White Women who are down with black culture but not black men?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Esoterik Dreadz, May 1, 2011.

  1. No one's getting bent outta nothing. It's a false representation is all. And enjoy being the token black friend for a bunch of girls who can just see you as a man. I make it my business not to hang with close minded people.
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Good lord can you read???

    I mentioned that I am currently dating one of them and only SOME of them only date white guys (not all of them).

    With Esoterik's logic, its a hate crime if you aint down to date him :smt005
  3. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Damn Esoterik you must be one vain dude.

    You won't be friends with a girl who's not open to dating you?

    The world doesn't revolve around you sweetcakes.
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

  5. And you're a fucking idiot. Defending chicks who don't even see you as a man but a black man. A logical preference is saying you don't date short guys or tall guys but basically these girls are saying it's the preference to be prejudiced

    That clear enough for you?
  6. I won't be friends with a woman who believes i'm beneath her to date. See me as man first not a black man. It's says alot about a person when the their dating views are that myopic.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah I don't get why that's so hard to grasp. I guess you to use other examples. Like "I have white friends who love to study with me and go to concerts with me but they don't really like having black men in their homes. They've had a couple of bad experiences." Would that just be preference? If you don't want to date me fine but saying you never date any black man just because they're black is racist. Prejudice based on race is racist. As for that dumb ass example of liking karate flicks but not liking Asian women is fucking racist. Not every Asian woman looks like Margret Cho or the women you saw in a particular movie some may look like Lucy Lu or that sexy ass girl from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or even London Keyes. No one is telling you who to date but if you dismiss me for no other reason then I'm black you ARE racist. Wake the fuck up people.
  8. Swear to god, i don't understand some dudes on here. It's like you have to use charts and diagrams to explain to them some shit on here.
  9. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    So in short, if you're a white women and you're in the club doing the "dougie" and you turn down Esoterik Dreadz you're a racist/prejudice biatch!!!:smt043

    Also, that goes for any ww thats doing the "dougie" or crankin it to soujla boy...you better be open to brothas!!!

    Glad you cleared that up for me lmao
  10. Nico

    Nico Banned

    I can think of quite a few reasons why no girl would want to date you. I'm sure they use the "cause you're black" line cause it's the surest way to keep you away.
  11. Okay, lemme put that in some historical context for you my ripped but culturally ignorant brotha. You familiar with the term culture vulture? Rock and roll, jazz and blues we're all black art forms listened to and invented by blacks. What eventually happened? Whites caught wind of it and took them over. With very little reverence for the blacks who invented it or enjoyed the art form for years.(See Elvis) So when i see a white girl in the club "doing the dougie" and turning down black guys trying to dance with her, yeah thats what springs to mind. They want to enjoy the culture but the blacks who come with it and thats just shitty. They'll just dance with the wigga looking white guy. Don't enjoy my music and culture and look down on me like i'm not good enough. I don't play that.

    Give you another example, the other night i'm watching the game and this T-Mobile commercial comes up that cute T-Mobile girl who has this nerdy looking white guy next to her spitting some weak rhymes. And she's bobbing along all with it but what you think is the odds she'd date say...Kid Cudi over this wanna be? 0.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forum sista I was wondering when you'd get here.
  13. The commercial in question for ya'll:

  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I am with the Arizona boy Iggy and the radical Brazilian empyrium on this. Just coz a WW who enjoys hip hop, reggae, African culture, Blk cuisine, clothing etc...does not want to date your blk assess or any BM does not make her racist.

    You do make a valid point about some white folks being a culture vulture, stealing some of our culture, incorporating it to their own and getting a credit for it. As you listed Elvis and other popular musician comes to mind. Even the movie Matrix, the original idea was conceived by a BW which was jacked by the two Polish brothers and made it a cultural phenomenon. But here we are talking about dating, a WW can say such and such BM looks attractive but not date him. Also some WW might not find other ethnic group facial symmetry/color/physique not appealing to their sexual appetite and that certainly don’t make them racist.
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  15. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    Here is the problem with that statement. The problem is that the "culture vultures" DID sleep with the black men. So if you are worried about culture vultures, you are mistaken if you believe that the white girl who does "the dougie" and sleeps with black men does not have an agenda to steal your culture.

    She might not date Kid Cudi, but she might very well date a black computer programmer. She might be the type of person to date someone like Geordi LaForge off of Star Trek TNG.
  16. Nico

    Nico Banned

    lol, you have so many holes and contradictions in your "logic" it's not even funny.

    So let me get this straight....

    If a white guy raps he's a wigga and not the real thing, so you figure the white girl should get the real deal which is a black guy?

    So what about that same white girl then?

    By your logic if she's in the club "doing the dougie" isn't she as much as a wigga as the white guy?
    If that's the case then why would you want her when you can just get the real thing? A black girl.

    So you don't want a white girl to enter your culture without liking black guys.
    However it's ok for you to ignore black girls even though they're part of that very same culture...

    Hypocrite much? If you have no concrete reasoning behind your logic I'll expose it every time.
  17. z

    z Well-Known Member

  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I haven't read all the replies, so please forgive me.

    I find this often with White guys who are into Hip Hop. They're so immersed into the culture that you'd think they'd date IR, but they don't.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I completely get what you're saying but its so fuckin stupid
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol they know where the line is lol

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