Hi Book I understand by poetic skinned people who has the ability to create a kind of nice feeling wherever should they be by their presence; they bring something more they can blend good feeling in IR and in life . So apperance is more than what we see. ability to turn hardships in poetry and lyrism.... I love writting just for the sake of wtitting and according to interest; I love I.R I also love the skin perfume of the flesh or ww.in a cold winter it is nice to breath .it can give yout the all oxygen for the day- I mean onebreath of from the Queen's skin All this create the poetic skin .it is also another approach for Love making as safer sex .to the sweetest way . I travel.... it can go in both wayfor the BM or WW. This does not stop Love . Constant presence and breathing the Loved one and skin generate a game of feeling transform the whole relationship ...you could understand... Sometimes it is more than having sex .a lovemaking which does not stop. wherever you are with your loved one Studies showed babies acknowledge first their mother by the perfume of their skin LIFE IS BREATH IT IS ALSO NICE SCENT AND LOVE When you make love what stay in the brain in most of the time scent and perfume.... I could write pages and books on that I let you digest it See you for rely Book