because i know that she is, without a doubt, the best girl for him. I talk to him a lot about things and he told me that they've never even had sex before, which means that they love each other and not just each others bodies. PeyBackTime's post sounds more like worship for white womans bodies, and the desire to have sex with them, than it does a desire to meet someone who suits him best. I can't tell him or anyone else what to do, and quite frankly i don't want to, but this whole thing is really becoming played out. The women are right, look at all of the posts that the guys have been submitting on here lately. They all mostly have something to do with which white chick is the hottest, and which one isn't. I can't remember who it was but one guy even talked about how much better looking a white womans feet are. Come on man, that's just sad. My frustration is with the fact that i'm witnessing black men sort of exploit white women sexually, and i'm seeing the same trash from white women who are trying to exploit black men for sex. This game that is being played between some black men and white women is just plain sorry in my opinion.
  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Well, as you know, the Personals section of this site isn't any better, but keep in mind that certain posters make specific threads and write specific posts over and over again, like PeyBackTime,Swan Rider, and Above Omnipotence. At least you aren't just blaming the black men or the white women for this 'fetish/black bull/white goddess' crap.

    If you have reading posts/threads from certain others like graphicsRat, 7Seven, tuckerreed, TheChosenOne, Chocolusicious, SENGO_G, and myself, then you wouldn't think that the majority of the men are actually objectifying anybody, especially when I read similar posts on 'objectification' from women in the forums, who would probably argue the same about the black men in here.
  3. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I agree with you - don't get me started on being referred to as white pussy! :lol:
    At least you're being honest about your doubts, and they're all well grounded in some instances, it is always best to be careful (just as I would be careful that any partner of any colour thought about me in the right way, ie. not just for sex/playing around).
    There are some dark aspects to all kinds of sexual relations and attractions, I found myself here by accident in looking for somewhere to talk about interracial relationships, the cultural clashes and issues which can arise, and the prejudice you can experience - it has been good to discuss some of this. Also, I was experiencing some racism from other online communities on the issue. For me it is about love and a fascination with discovering all types of different cultures though - not about black cock.
  4. MP1983

    MP1983 New Member

    I'm here because I support interracial relationships. I think it's healthy and good for the racial atmosphere in this country.

    I've never been in one myself, but I could see myself in one. Funny, but you would have never gotten me to admit something like that or even give this site a second look a year ago.

    Maybe I'm maturing in my old age. lol
  5. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I am here to:

    1) Learn about my attraction to "white women". This in my opinion is best done by having honest and meaningful conversations with white women.

    2) More importantly, I am here to learn and share experiences with other educated, self respecting black males who can relate to what I am going through.

    Last but not the least, it is sometimes refreshing after a long stressful day to come on here and just talk crack a few jokes or engage in some tough, yet interesting conversations without having to leave the comfort of my couch.
  6. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    Why am I here? Good question...even better would be an answer. So, let's see if I can make some sense...

    For nigh on four years, I have been coming to this site. At different times, mostly near the beginning, I had posted a long-winded tome or two. Back then the forum wasn't exactly like it is now. After a while, I got either bored or just lost interest or, fed up with some folks "hatin." For whatever the reasons, I am back. I have been reading the posts of late, in this thread and others, and I have come to the conclusion that I have made a good decision. There seems to be a true exchange rather than a whole lot of verbal spewing aimed at incitement.

    Now, before continuing, I should give a bit of background about myself so that some of you understand where I am coming from. I will try to make it as short as possible.

    I am older than most who participate on the boards here. My background or, if you wish, the environment in which I grew up, is such that, without the resources, I grew up in some of the better neighborhoods of Philly during the fifties and sixties. These neighborhoods were White-Middle-Class (Jewish & Italian) - the only time I saw Black kids, other than those with whom I lived, was when I went to school. No, the others were not siblings. You see we were living in a group home - fifty kids; male and female; Black, White, Hispanic and maybe a few Asians; and all of us from broken homes. So, before you go to far...don't get the idea that I came from any kind of "privilege." The point here, solely, is to preface, through explanation of background, the statement that follows. If one grows up in a neighborhood, ghetto, Parrish, or country wherein they are the outsider that has to adjust then one is liable to "tune-in" to his environment in order to survive/exist. Without going into too much detail, this experience gave birth to a natural selection process. A process whereby I found myself gravitating toward a comfort zone. The kids, in the surroundings, outside of the group home, were the ones with whom I attended Scouts, played sports (in and out of school), partied, attended Bar/Bat-Mitzvahs, Sweet-Sixteens, and yes, got into mischief/serious trouble. I went to the Sr. Prom (1967) with a Jewish girl at whose Bat-Mitzvah I was the DJ. Eleven years later I married a French-Canadian woman with whom I share a, now, twenty-one-year-old son. We were married for twenty years and lived in Montreal for all of that time. To finish, I must say that, on the whole, compared to Canada, the way we treat the whole concept of race and interracial relationships, in particular, is appalling. But, that as they say, is for another thread - besides I really don't need to tell you what you already know.

    So, the question still remains, "Why am I here?" Well, the major motivation, originally, was pure curiosity. Not about IR-type relationships because that is not something that is new to me - having been involved in IR since the democrats dropped the ball and that a#$hole Nixon got elected. The curiosity was more about how IR was perceived by folks living in an America that although changed, from those "by-gone" days" of "pre-civil rights"; hippies; Mai Britt & Sammy Davis Jr. and William MacDonald with Eartha Kitt - the original celebrity interracial hookups (in both cases the couples were married), it is still very much, the same place. Sure more people are doing it and it is more openly accepted but it is still seen as some kind of "taboo." There is still (with society at large) that element of "the illicit forbidden fruit;" creeping on the down-low; whites, and blacks, disowning their own for even considering "such a thing;" while at the same time everyone is superficially patting each other on the back for how far we all have come. So, my curiosity was to see how this installment of the liberated society views and claims to participate in interracial relationships. For the most part, on this site, I am happy to say that I am impressed at how much the participants in this forum do not emulate/echo the "base" attitudes that come forth in what passes for "personal ads" on this site; Internet pornography clothed in the cloak of "A place to bring Black and white together"; or what passes for IR groups on both MSN and Yahoo. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against porn or IR groups that pass for one thing but in reality are nothing more than proponents of the sub-culture that is a part of the interracial relationship experience. I have seen it and, sad to say, have stumbled on to that road of exploitive surreality as well - I have finally gotten over the foul taste in my mouth...thank ya very much...but I digress.

    In short, I was hoping to find folk who could rise above all the "BS" and bring to the table something positive. Of course, there is some BS or superfluous stuff like the babe or guy who you would most like to be in an IR situation with but beyond all of that...this site seems a few notches above most. Having said that, I am pleased to see that this site is more positive and real than fake and full of crap. Now, I know that some of you may even say, "WTF" and "who is this guy?" and to that I can only say...someone who is looking to participate more and hopefully bring something to the table.

    Hopefully, that answers the question. If it doesn't, let me know and I will ask the doc to reduce my dosage or, up it if necessary - then, maybe, I will be more coherent.

    Take Care...Peace

  7. chocoluscious

    chocoluscious New Member

    Welcome Poetic!

    I enjoyed your first post.
  8. Poetic1

    Poetic1 New Member

    Thank you...I look forward to participating more

    Take Care

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