Why am I still Single?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Reggienyx, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    I wanna say im picky or its my preference but after 8years i think its me now and I dont know what to do .
    Im not cool or suave and am a ok dancer , Im above average in penis size but nothing that makes you go damn,
    I have been wondering this ever since my family at a telephone conference over thanks giving weekend bombarded with questions of why are you single blah blah blah.
    Now im wondering why am I still single and have no prospects of a significant other in my life .

    I think i just need some insight .
  2. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I don't know, but I don't think it would have much to do with being cool or suave or how well you dance or the size of your penis.
  3. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    iI regret saying that part about my penis LMAO!
    It was i was thinking i over think and i analyze then i disect then i take apart what im thinking .
    When im done i have no solution except feeling a bit like damn this sucks feeling so i came on here to get some insight .
    Because im sick of always doing that its like this mechanism LOL.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    First of all, ignore your family. I've dealt with this type of mess from mine before, & by listening to it it had started giving me some kind of complex. For myself, I am very picky, but in the past I used my pickiness as something to hide behind. Due to past experiences, fear, & insecurities I had built a wall around myself. I kept myself out of situations where I would even be tempted to open myself up to anyone. It wasn't at all healthy & thankfully I've been able to get past it.

    Since you think it's you, then there is a good chance you're allowing something to get in your way. Is it fear or insecurities? Do you get out & socialize much? Are you really open to finding someone? Are you just not cutting yourself enough slack for whatever flaws (real or perceived) you may have? You have to be good to yourself & love yourself & be content with yourself. If you're not in a good place when you're alone, having someone won't fix the situation. You have to figure out what's holding you back & you can only do that by being open with/to yourself (then you'll be able to be open to others) .
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I am more troubled by the fact that you said there was a PHONE CONFERENCE about this on Thanksgiving.

    Seriously?! Your family is bothered enough about your single status that they felt they had to call a group meeting via telephone? No wonder you're all stressed out!

    Take a couple of deep breaths. If it really bothers you, ask the people who really know you why they think you might be single (not your family...ask your friends). Take what they say to heart and take the time to consider it. Maybe you're completely fantastic when you're with friends, but you tend to sound like a know-it-all when a woman enters the picture. Or maybe you're a little shy for most women, and they think you aren't interested. Whatever it is- take the time to get the input and try to put it to use.

    And really, try to relax. I don't know how old you are, but it is not the end of the world if you don't have someone RIGHT NOW (even though I can empathize with your feelings). There's a big wide world out there- why not go out and enjoy it and meet some new people in the process?
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude first and foremost shed the negative attitude. Stop downing yourself because the most important thing to remember women LOVE confidence. So start working out or find a physical activity you love. I personally recommend some type of martial art, you work out aggression and you get to feel powerful.
    Second don't be so picky because you might miss out on something great if you set impossible standards. I'm gonna keep it 100 my girl is not the baddest girl I've ever been with but so far she's proving to be the most beautiful. We have similar goals and we spend half our time laughing and the other half having awesome sex. So don't let yourself get distracted by superficial bs.
    Third don't let the outside world have more influence on you than you do. Your family can be well meaning but sometimes you gotta tune them out because no one knows you and what you need better than you. I think we all get to a certain age when people as that dumb shit but do things on your time table and no one elses.

    Lastly I can't stress enough find a physical activity to focus the nervous energy on.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  8. GanjaGrl89

    GanjaGrl89 New Member

    Are you shy? Maybe you need a change of scenery?

    Just keep your confidence, and try something new
  9. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    What type of activities do you participate in? Gym, social groups or do you go to typical meeting places. Bookstores, coffee shops etc? Are you putting yourself in enough situations to meet people. When you do are you confident and interact?
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    confidence is the key. People love that one favorite subject...themselves !!!! ask open ended questions that are creative and about themselves ...then it is on like popcawn. also stop going to a resteraunt and a movie ...that is the worst thing to do on the first and second dates. you can get a drink (maybe. I still would go into a resteraunt at all cost).
  11. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Other than not being me, I cannot fathom the reason(s) why you are single?

    Just tell yourself that being single is a choice, which is true for perhaps the majority of single folks. I do find that people tend to overestimate their value in the dating marketplace, but your self-description was fairly modest. You do sound rather corny though, so perhaps you need to change the formula up a little: lose 20 pounds, read some French literature, slightly change your taste in music.

    Small changes can mean a radical shift in your relationship to the world and the elements within.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    we find someone when we are open to it. look within yourself and see if it is you that is blocking yourself from finding someone...we put up so many barriers at times without even knowing so
  14. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    It's okay. You ain't a member of WWBM.com if you haven't discussed/mentioned penises/penis size at least once. :smt081

    I do that too. People call it overcomplicating things. Maybe you're getting in your own way?

    Well, I believe these folks have given some good little advice nuggets for you to start with. :)
  15. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    Well wow you know i always felt a bit corny but my taste in music is pretty electic, from various genre and decades .
    I dont rarely do hip hop as my main music anymore and french literature hmmm do you recommend any books?
    And I do wanna lose 100pounds im a big guy for 6.6 and I wanna lean up but I will say I am shy.
    I have been on a few dates but nothing panned out and i dont consider myself shy just stoic or kinda goofy at times .
  16. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    avoid Camus, Jean Genet, Voltaire...

    Would you date yourself if you were a woman? or would you date any woman who described herself the way you do?
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I seriously gave you gold and you ignored it fam
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Get some attitude and treat women like dirtbags, they love that shit. They will lick the ground that you walk on. LoL
  19. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    See the correlation...
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    where are you hanging out? You have to hang out where women are or at least where like minded women are.

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