"Whiteboys" Tees v.s. "I love Black Men"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Real Talk right there. I got you on all points except one, but I aint never hear a lot of young white folks talking about how much they hate rap, more of loving it.

    And you are dead on about those whitegirls that will date the most hood ACTING! whiteboy, but I ignore them gurls anyway, they must be attracted to fakeness to me. :lol:
  2. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I'm not into shirts with graphics/logos on them. Occasionally I'll wear a shirt with a sports team logo or a political shirt, but not very often. So you wouldn't see me in something like that. I came across this [​IMG] and thought it was kinda cute, but I wouldn't wear it. I've never seen anyone wearing these shirts either. What would be the point of a white woman wearing a "I love white guys" shirt? It's already assumed that she dates white men (most people date inside their race).
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

  4. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Good find, Kenny.

    As keen observers already said:
    - white boys vs black men
    - Black men is also Bigger fonts.

    Point being made here? :)
  5. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    I used to see these shirts a lot in LA a few years ago, not lately though. And I think they're stupid. Of all the people wearing them the funniest IMHO was a brotha wearing a "whiteboy" shirt in the gym?!? I just looked at him and couldn't help laughing out loud on the spot, just shook my head thinkin' Damn, these young cats are a trip. Don Cheadle was a celebrity sponser of whiteboy products though, and he rocks that shit too, and I've got a lot of respect for Don Cheadle. I kinda thought he looked like a token black celebrity for them to make their shit look "right" but thats just me I have a tendency to over analyze shit a lot too.
  6. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Those are just two different styles of shirts. One is a cami, one is a tank top. The tank top style is just cut smaller. They're cafepress.com shirts. All of their shirts (they have shirts with all kinds of logos from environmental to politics) come in the same choice of clothing styles for the most part. You should be able to get the black guys one in the thinner tank top style.

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