Who Are You?...(Express Yourself!)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'm just a guy that loves music, (among other things).

    I do think that today's music is trash, plain and simple.
  2. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    My name is Isabell,21 years old libra,never been married nor any kids(in Germany we tend to start families a little later than average women in the US).
    I want to be an interpretor for the 4 languages I speak and possibly add 1 or 2.
    On the way I do some amateur modelling and give tutoring.
    Love music(Reggaeton,Dancehall,RnB,Crunk,most kinds of Hip Hop),sun,learning about different cultures,photography/modelling,cooking and just doing whatever is fun
  3. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    Things I'm currently doing.....well, I work in customer service for Norwegian Cruise Line. Aside from that, I compose music and I'm currently working on a scifi/conspiracy theory novel that is coming along very nicely. What's important to me..........family, which when I think about it, I have neglected for far too many years. I didn't cut them off, just didn't show them as much attention as I could have. That's all changing now and I could not be happier. What makes me get up in the morning......singing in horrible off beat voice:the best part of wak-in' up! is Folgers in your cup!!!! But seriously, I've learned that with all of the foolishness in the world and with all the f*cked up things that could happen in my life and not to mention during that day in particular, the good will outweigh the bad everytime. Discovering peace of mind will do that for you.

    Disclaimer : That thing with Folger's was a joke. I haven't had a cup of coffee in quite a few months. Nothing against it whatsoever, I just fell out of love with the stuff. :D 8)

    I guess I should comment a tad on why I'm on ths board. I'm all for the races getting along on all levels, not just work or going to the Super Bowl or President (Bill)Clinton's First Inauguration, but in love and in relationships as well. I almost married a woman who happened to be white. I loved her before everything went down the tubes and I love her now. And the experience taught me a lot. The number one lesson learned........90-95% of all 'racial' epidemics and so called 'problems' actually transcend race and are 'human' problems. The number oneA lesson learned.......love is color blind. The number oneB lesson learned.......black skin on white skin is a beautiful and erotic image. The number oneC lesson is that when a black male gets in a relationship with a white woman, the two groups you will catch the most flack from will be white males and black females. Now I'm not stereotyping or anything, it's not everybody in that group. In fact, majority of folks were pretty approving, at least in public :roll: , but when the flack came, it came from that general direction.

    OK, I'm going to stop now becase if I don't I'll be writing all day. I will leave on this note. I still love women of all shades and colors and personalities(though I'm fully within my rights to reject someone based on whether or not I like thier personality). I'm glad this site and forum is here, and I hope to continue to read and even participate in some of the discussions here.

    Thanks for listening(reading?) :oops:
  4. HenRocK

    HenRocK Member

    About me... I go by Henrock; it was my nickname in the military. I seperated from Active duty in '06..I was a weapons spec in the Air Force Hooooah! I served overseas and in TX & FL.

    I'm going back to school this year for Finance/accounting degree.

    I got married last year, Aug, 2007 to the lovely, beautiful, sexy suprchic73 :smt054
    I'm into cars, so I'm usually on my car forums..or working on my car.. or playing xbox, or adding music to my itunes/ipod, but I'll try to check in every once in a while. Interesting threads I've seen so far. Peace

  5. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    :smt055 :smt055 hi huney! :smt055 :smt055
  6. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Welcome in :)

    My boyfriend just joined the site as well. Ether2006. He doesnt have a pic yet because he created his profile from the Iraqi embassy in Iraq.Lol
    He just started his deployment in Iraq.Airforce you know?
  7. HenRocK

    HenRocK Member

    sup sweetheart :)

    Be-you-tiful86: Thats awesome; looking at his pic/name tag, I don't think I know him, but you never know. I'll have to send him a message tho.
  8. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Welcome aboard, bro. Thanks on your service in the military and congrats on your marriage.
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Henrock, how far along are you in your degree?
  10. HenRocK

    HenRocK Member

    Thanks Jelly. I just started working on this degree but I should have several credits that will transfer. I'll be attending a new school so I'll have to work all that out with my advisor. I'm excited about it... right now I'm trying to get a job handling accounts/cash, ect.

    You in school bro?
  11. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    He's been stationed in Germany for the last couple of months but currently in Iraq

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