Who has the better chance? The preppy type or the thug type?

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by scott1618, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    ah hem ...

    I agree - this "old ass broad" doesn't have any use for any of that.

    Another one attracted to very intelligent, sensual men.

    Thank you very much.

    (oh and thanks for the comment about the chat rooms - I'll make sure to avoid them!)
  2. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    Would an educated black man who has everything going for him be interested in a white woman who is into thugs?

    There is no future for any woman of any race who got their sites on men who call themselves "thugs" it's more short-term relationships. Once you get pass the rush of "The Thug Life" there is nothing there.

    ADRONO New Member

    Alot depends on CLASS. Some thug wanna be's are fake as hell anyway. Caught up trying to be something they see in a video. For the most part, the white women that are attracted to that sillyness have fake pimped out brothers anyway and niether have any CLASS! You are what you eat. if you try to live the fake game, oh I got a thug for a man, then maybe you need to check yourself or stop watching so many underground videos. You know you probrably will never go in a real hood and experiance the real culture anyway, so you take a suburban wanna be thug who would probrably get his ass kicked if his fake thug ass ever walked into gansta territory. Point is meassure your level of class and figure it out...be real! There are no black prepies, just blacks that come off being white, again be real!
  4. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Preppy for a relationship.

    Thug for a quick f**k. Bad boys make my juices flow.

    I say it like it is :lol:
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    What a bunch of horse shit!

    Give me a break - so speaking well and dressing well is "white"?

    I'd agree with you that it has more to do with class. I find that most things that people tend to take issue with, prefer and not prefer are more a matter of class issues rather than race issues.

    ADRONO New Member

    speaking well and dressing well is "white"?

    No, speaking well and dressing well doesn't make you white, but saying that's horse sh-t does! Try BULLSH-T!
  7. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Re: speaking well and dressing well is "white"?

    This is the second horseshit comment you've had in this thread. After five you get ribbon and years subscription to Cat Fancy.
  8. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    This entire discussion about "acting white"" is BS, or HS, since we seem to use that word now :lol:
    Whenever I hear someone use that label to describe a black person it makes me cringe.
  9. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member

    Who has the better chance?

    Wouldn't that depend on what the Woman likes/wants. :) Most of the women I know DON'T want a thug, (why make the same mistake Whitney Houston made), but would never even consider a preppy either. The women I've found mutual attractions with are, for lack of a better definition, "mainstream, normal" people who are NOT impressed by flashy-for the moment types. Nor are they enamored with a dull accountant persona.

    Ideally aren't we all wanting someone with whom we share mutual interest, political views, religious beliefs, and personal passions? 8)
  10. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    YES :!: YES :!: YES :smt038 This is exactly true. If we're just going for a quick f*ck a thug will put it down hard for ya but when it gets serious you need someone a little classier. No, I don't consider thugs classy at all. I don't think "black" males dressing nicely and making sure their hair is looking good is "acting white" either. You just like to look good and what's wrong with that? :D
  11. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    How about a nice clean cut brotha in a nice suit with matching shoes and hat with sun glasses......with an loaded, Fully auto ak-47 hanging on his neck, grills in his mouth that look like JAWS off of 007, riding a Harley Davison in the fashion of the terminator.

    I might try that one day.(Yeah right Fully auto Ak-47 are illegal, semi auto's can be brought but ammo is very scarce)

    How many seconds do you think I would make it riding a motorcycle AND an fully auto ak-47 in a suit with out "the police hitting on me" first?

    1? 2? 3?[/b]
  12. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    How about no AK-47, the grill would be alright depending on how much, and you can ditch the Harley and switch to a car/truck. The rest sounds good.
  13. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Wait I can keep the 007 Jaws mouth piece?

    Jaws do keep it gangsta though.......

    How about an unloaded silenced hand gun?

    Okay okay no harley (No black terminator.....damn V_V LOL)

    Well harley comes from porsche so how about a porsche 911 turbo S?
  14. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    You can keep the 007 Jaws mouth piece b/c we can remove that. And yes, Jaws keeps it gangsta every time. I'll take the unloaded silenced hand gun over the AK anyday and it's unloaded so I don't have to worry about you shooting me with it. :smt071 Yes, trade in the Harley for a Porsch and we're good to go. :twisted:
  15. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    You think I would shoot you? By accident? Nah, I might rob myself thought. That is how gangsta I am.

    And the car, I could drive the porsche. What color? Let me guess red right?

    Black or red?

    Or should I shoot for the ferrari.
  16. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    I'm not worried about you personally shooting me but, one of the other "you's" might, so I've got to watch for that. I'll let you rob yourself, I won't get in the middle of that. Porsche needs to be black, too many red cars get pulled over by your homies-the cops. Stick with the porsche, no ferrari. :smt023
  17. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Nah I would never hurt a lady. I just can't no matter what you do to me.

    Oh I am glad you are cool with me robbing my self.

    Me:Give me your money.
    Me:Dude I am in the middle of talking to a women.
    Me:Give me the god damn money fool!
    Me:Alright alright geez.
    Me:*Hands himself his own wallet*
    Me:You goona snitch?
    Me: No no no.
    Me: That's what I thought *shoots his own hand*
    Me: Ouch! Damnit.
    Me: Comeon JasieS let's bounce this fool.

    Don't ask don't ask.

    Good choice I look good in black and you look good in black. I like this black suit with and "Odd Job style hat" Jaws grillz set matching shoes ect ect.

    A nicely dressed brotha rolling down the streets in a porsche with a fine ass white lady beside me.

    You know I am going to get pulled over as soon as I push the start up button on the porsche.

    Told we get pulled over.

    Police:License and registration........JasieS? JASIES!!! What you doing rolling around with this THUG!?
    ME: Oh Shoot You did tell me your man was 5-O!
    *Bails out and gets shoot over 70 times mostly from trying to rob himself again and bullets from JasieS husband*

    My Damn luck........LOL
  18. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    I love the part where you rob yourself. How much money did we get :?: We can dress in black, I do look good in it and like it :D I do appreciate the "fine ass white lady" part, you're making me :oops:
    As far as my husband being 5-0, no way in hell :!: :smt018 He can't stand bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do, but we like to watch it on tv. I've never met a black man that does like them. And I mean never.
    He wouldn't even ask questions. It would be curtains for both of us. He'd probably start by pulling you out of the car and then the :smt021 would start. After he was done with you he would probably :smt022 to me then try and :axe: me and that would force me to go gangsta and :smt068 him. But since he's quite a bit larger than me, that would all be a dream :smt015
  19. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Yeah I got..........hold up...... *Checks wallet*..... *Dust and an old I.O.U. slip.* Damn it. The fool keeps his papers in the bank. LOL How typical. I got his numbers though.

    And I am sure you look sexy in black. And probably white and red too. :wink:

    Blah, me either. Who does like being watched all the time?

    I work out ALOT but he might win but I would make sure he is too tired/damaged to come and hurt you.

    I would have to go drunken master style on him.


    I never been in a fight really. Seriously.

    Most time the dude says something fucked up and hits me then I hit him and it is all over. I have strong hard bones and I "must" keep in shape. I also have an 8 pack and I am in my leaning stage of work out. I grew up chubby and I got tired one say and started working out til I could not no more and in some years I was good.....really good. Family has a history with diabetes and heart problems but so far that won't be my future(says the doctors)
  20. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Sad, Sad, Sad... :smt018 Why didn't you pick the "you" that carries cash to rob. Now we have to disguise ourselves while we go to numerous ATM machines and suck his account dry. Or we could just rob a bank 8) I'm cool, I won't rat us out.

    That could be a problem, he works out a lot too. I see you're staying in your protector roll, that's good. He may not be any match for the drunken master, it would be a good fight to see. :smt062

    I've seen my husband fight his brother one time. His brother used to play football for SMSU and now plays for the indoor arena team here and so they both are pretty big guys. His brother works out a lot too, like daily. It didn't last long, they both realized they were acting childish and he just left. I was a little scared though, there's just something about 2 strong men about to tear each other up that makes me a little nervous. At least they were in the yard, not the house. :!:

    An 8 pack :?: Mmm, Mmm, Mmm I bet you do. I'd like to see that, the man does not have one of those but then again, neither do I so I'm not complaining. You're in your leaning stage meaning you are losing weight right? Don't lose too much, there needs to be some cushion. :p

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