White women that love black men, but are not "woke"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GAmomlisa, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you. People keep acting like freedom is free. This shit is constantly being fought for while so many sit back taking it all for granted
  2. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed, and well said.
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You hit it on the the head C33.
  4. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    That`s the typical attitude of Africans in the U.S. They find it difficult to admit that the opportunities that they see and make great use of were due to black Americans fighting and dying for equality. And yes, when they are discriminated they sure don`t mind black Americans taking up their cause. Let`s flip the coin. A stranger to any of those countries would wonder why with all those natural resources and a majority black population the countries are so messed up.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Preach homie preach.
  6. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    They are messed up because everyone thinks of themselves, their family, their extended family and possibly their tribe and not of the greater good of the whole society. That’s also why they (not just Africans but immigrants from many countries) think of our welfare system over here only as a giant free gift shop where you take out as much as you can but don’t put anything back in for someone else to take.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
  7. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Exactly! It didn't magically appear and waiting for us to grab it up. Lots of blood, sweat and tears and more suffering for those rights/opportunities that we do have. I'll be the first to admit that some are lazy and truly need to get off their rumps, but his attitude/comments was some straight BS.
  8. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    This is going to end the day the young man gets his green card.

    ...and then she tries to trumpify him.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I remember Tariq Nasheed talking about this. Trying to turn this dude into coon by the time they get back stateside. I love when these chicks get finessed out their shit
  10. K

    K Well-Known Member

  11. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  12. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    When the friends bring out the truth..and break down African family life for Angela lol.

    This whole thing makes me laugh and cringe at the same time.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  13. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    What about that WW who prevented that brother from going into his apartment? She has a Black husband,the best example of a less woke WW.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    That is so true! I had not read in Black History of Africans from the colonies protesting for Civil Rights,against Jim Crow etc. The ones who did were from the Caribbean.
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Sure does indeed. A unattractive WW is proof that African is not in love only love for the American or EU passport.
  17. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    Prime example also goes to show that in some sense you truly can't help what you like. She might like the features of an African man but never bothered to do any real digging beyond that. I could never marry a WW who didn't at least understand and appreciate the struggle. I want her to be woke but not SJW-tumblr woke you know? I dated a woman once who was very woke in many terms but really rejected American feminism. Not being anti-feminist or pro-feminist here but her attitude and approach to things always allowed for nuance and she never claimed to be an expert. She liked more traditional gender roles and felt that skin color discrimination and LGBTQ discrimination were her big areas to focus on.

    I dated a ww once who wasn't very woke at all and it only lasted about 3 dates because I couldn't shake the feeling she thought of me less than, like I was some sort of vessel for her sexual pleasure. I think YES I am physically only attracted to WW just as some WW fancy black men but that being said I can still cull some options as to not ending up in a situation with a Permit Patty type wife. Who is annoying regardless.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Just as many bw not "woke" as ww. Most bw think that they have as much adversity as bm, many believe that they even have more (if you add in the so called problems bm create for them). In this respect, ww that are not "woke" are the flip side to the same coin as the average bw.

    So you can hear about how "magic" and "strong" bw are and how they are the so called backbone of the community, or you can be on the flip side and be with someone who doesn't know much about any of it.

    If you have ever educated or mentored someone before, you would know that it's easier for the listener to digest the material if they don't already have a bias, mental block or strong opinion.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You could also date other brown women who get it on some level but aren't ignorant enough to tell you your struggle
  20. strongstealth

    strongstealth Member

    There do seem to be a lot of people wishing and hoping the day comes when seeing a white woman holding hands and kissing a black man would become more excepted and normal in Europe.

    Maybe you’ll be one of them.

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