Yes, ladies and gentleman, America's Next Top Model has announced their new winner for cycle 10: Whitney!! And she's "plus-sized"....ooooooooh!!! :lol: I know, i know...i've read some of the posts on here from certain men who think women over a size 4/6 are "disgusting", and "bottom of the barrel", and my personal favorite "the white man's leftovers". Well, boys, Whitney's a size 10!! So go ahead and tell me she's not a total hottie....i dare ya!!
She is certainly beautiful, tall, fit, toned, I don't think she is who most people have in mind when they describe someone as "plus sized", to me, plus sized is a Mo'nique body type, not this woman, as we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am glad to see that the fashion industry is making 'some" attempt to do away with the ultra-thin, sickly, really unhealthy, bag of bones, look for models. I say bring back the Cindy Crawford type body on models!
Nothing wrong with being size ten, as long as your body is proportional. You could be a midget and still look TALL if both your legs and upper body are slim. This girl may be plus sized but shes in no way over weight or "fat".....the reason she looks "slim" is because her size is evenly distributed across her body. I mean look at that flat belly.......but i'll stop right there
She's not a total hottie. I need a nice strong set of legs. She's str8 though. I never knew that her size was considered plus size. i thought that was just normal. I thought plus size was big oprah size up to obese. a politically correct term for fat.
I modelling the line between slim,acceptable and plus-sized are very thing. I see it all the time. I do it on an amateur level and get hatred from some people as well. But the trend is getting away from those anorexic-looking models. In many European countries,especially Spain,more and more photographers refuse to let those super-skiny models walk on their catswalks. Good Idea I think because that might help reducing the number of eating disorders.
Your favorite term "white man's leftovers" is out of context with this model. It applies to fat, out of shape, or morbidly obese women. She may be cute, but she's NOT a total hottie!
the idea of "white man's leftovers" implies that a woman with high intellect, great wit, pleasant demeanor and lots of charisma is a total waste because she isn't a size 6..... i'd venture to say that a crude, crass, ignorant woman with great looks, a big booty, large breasts and a size 4 dress size....could also be classified as "leftovers"
the term "white man's leftovers" was out of context when it was first posted in its' original thread (whichever one it was). how dare any man try to tell a woman that she is another man's leftovers. you don't hear any of the WW on this forum referring to BM as a "black woman's leftovers". i am not a size 6, but all be damned if i'm anybody's "leftovers". i'm the appetizer, main course, AND dessert from first bite to last... the whole "leftovers" idea just shows the mentality of the person who first said it. i'm done.
of course we could be looking at this all wrong....leftovers can be quite delicious my momma always told me...(oh geez I sound like Forrest Gump...I've been in the South too long) be careful of falling for women that have guys drooling all over them...sometimes a girl that is "out of season" or "left-over" could be just right
but see, chosen, you're using "leftover" in a totally different manner than it was first used. your momma's definitely got a point - i would agree with her 110%. i've never been the chick that's had men falling all over her...i'm very simple, but i respect myself. i found it very disrespectful and hurtful the way the word "leftover" was used in another post. but you summed it beautifully in your post prior to this one. so kudos to you! :wink: