Before we start naming candidates, we should develope more of a profile...... He loves to laugh, he is a prangster..... But is he a loner?...I think we should call in investigators Bookie and Espy for their seasoned opinions
Things we know about the mad tagger: - a man (no woman says she is going to motorboat another woman's boobs) -their breath smells like alcohol as they tag under the influence and say so
I could make a pretty good guess also, however I don't think one person is responsible for all the odd tags. I think it's at least a tandem effort, though I don't think they are actually working together on it intentionally.
Sugar, might I suggest that the correct term based upon the context is 'frenemy'. Frenemy: A "friend" who cares only about themselves. A "friend" who gets their way no matter the cost, and no matter who they step on along the way. Also known as a toxic friendship. Just a suggestion Sugar. :smt058
Now that there's a lot of talk about it, I think others have jumped on the bandwagon, but I think I know the original tagger. I won't name any names. Most are pretty funny. There are some offensive ones that if the original poster wanted to remove on their particular threads, they can....
I'm surprised more OPs don't remove them, but they may not know they can? I honestly never looked at them until people started mentioning it recently.
Courtesy of my daughter. Funny concept IMO, a little counter-intuitive really, but who am I to question what works for other folks?
Well lady investigators, You have been hired for your extra-ordinary insight and understanding of men and their actions. Your findings thus far has been encouraging and based on this pace of progress we will soon identify the the mean time I am negotiating with Webmaster to compensate you for your flights in from Illinois, Oklahoma and Colorado, lodging in a 5-star hotel and a $500/hr fee.: -So far we have surmised that it is a man (no woman says she is going to motorboat another woman's boobs) -The original tagger might have an accomplice to work in tandem with........ But let us continue to shape the profile: Is he confident or a failure with women?.....Is he a jealous wannabe?..... Is his writing style and choice of words recognizable in other threads?.....when we can answer these questions, we can finalize a list of suspects and bring them in for questioning before pronouncing the villain
You know I actually remember Tarshi talking about that once Arch. I know the tagger isn't Tarshi, I only mention it because that is something a woman might say.
argh get a fuckin grip guys. Im pretty sure we've all made tags at some point. Only recently though has it become an opinion outlet. To indulge the idea, i will say that it will completely replace negative rep comments. The negative rep was for haters to personally attack you in secrecy, and now these tags are for them to publicly attempt to humiliate (?) you. lol Get over it. Im sure everybody in here has done it, not only the men but teh women as well. Particularly in the thread where by lipstick got into a ruffle with andrae. (no man would say shit like " male insecurities", or "small dicks small brains") haha. Just drink your wine, and have a good time