Who Are You?...(Express Yourself!)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    (This is in response to being pimp-slapped by Rosa (lol)...thanks. :smt021 )

    This thread is an opportunity for everyone here to tell introduce themselves (new and old members), what they are doing, whats important to them...you know, what makes you get up in the morning.

    Hopefully, this becomes our most popular thread!
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    why you change your sig line, gangsta?


    what makes me get up in the morning?

    the prospect of interacting with different people, and leaving my impact on the world
  3. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    hmmm....what am i all about?

    my faith is my life. then comes my husband and my family. i have a bachelor's degree in sacred music and a minor in african american studies. i love laughing. i really like flowers. i grew up in a teeny, tiny redneck town, but thank God my parents weren't rednecks. :) i love the country. i spent a month in japan. i really do love other cultures, it's not just a front. i'm very opinionated. i'm not so good at giving second chances, and i'm very down-to-earth.

    oh, and what makes me get up in the morning?....toast, of course! :wink:
  4. rosa

    rosa New Member

    Pimpslaped? come on, Jellybird, I wasn't that cruel...

    I've got to respond then - & waiting for you to do so too!

    What I'm doing... work is not the best part of my life right now (hope to change that soon) but part of what makes life worthwhile for me is music (I play with friends regularly for the love of it, we have occasional gigs & releases). Also taking film classes, hoping to make a short movie some time soon... But more than anything, what seems to keep me going is a sense of curiosity, solidarity & even love (i know this sounds naive) for people... I was involved with a community campaign two years ago and it was the most amazing experience. Energy ran out unfortunately but I'm keeping my eyes and ears open...
  5. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    rosa, what's your instrument? or do you sing?
  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Ya know, I was just posting on this thread before I realized that I was logged out and lost everything. Oh well, maybe tomorrow...(exams this week.)
  7. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i hate that....i typed this huge email the other day, and lost the whole thing...i was pissed. :x

    good luck on exams...what are you studying?
  8. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

    I'm just a down to earth brotha that is happy to wake every morning.
  9. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    nothing is perfect.
    i have mantras that i repeat to myself everyday all the time.
    if you knew me outside of the internet you wouldnt know that as I intensely took in your every word I really paid more attention to the mantra played on repeat in my head. "kill kill kill....."
    And not in a violent way, more of in a " I will succeed. I will overcome. I will win. I will stay strong" sort of way.

    So if nothing is perfect why do I care? Because nothing is perfect and a big part of me thinks that the mark can be hit, from across the room blindfolded and drunk. I am getting closer to the goal but it is never good enough.
  10. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    word....with me its the prospect of meeting fly bitches and leaving an "impact" on them....

    where would the world be without fly bitches??..fuck boy. Fly bitches make the world go round... I was at the neighborhood joint last nite and there was an adundance of fly bitches. I knew it from the jump cuz brothaz seemed so fuckin happy...fuckin grilling the whole nite at these fly ass bitches///.you know what im sayin?..fly bitches make anybody smile...she can be a psycho killer, or some kinda male rapist, or even a scandalous hoe....we men will still love her cuz shes a fly bitch...and when she flaunts that phat booty our way,,,,shoot...dont matter if she got a nine in her hand,,,we will fantasize having a NINE in her hands..if u know what i mean....shoot....we might even wanna BUST A CAP in her mouth.....you feel me????......weed and fly bitches///thats the shit to me....get high while having roof top sex with a fly bitch....thats what im talkin about....

    fly bitches....
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    not quite what I had in mind....
  12. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Well I recently Graduated from my alma mater this past Dec with a Bio-business degree and currently work in a lab doing quality controll

    Hmmm. what gets me up in the morning...
    The unexpected i.e. Life is what gets me out of the bed everyday I always look forward to the challenges of the day. I have made several goals for myself to pursue. I want to learn another language maintain an informed level of knowledge on foreign and current affairs pertaining to economics and cultural issues. I also have recently become very interested in biology and chemistry and study as much as I can during my weekend job @ the gym lol. Pretty much I feel like if I'm not learning or moving forward in some way I may as well be dead.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    sounds like things are progressing for you...

    I remember you were looking for a job before...

    welcome to the "real world," noobie

  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    since you're looking at continuing your educational growth, I would recommend online courses..

    if you live close to a college, you may not need to..but if your school offers it, i would check it out..

    one day, you may not have time to hump to and from a physical class, you know... this way, you'll have some experience in the virtual setting...

    I know around here, drexel, penn state, and community colleges offer online courses for working students (it would be great if we didn't have to work :) )
  15. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Ya I'll def have to look into that. The only thing I'm afraid of is, running into someone who will distract me from my current goals and then have to reset everything.... Not that it would be a bad thing I'm just kinda leary about the possibility ya know...
  16. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's what anyone had in mind...
  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

  18. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Who am I...

    Im a momma's boy...I am definitely my mother's son. Im a southern boy with deep New York roots. Ive done quite a bit of traveling up and down the east coast of the US and now its time to climb (attack) the corporate ladder. (First my B.A. and then my M.B.A.) I love to prove people wrong. Not in a smart-ass way but by doing what people say cant be done. I love my family. Im bothered by the fact that my father's side isnt as close as my mom's side. They drive past each other's home every day and never stop to speak. '

    I would give my life for anyone of my family members on my mom's side of the family. Why, because we love each other that much. They (I havent seen them in almost four years) get together EVERY SATURDAY and cook and play spades. (They have been playing the same game for almost 50 years and still argue about the damn rules.)

    I love women. Even though Im in love with a white woman, which is different than loving all white women, Im very pro-black. I take it personally when anyone attacks or criticizes black culture, black people, or the plight of black people. I cant be bought. I believe that black people with money, power and/or influence have an obligation to speak up, facilitate, and promote change and progress for all black people, especially the less fortunate. Because if it wasnt for Jackie Robinson, Tommie Smth, John Carlos, and Rosa Parks (people who made real sacrifices) there would be no Clearence Thomas, Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods.

    I hate bigots, racist, sexist, and anyone who looks down on those who are not as smart, good-looking, rich, or as fortunate as they are. I cant understand how working-class (if you work, regardless of how much you make, your working class) people can be republicans. Even though black people use it indiscriminately, white people souldnt use the n-word. (Didnt your momma teach you not to repeat everything you hear?)

    This year I just realized how interesting the world outside of the US is. Austrailia is on my list of must-see places. I have fallen in love with everything Egyptian. (When you see "The WAS Foundation," you'll know that's me.)

    I love listening to BDP, public enemy, roberta flack, donnie haithiway, bob marley, 2 live crew, phyliss hyman,rose royce, maze/frankie beverly, and the notorious B.I.G.
    I also love to listen to rachael yamagata, u2, michael buble', radiohead, rage against the machine, led zepplin, carly simon, and moby.

    I love sex. Learning what women like and teaching them what men like. (Women...we are sensitive in the same places you are, and if you ever want to do something that will drive us wild, suck on our nipples!) There is no such thing as a bad sexual position. There is nothng better than being waken up in the middle of the night to great head. There's no room in the bedroom for rules...anything goes. And what two people do in the privacy of their bedroom is between them and their power tools. (Please wash thorougly before returning, thank you.) I dont like to listen to music while having sex (prefer to listen to the woman, instead) but sade, the isley bros, kem, donnel jones, maxwell, and bilal's "soul sista" is music I can f*ck to all night! (Please keep your arms and legs inside the bed at all times and fasten your seatbelts, because your ass is going for a ride!)

    I love animals and fast cars. (I would pay top-dollar for a porsche big enough for a big guy (6'3'' 270). I love suits but the thought of being forced to wear one everyday to work bothers me. I dont see the need for people to make up their bed in the morning and I will never understand why grown-ass people who live by themselves wear pajamas.

    And I get up every morning because Im not smart enough to be rich enough to stay in bed!
  19. jellybird

    jellybird New Member


  20. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    ya know, i just.....i mean just read that article like 5 minutes ago. it's really sad...i just don't get it. i was going to post it up on here, but didn't. maybe i will.

    i like your whole description of yourself. never would have guessed you liked michael buble... :wink: it's good to see someone with strong family ties too. my family is my world...and my cats, lol

    porsche, huh? i'd rather drive a viper, but than again, if someone was going to give me a porsche, i wouldn't turn my nose up at it...just so tiny. i like cars, but i somehow i find them dangerous...think it's b/c my husband always wants to drive fast...makes me worry - typical woman, i guess. :roll: and for some reason, i pictured you as a "little" dude...not 6'3". hope you don't take that as an attack on your manhood, lol.

    how much longer do you have on your finance degree? my husband is working on the same thing. :D

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