So much is written about the trials and tribulations of black men's struggle in this country. Not much do I hear about the struggle white women go through. I guess that is because they are viewed as already protected. They are privileged and get the best of this society. I was listening to an old song from the 1970's from a recording artist named Helen Reddy if I'm saying her name right "I'm Woman" it was call, my wife told me that was a rallying call for women to take charge of their own lives and not be the property of men. In the case of the white female many feel that their struggle for equal rights whether in pay, advancement etc... has a similar struggle to black men and that they share a kinship in the struggle. I'm willing to bet that the tremendous social change of IR between black men and white women is that both are drawn to each other because of that struggle they both see themselves in. I could be off the mark, but I do not think so.
Helen Reddy was famous for "I Am Woman." I love that song. I didn't understand it at first. But I still love that song growing up. Women, regardless of race, do suffer and endure because of the issue of gender. Compared to black men, I think it is greater because they are trying to survive in a "White Man's World." In terms of IR, and this has been brought up, white women suffer a great deal of social objection and oftentimes ostricization because of their choice to date or marry. In some strange way, success (or survival), no matter where she is, or does, depends on who the woman is to date or marry. It is up to her if she wants to be truly happy for herself or to be happy at the whims of others.
It is nice to see someone from the other side reach out and try to understand and look at someone else's viewpoint:freehug:; to often, from what little I have seen, sometimes peoples from an oppressed group sometimes turn on one another just as the oppressors like; to keep them divided. We must have each others backs and remember a common goal, of equality for all. I think something similar to this was discussed not too long ago, and it turned into a big debate with quite a bit of disagreements, and it looked like what some oppressors want; for us to stay divided, for then we are easier to control. Thanks for the mention of Helen Reddy, I watched her do this song on YouTube, perfect summery of women's liberation in a simple strong song.