Who is the richest minority in America…

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. V777

    V777 New Member

    My friend was reading an old wall street journal from 2006 yesterday and he saw that Indians from India have overtaken Jews and Asians as the richest minority in America with an est. net worth of 5 million dollars or more. The one thing that realized is that these Indians who come from India come here with very very little money and a dream and make millions after 5-10 year of living in America.

    I found out that Black Americans were at the bottom of the list. Not even in the top 5 of the list. I was so sad and disappointed. Well if most Blacks were born in America and the same opportunities as the Indians; why can’t they prosper as the Indian, Jews, and Asians? I found that many of my classmates in med school are Indians and Asians. They are making something of their life like I am. Why aren’t Black Americans doing the same? I always wonder??? More than half of Black Americans live on welfare too.

    My friend called the U.S Census Buru to confirm this. I did not know they keep records like this.
  2. Sneakeedyck

    Sneakeedyck New Member

    Many reasons. Black victimhood. Not respecting the value of education.
    Some not willing to work hard.
  3. V777

    V777 New Member

    I agree. When you tell a black person to do well in school they say they don't want to act "white". I get confused with that comment all the time. I have faced racism in my life and you just have to ignore them because they are going to hell anyway. Anymore thoughts???
  4. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    That's because people from other countries come here appreciating the American way of life, called Free Enterprise and Capitalism, and most poor people here Black, Native American, White or other wise, are stuck in some entitlement welfare, socialistic program implemented by the government. If our own poor Americans would have the same mind set as those who come from abroad for the American Dream, they would be unbeatable.

    Sorry Guys, this is what the Democratic Party has done to America, and a huge part of what Republicans are fighting! Unfortunately Obama has promised more welfare programs! This is one time I hope a politician doesn't keep his promises.
  5. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    Most Black Americans who say Doing well is acting white, have no clue about African history, Like Pete Rock and Cl Smooth said in the title of one of their songs, they are trapped in the "Ghetto of the Mind. All Black men especially youths need to be taught about Imhotep "Egyptian" (renamed by Greeks, it's was actually called Khemet, Kemet or KMT... land of the burnt face people) architect, astrologer, and physician. He was the architect of the funeral complex at Saqqara, consisting of a huge stepped pyramid, a processional hall, and other buildings.

    Excellence is a manifestation of correct thinking. Right knowledge dictates right actions.
  6. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    You're a motherfucking liar, the percentage of blacks on welfare isn't close to 50%, let alone over.

  7. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    You're an idiot, welfare reform (passed under Clinton) has wiped out the possibility of decades long dependence on TANF.

    Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Temporary as in the opposite of permanent.
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    So if that's true, why are we looking at more welfare being promised by Obama? Why don't we see the inner city doing better? And why do we still see 3rd generation welfare recipients?
  9. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    I personally see nothing wrong with Capitalism, Socialism, Communism(Not Totalitarianism which is practiced, by China, Cuba, North Korea [Russia]"somewhat" and a few other countries) They all play a part in our everyday lives, The problem occurs when they become the dominant political ideology without the checks and balances of the others.
  10. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    To call someone an Idiot, because they share a different view than you, is troubling. :smt085
  11. Xerxes

    Xerxes New Member

    And what welfare programs is President Obama proposing? Name them.

    Poverty, and there is a multitude of reasons why people are poor, not just because they cannot get off welfare like your soft-headed analysis claims.

    You're a motherfucking liar, TANF only allows 60 months of dependence over the course of a person's lifetime.
  12. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    The supposed "tax cuts" he is planning to give to 95% of Americans will end up being welfare payments for 45% or so of Americans! Federal Medical programs will end up being more welfare. Re-negotiating the loans for people whose homes are in foreclosure may very well be more welfare, depending on how it is handled.

    You are so right, but one of the main reasons poor Americans stay that way is laziness, due to welfare programs.

    No need for name calling my dear, you are only speaking of one type of welfare program not all of them. There are many different types of welfare programs from WIC/Food Stamps/State Medical/Aid to Dependant Families/Government subsidized housing/ and the list goes on, depending on the state you live in.

    I am not denying that there is a need for something to be done, but I do think the way it has been implemented over the last 50 years or so, has only made poor families and neighborhoods stay that way, it has not helped to give people a dream and help them come up out of that state.

    Have you never heard the saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

    Welfare doesn't work, Charity does, People who are on welfare and have no ambition, would be mortified to accept charity. This would provide for their need, but they would be to proud (I hope) to continue to need it. Necessity is the mother of invention. People who have no motivation to change usually won't do so.

    The worst thing you can do for someone is to do everything for them, they then have no need to learn and survive, and they fail to grow. People coming from abroad to America, tend to have a drive to achieve something, so they work hard. American's on government programs tend to get lazier.
  13. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    That statement is very puzzling, because Capitalism is diametrically opposed to Socialism, and Communism. The three cannot co-exist in any kind of harmony.

    The Capitalist would be supporting the Socialist and the Communist economically. That would not be fair, if you outlaw capitalism (implementing Communism) you would immediately solve the immigration problems we face in America because no one would want to come here, you take the motivation away from "making it"!

    You see Socialism and Communism only work when they are economically supported by Capitalism, and eventually Capitalists lose their motivation, and you are left with a bankrupt country!
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  15. Summit

    Summit New Member

    True, but calling someone an idiot because they throw around generalizations based on jack isn't. It's not too hard to do the research that Xerxes is pulling up, why can't you do the same?
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    I was going to respond to several of Tinkerbells disinformational posts, but had to quit.

    The only thing I can suggest is that she get off the internet and pick up a history book (and not one with an rightist agenda). All one needs to do to understand how we got to where we are is to look at where we came from.

    This thread makes my head hurt (or is it my heart?).
  17. V777

    V777 New Member

    This thread is not to make your head or heart hurt but to open Black Americans minds that you have opportunity to make something of you lives. I used to be an ignorant black in my younger days; but my 8th grade teacher who was Republican empowered me to do something positive with my life. I used to be lazy and ignorant. I started taking school seriously and got into med school later on in life. Now I am working to become a doctor in the inner city. I want to help my fellow Black Americans in the health care department.
  18. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    What you guys fail to understand is that Indians who relocate to the states are the cream of the crop back in India, and most of them are a)extremely academically inclined b) extremely intelligent and c) willing to settle for less if they should.

    You cant compare an 18 year old indian kid who spent half his life studying physics,maths, algebra etc to an american kid who spent half his life smoking weed or "chilling at the mall"......Childhood education is everything, and some kids simply miss out on it, plain and simple. What the government should do is make it not only a requirement, but a legislation that all mothers (regardless of race) be academically competent. By that i mean, they should be high school graduates, and should perform basic arithmetic computations (eg whats the square root of 5656565x444+15625/1232??).

    Its really that simple ladies and gents. Dont waste time repeating the same thing to people who will hardly listen to you. Just make it against the law to fall pregnant if you dont meet the requirements and trust me,,,,you will see less and less babies coming home with GPA's less than 3.0
  19. V777

    V777 New Member

    That data is from 2001. I saw the 2007 data on cnn in august of '08 and they say it is over 50% now. What happens if the government runs out of money and all the people depended on government's money are thrown out on the street??? People shouldn't depend on the government except you should depend on yourselves. If you need the government to feed you, put clothes on your back, and a roof over your head; then you are somewhat a slave to the govnerment.
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    U talk like Berlusconi.... if u aren't republican... then u must be socialist or comunist...
    sorry, i disagree... things r not just black and white... (i like black things though :p)... there r some shades of grey in the middle :)

    anyways, my laguage skills r not good enough to understand all that u guys r saying, but, about the topic "Does welfare make ppl lazy?" I have something to say.
    Just some observations by an external point of view:

    1) The USA DON'T have a welfare state!
    In the USA u don't pay taxes for EVERYTHING like we do here. U have a more capitalistic system, wich means that u pay less taxes and the money that u keep should be used to provide yourself the assistance u need.
    Europe has welfares (even thoug most of them they r failing and evolving in welfare mix or community welfare). What I mean is that a country where u need to have an insurance to be cured at the hospital or u must go to work untill the 9th month of pregnancy doesn't have a real welfare state in my opinion (well, in sociology opinion, actually). Not that Europe is better than the USA, don't misunderstand me (but that's another topic). It's just different. We pay more taxes but we pay less our public services and we have more accessible health care and protection for women in pregnancy, workers etc. The real problem is the organization of the public services that needs to be improved.
    To talk about real cases, it happens to some ppl to get money because they can't find a job, and that makes them lazy (my unlce in Belgium has been living without working all his life :smt083, "stealing" money from the public administration).

    But there r positive examples of welfare too.

    As a social worker in Italy, in some cases, I can make evaluations to say if a person has the right to get money or not, and if he/her needs money-things because he/her is just LAZY, I know that and I will try to improve his/her attitude but I won't give her/him money. Welfare's money should be used only if any other resource from the ppl lives (intellectual resources too, not just material) r lacking, as a start to incourage an empowerment.
    Anyways if countries spent less in WARS and military, they would have more money to help ppl (republican ppl too, ya know!!!!), and everybody would be better. I agree with some of u that the lazy ones must not complain about their lives, obviously.

    2)Something that has to do with me. I have a bad asma since I was born and my medicines cost like 130 euros a month, plus visits every 2 months for 36 euros each with public hispitals. In a year it would be more than 1700 euros.
    I am broke, but i would be worse in the usa because here, since i have a serious deceise, i just don't pay anything. and that's even for rich ppl as well.
    I think that complaining about paying taxes for welfare's money that will go to other ppl is just SELFISH and FASCIST. What the hell, It can happen to u too one day to need some help and u might get it like anyone else. And if the family down the way is improving it's conditions with welfare's help, that means that all the neighborhood will, and so the city where the family lives in, and so the whole country.

    3) Welfare is a great invention, the bad organization is the problem.
    Countries must find an equilibrium between privatization and statal control. Europe historical welfare it's failing and we r going towards a pensionistic system (insurances, ppl that have more money pay more), the US need to be less capitalistic and more statalized (inspired to european welfare systems, as Obama said). That doesn't mean becoming socialistic.

    sorry for going a bit out of thread (didn't talk about black, indian. ect ppl since i don't know), but I was having heart ache too..............
    (and sorry for my english, hope it's understandable)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008

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