White Women that can cook soul food

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Anybody find that sort of a turn on?

    not talking about that fake stuff either

    im talking about real southern style soul food

    everything from scratch........

    I remember Kim kardashian talking about how she cooks soul food for Reggie..
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    No. I don't like soul food. If she can make some bomb ass burritos or mac n' cheese or BBQ like a mufucka, THAT will turn me on.
  3. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Perhaps it's just a regional thing, but I don't like most Southern food. Greens, black eye peas and cornbread are good, but the rest of it is not my bag.
  4. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I like people who can cook good food period. I don't care what race they are
  5. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    A white woman that can cook good soul food would be the perfect woman for me. Unless she weighed 600lbs
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    cosign homeboy

    doesn't have to be "soul food" at all. Could be a sandwich, chicken, fish, lasagna, spaghetti..

    as long as the sh*t's good
  7. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I don't even know what soulfood actually is (in terms of specific dishes).
    But, i did learn to cook african food when I was with my ex.
    And, I cook nearly everything from scratch when I make it - tastes better and is healthier. I even bake my own bread from time to time and make my own cheese! :) yum.

    I don't think I could date a man who didn't at least enjoy cooking - and would prefer someone who was good at it too! :)
  8. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    (Wow. Too many yankees on this board. Where are the country boys at?)

    Soul food is fried chicken, fried okra, fried liver and gizzards, fried catfish - or whatever you caught that day, chitterlings (pronounced "chit-lense"), grits (cheese grits is the shit!), salmon paddies, liver pudding, bread pudding, ox tails and rice, hash and rice, black-eyed peas, field peas, butterbeans (pronounced "butta-beans"), lima beans (butterbeans and lima beans are not the same), turkey stuffing/dressing made with chicken liver and gizzards, cornbread, collard greens, pig feet, and of course...sweet potato pie! (Old school people like my grandma also eat chicken feet and pig ears and rice.) :smt078

    And you wash it down with real sweet tea. ("Get that damn (unsweetened) raspberry tea away from me!")
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    SMH...I wouldnt trust her ass with chinese take-out!
  10. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    (Damn! Talking about food, I forgot to answer the thread.)

    Although there are some similairities, such as lots of fried food, blacks and whites from the south cook and eat completely different. For instance, most whites in the south eat pumpkin pie, dont put chicken liver and gizzards in their stuffing, and generally underseason their food (for black people's tastes, anyway.) Southern blacks season their food when we cook it so all you need is a spoon and cornbread, use way too much salt and sugar, and eat sweet potato pie (ive never tasted pumpkin pie in my life).

    Thus, you can find a white woman who can cook southern-style food, but it would be almost impossibe to find one who can cook sou-food...unless she grew up in a black home and developed a certain taste for food.
  11. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Pretty much, yep.
  12. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Oh, ok. Thanks for the tips. :D

    I ate heaps of collard greens and corn meal when I was in the USA, but that's just because it was cheap and could fill me up for my dinner! :) I doubt I cooked it the "right way" though. :) And, I only knew what that was because I had hung around with African people at home. I had to go to a specialty importer to buy corn meal at home. (Leksola - things might be better in Sydney? Or perhaps Perth?).

    And I hardly season anything, ever. I like the taste of my food, not salt and pepper...so, I probably wouldn't cook it right. I don't want any man of mine dying of heart disease at the age of fifty. :)

    And no sweet tea...I like my tea hot with no milk or sugar...

    But, having said all that - if the guy I was with inspired me to cook the food of his culture - then I would learn and I would do it. :)

    oh - and in Australia we pronounce "butter" like butta anyway. anything "er" is pronounced "a"....
  13. veema

    veema Member

    I've eaten all the above and cooked most of the above and the two that I won't do again are chitterlings (no amount of hot sauce could camouflage that smell) and sweet tea. Nope. Just won't do it.
  14. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Really? there are folks who don't?
  15. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


  16. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Hi Jelly, thanks for this - I had no idea what soul food is either, lol. I love to cook everything from Thai to Mexican. I'm not a huge fan of frying everything but once in a while it's yummy.

    And a man that can cook??? WOW that's deadly - I love it!
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  17. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    You left out chicken necks and feet. You know you are old school if you eat them. LOL Oh and poke salad too.

    One of the ways I caught my husband was with my cooking. In the morning I fed him baked eggs and mustard greens. He was hooked! I always have a big pot of greens on the stove or in the fridge. Greens go with everything.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Banana pudding, shrimp creole, (pumpkin pie can be pretty good but not quite as good as sweet tater pie). A huge difference is that whites eat white gravy and blacks eat brown gravy...white gravy...yuck.

    Pecan pie
    Shrimp and grits
    Turnip greens with neckbones
    Brown gravy...I repeat...BROWN GRAVY..not white gravy
    Hush puppies
    Fried buffalo fish (with the bones in of course)
    BBQ Hot Links/Ribs
    Peach cobbler with ice cream
    Macaroni n' cheese with ham and jalapenos (a little Texas flava)
    Hot water cornbread is the shiznit with some black eyed beans or chili beans
    Sweet tea
  19. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I'm a really good cook, I'm not even gonna lie.

    I like spending my Sundays cooking, it relaxes me for a stressful week ahead.

    I don't know much about American soul food, other than a mean cornbread I make and of course the chicken, oh and red velvet cake..

    but I make southern african, Botswanan, food as taught to me by my African 'mama' and sisters..

    I do it all..of course not quite as well as them, but enough to keep my man from getting too homesick.

    The beef just isn't as good here, though.
  20. Amazonka

    Amazonka Active Member

    i like cooking, i have 2 sons thought - i have to cook , no choice here lol...

    But what i mostly cook is russian food...if we feel like trying somethg new we usually do eating out ...:smt036

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