Why are people in the Black community scared to call out Black Women?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned


    Black men have been criticized for decades

    we need to do this,we need to do that

    but,what do black women need to do?

    Why doesn't someone speak on how alot of Black women use their children as a weapon against the baby's father?

    Why doesn't somebody speak on their obsessions with weaves,and their attitudes?

    Why doesn't somebody speak on their 70% overweight,50% obesity rate?

    You'll never hear this being talked about in church,where alot of the scolding of black men goes down.Most of the congregation is made up of Black women,and they'd probably alienate them and lose members.

    Anytime somebody dishes out criticism towards black women,they take it as "bashing"
  2. ohiostate

    ohiostate New Member

    i know there are more black women with degree's but stop sayin were all not doin nothing and in jail.but black women have the largest aids rate and no one ever mentions their problems
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Who gives them AIDS?

  4. ohiostate

    ohiostate New Member

    it cant be black men or our rate would be just as high.they get it from white and black men
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    WHY? would we want to talk about this here? ww don't come to this forum to talk about bw...as far as the bm, i find that bm that can tolerate and rise above any criticism from bw are better men because of it...a bm that doesn't "hear" all the noise knows that it isn't about him...if it isn't about you then there is no need to defend yourself...just my .02 cents
  6. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You really need to take your phony ass profile and get the fuck out of here.

  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Don't really like calling anybody out. But yeah, my mom is guilty of trying to use me against my dad in court n' shit, and her dumbass failed so many times.
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member


    Besides, many of those things apply to women of all colours.

    This black women shit is so boring. Why not say this to black women? Wouldn't that make more sense?
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I think it's a fair topic. If you're going to date these black men and have kids by them, you might as well know his issues.
  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Most women here will eventually have a child (many here already do) who might identify as a black woman. To judge them harshly, instead of using a little compassion (its free) isnt in our best interest.
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

  12. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    co-sign. Hate to say it on here, but its because certain elements of the black community are dysfunctional. This is part of why I would advise most young black people to do what is right by a universal standard for a young man or women instead of spending time trying to live up to what it is to be acceptable by "black community" standards. Thats a whole nother discussion.

    The thug trash type that many prefer over a decent man.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    why are you so hostile?????????????
  14. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I agree that it's a fair topic. Even for this forum. BM are slammed in the black community, a poster mentioning that BM aren't the only ones with issues in the black community seems pretty relevant to me. Even if this discussion is to be isolated to the BM of the board.
  15. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

  16. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :mad:I really should refrain from commenting. This forum provides everybody the freedom and right to express their feelings. So 99% of the time I avoid threads I find...unappealing.

    However, I will exercise my right of expression.

    This thread and relative threads sickens me....be easy family.:smt092
  17. alli

    alli New Member

    I'm not so upset with the over-generalization here because I get that the OP doesn't mean all black women but instead he's talking about the ones who fit his description.

    For every obese baby mama there is a story of emotional or physical damage at the hands of a stereotypical black man. For every stereotypical black man, there is also a story of damage at the hands of another black man.
  18. Danke

    Danke Member

    Why are people in the Black community scared to call out Black women?

    I'm not so sure fear has much to do with it. We talk about this quite a bit, just not so much in this particular forum.

    Why doesn't someone speak on these issues?


    The problem is that pointing blame is ineffective and divisive. Sure, criticism is incendiary (and some people just do it for spite and fun). Anger is the birthplace of change. Go ahead. Talk about it. But in order for the discussion to be constructive, I think men and women need to focus on the solutions together instead of the problems separately.

    We know the issues. We've got the problems down pat. Now, what do we (together) DO about them?
  19. DW11

    DW11 New Member

    I just think many of them need counseling. Not implying anything derogatory, but like you said there are issues where some black women were traumatized to when they were young have simply had no counseling to deal with the issues before it became a permanent fixture of their thought. I just think that there were no accountability on the part of the community to self examine everyone other than black men; by distractions outside of the community which continues to re-enforce and enable some black women to continue to support the social ills of the community and no one is holding them accountable.

    I am new to the site, happened to cross by it in a goggle search, the topic seemed interesting and so is this site, looking forward in the discussions and some friends. :)
  20. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Ive never had a problem with discussions like these.. Although I feel its better suited to be discussed between black men. You would be hard pressed to find a white women here thats willing to critisize any actions of black women if need be. Its simply not politically correct. Not to mention that as minorities in this country, only black men have the experiences to properly address it.

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