Who Are You?...(Express Yourself!)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Who am I?
    I'm a Graphic artist who works for the airlines. I'm an aspiring filmmaker who wants to get my production company started soon.

    Now, I despise black stereotypes...something you see in the entertainment media now than ever (part of my self loathing as a kid). I consider myself passive and I don't like to start trouble, esp. when it comes to race. I tend to hold back my feelings and go with the flow while there are times when I want to go into Bruce Banner mode. I don't want the stigma of being 'angry' or any of the shit that comes with being a BM in America, but that comes with the territory. For the most part, I'm laid back and considered nice guy. I don't like today's hip-hop (corporate rap), while I love classic hip-hop (up until '92). I like old-school soul, funk and R&B. I like Latin Freestyle. I enjoy 80s dance music and New Wave as well as Italo-disco/funk. I also dig the slow jams from the 80s (nice stuff).

    Now for my future career....

    As I grew up watching kung-fu films (from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan--I do plan on going to Asia in my lifetime), I knew I wanted to go into film production somehow.

    Being a fan of these films made me aware of Black martial arts heroes such as Jim Kelly, Ron Van Clief, Taimak, the late Steve James, etc... That gave me a sense of black pride. That let me know that the black man can be a hero in the movies. The BM could win the fights and save the day and get the girl at the end of the movie. Soon I started to check out films with Jim Brown, Fred Williamson (my fav.), Richard Roundtree, Bernie Casey, Ron O'Neal, Billy Dee Williams, Carl Weathers and even Wesley Snipes. I also learned about guys like Bob Minor, Chuck Jeffreys, Carl Scott, Bobby Samuels (who I met) and so forth.

    I'm also learning more about Oscar Micheaux as I get the time. I also saw Baaaadasssss and sow the hell Melvin Van Peebles went through to get his film made.

    As a teenager, I wanted to be an action star. But since I'm too fat now, I just want to produce and direct. I want to make action films with black leads. The films that were killed off by the NAACP. I want to emulate these films that I grew up watching. Why can;t there be a Black action hero? Why not a Black Stallone or a Black Van Damme? How about a Black jet Li?

    Now it is my goal to start up a production company that will focus on making independent films for building up black talent. However, all people will be welcome to work with me and in my films. I have several concepts for black action films. But for now these are pipe dreams. Once I get going, I hope I can make an impact in this genre of film.

    But enough about me. I'm sure I've bored you all to death...
  2. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I also look up to wrestlers such as the late Allen Coage (Bad News Allen/Brown), Rocky Johnson, the late Sylvester Ritter (Junkyard Dog), Ron Simmons, Booker (T.) Huffman, James (Koko B.) Ware, Bobo Brazil and others.
  3. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I graduate in december. And you should post it. Its a story that needs repeating until the madness stops.
  4. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    i took your advice....posted link under "in the news".
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i just heard about that, pimp daddy..

    yahoo news said they were cleared of charges...

    and they showed a picture of a crying woman, that i'm guessing was a relative..

    and of course, national black leaders are going to pursue that incident..


    because of america's history of letting race crimes like that, go unpunished..
  6. juturna

    juturna New Member

    What up every body, I am completely new here so i figure i would do my first post here since it seems fitting.

    Who am I....

    Well i am many things a son, a brother, a friend, a hopeless romantic among many things. I am from the lovely city of Rochester, New York but later moved to North Carolina at the ripe age of three. My passion extends from everything to watching foreign movies to writing to playing the guitar. I guess if you haven't figure it out already i am one of those artsy individuals. Currently, I am a college student with in satiable taste of other cultures and hopefully in the near future i can find a career that fits my taste of culture. Lastly, what gets me up in the morning is the hope of something new and exciting, the thought of doing something that might have an impact on people and one day waking up loving what i am doing (if that makes any sense). Well, hope to chit chat with the rest of the members on this forum.
  7. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    LMAO! :smt043
  9. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

  10. rosa

    rosa New Member

    I play bass. I sang a few times but really I'm much better singing in the bathroom... :)
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I can understand pj's when its cold, but you dont where them when its warm, do you?
  12. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    haha, i know the feeling. i play piano...i love to sing, but do a better job in my car with the windows down and radio blasting then on a mic'd stage w/ a spotlight. :D how long have you been playing?
  13. mwahh

    mwahh New Member



    "Fly Bitch" = A Beautiful Woman
  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    wouldn't it have been just as easy for him to type "beautiful woman" in the first place?
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    too many letters

  17. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol :lol:
  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    careful with those quick responses..

    you may get labeled a "regular"

  19. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    yeah....i think this place is becoming an addiction. gotta get my fix.

  20. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    about me...

    Well, I was born in the africa, in tiny Kingdom called Swaziland. Have primarily been raised in the UK though. Even though I have spent the majority of my life in the UK I strongly identify with my African roots. Speak near Fluent Zulu(a south african language), and also my native tongue siswati.


    Spanish women!!!! and cars!

    As well as South african politics, sports( especially soccer and rugby).

    and working as a mechanical engineer for one of the engine manufacturers.

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