Who has it worse/better: Biracial kids of BM/WW or BW/WM?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by biclighter, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. biclighter

    biclighter New Member

    I have a freind who lives in the Northeast. Smart sistsa, got her masters works in the cooperate world. Her and her husband of German/Irish decent live in the swanky burbs. She is a tea brown girl but her kids, especially her oldest daughter, age 4 is lilly white. I'm talking straightish brown hiar pail skin and ocean green blue eyes. From what I hear when BW/WM have a kid, they tend to be fairer and have the father's featues. She's quite a beauty. But one day the sista decides to take her kids into the city for a jog. She justs wants to jog in the park so she skips the makeup and cute oufits in favor of a skull cap and some sweats. Somewhere along the line the little boy is bitten by a passing dog and they take him to the emegency room. The kid has a bleeding problem so when he bleeds its a big deal. Anyway to make a long stoy short. When they get to the ER the nurse looks at the mom and pactically barks "Are you the caretaker? I want the mother on the phone now!" She was speechless. She told the nusre she was the mother. Evrybody in th room takes a double take. Nurse apologizes profusely, the father arrives and verbally hands them their own asses. Just an incident but i think it hilights how BM/WW kids have it a bit easier b/c they can easily fit into one "group" and b/c relationships with us and WW are more common if not more accepted.
  2. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I dont think that Bm/ww couples are more accepted than Wm/bw couples.

    Just because you see bm/ww relationships occurring more,dosent mean that its more accepted
  3. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I will say this my friends sister who is really really light first daughter you could tell that she was mixed but the other two are blond hair blue eyed girls. I was like damn know one would ever know.

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