Who would you pair with whom?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Brittney, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    *love when TDK says dude...WC is working its way into his heart* :smt007
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    A strange, ominous presence looms over us.

  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  4. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    whaaaaaa... why you worried about what another man does in his life? gtfoh
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I don't think he is.

    Apparently women giving men head is some kind of, uh, objectification of women.

    On a more positive note...
    I'm furthering my education instead of memorizing sex positions because this person is the best motivational coach ever.
  6. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    C'mon now, we're women...we can do both! When I start back in school, I plan to not only master my coursework but also memorize every sex position known to man (and maybe invent some new ones ;)). Knowledge is power!
  7. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Or just hit a two-fer.
    Memorize new sex positions on top of the professor!

  8. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Meh it's him again. :rolleyes:
  9. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    I ship Nicole with TDK. :p

    I also ship MS with another user that whose username I cannot pronounce. x)
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I gladly second this. She's awesome
  11. brooklynny

    brooklynny New Member

    And this is the female voice of all things interracial... The women who proudly defend their male stereotypical lovers... The men who use violence instead of words... The men who sexually joke with other women instead of respecting his partner at home... I see why the term, interracial is still alive and active. Those culpable are right here on this site. They are not alone in this culpability and should not shoulder all the blame. It would be just grand to read solutions instead of people engaging in its ageless problems.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    you my friend have never had a woman in your life have you. I can't imagine anyone putting up with this stick up your ass approach to life and relationships.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Brooklynny, please don't base IR on the behavior of those more vocal than others. We have a few pretty incredible people here who ARE IN COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS or MARRIED that DO NOT sexually (or violently) engage others here the way you suggest. Those people, including my man, are whom I adore and look up to, and who are the people who deserve respect as the quintessential IR partners, who set the IR tone, and who should be sought to be highlighted and 'fawned over' as representatives, IMO. Thank you.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  14. brooklynny

    brooklynny New Member

    At least any woman interested in me would not worry about the lies, cheating, sexually objectification of women, and misogyny- the same disorders many women have complained about for generations about their partners.

    I do imagine a woman finding you worthy to be her partner. You parade around with the confidence that you can satisfy any woman through sex. You exclude all important factors when finding a partner and actually dating her. Those factors do not involve your penis therefore are not important.
    Based on this, you simply play the game like many others. You tell a woman what she wants to hear while excluding your fears, likes, successes, failures, emotional difficulties, emotional joys, etc.

    You seem disinterested in hers however will sit down for a brief minute to hear them. However, they are just words to you. They have no actual meaning and cannot be used to strengthen the relationship you have with your partner.

    Too many men play the game which doesn't allow sharing yourself with your partner, because she can change like a NYC minute. I reckon, when someone more "sexier" comes around and she gives you that look, you can simply devalue the meaning of your relationship with your partner for that look.

    I may be single now but I have always valued a relationship. My eyes, spirit, and body stayed with my partner. And when I felt it was time to move in a different direction, I discussed it with her before I once again put myself out there.

    Bro, I can do this again and again. If you don't want my words let it go.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member


    Like I said its clear you've never had a woman in your life. You are wound so damn tight fam. Loosen up its not that serious geesh
  16. brooklynny

    brooklynny New Member

    I do not suggest... I point out facts from others on this forum and offer my opinion. I do not solely base "IR" on the words of other members. I am put in this classification which bothers me. The fact it doesn't bother other folks here has led me to question.

    Hummm... When a woman refers to her partner as "her man" this makes me wonder what is behind it.

    For example, a more secure woman (no offense) with no relationship problems in the past, would simply refer to her partner as a partner or boyfriend or husband (if married). But such a woman would not say, her man.

    The term, her man is possessive and in a healthy relationship it should be of equality between partners.

    Now, I can tell you have problems with either the man you are with or a past partner(s). The need to become possessive here symbolizes a lack of trust with your partner. You mistrust women as well who you feel can become a treat, prompting a more possessive and direct way to deal with any treat of infidelity.

    If a man cheats it's not your fault! Holding onto him closer will not stop any man from cheating. Choosing a decent and humane man who wants to be your equal is a healthy start.

    Ma'am, I am very sorry. No woman should have to deal with these emotional setbacks. Therapy can help. Finding a therapist is easy and affordable in 2013. However, holding onto pain and sorrow isn't healthy. A trained professional can help you better cope with your past. Good luck.
  17. brooklynny

    brooklynny New Member

    The fact you don't perceive it as serious should bother you, other members, and your partner at home. I am 36 years old. Everything in life to me I perceive with concern.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There are other things that are far more of a problem fam. Don't dedicate too much time to "educating" forum members. Most of this is tongue in cheek, we're just having fun. We all know our own personal relationships far better than people posting here and if I tell you my girl has no problem with my posts take my word for it and move on fam. There are plenty of entertaining and interesting threads on here.
  19. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Take your stick of judgement and shove it up your ass.... damn bro, just go away.... what is your purpose here?
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He's my man, because I am his woman. He's also my partner, my love, my honey, my baby, my amazinggggg love!! :freehug: My my my..sing it, Johhny! :smt060)

    BTW, where I come from originally, culturally we don't say 'my boyfriend'. It's an OZ thing. We usually say 'my guy', 'my fella' or 'my hubby'. Boyfriend is...well quite American (and I daresay, a bit daggy). Did you know this is not an American board? I didn't think so. I hope I have enlightened you. :D

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