White women stereotypes

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by craxy, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    The girl probably kissed her ass and showed her respect 'cause she's an old lady. That'll do it.
  2. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    yo brah when did hunting and fishing become a non black thing?? hell u are in tally-ho too...you must be a yankee transplant...
  3. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    Yeah originally form washington D.C.... Some of my folks up there do go out to fish but the majority dont and stay in their neighborhoods weather it sthe hood or burbs. Some of my folks want to stay in their own closed world and not step out and see what else is out there .

    Here in Tally a lot of folks I know either do that stuff or their family do that stuff.
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    There are horrible stereotypes about WW out there! I heard they're kind, sweet, and appreciate good men when they see them. I heard you can talk about art, film, politics and world events with WW. I heard you can take them places and they appreciate it and also know how to act while there. I also heard they're hot in bed and give great blow jobs! Shameful rumors and stereotypes, I tell you. I am outraged.
  5. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Actually meeting someone face to face can change a lot. She didn't know the girl at first, she only knew her skin color. Then obviously she met her and realized she was actually a nice girl. It's wonderful that your grandmother allowed your friend's girlfriend to change her mind. Some people, it doesn't matter how nice you are, once they've judged you then that's it. That's how a lot of the older people are where I'm from, and I've noticed it in the older people in my boyfriend's family. He has an aunt that actually liked me...before she saw me face to face and realized I was white. Now she hates me and won't speak to me unless she's cussing me out. *rme*.

    You get a lot more closed minds in the older generations, I believe, because they all grew up in a different era. That's not to say there aren't many closed minds in younger generations, either, but it seems less frequent.
  6. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    LOLOLOLOL oh boy I better stay away and be wary for my own safey then lolololollollol . :smt042
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Oh hell yeah, you might even be HAPPY messin with WW, you wouldn't want that. Society wants you ANGRY.
  8. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I'll probably start giving women chances when I'm in my late 20s/30s.
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Don't do the ladies any favors. :confused:
  10. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    Of course not. Just because I have my preferences, that doesn't mean I should change for them.
  11. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    No, i dont recommend he does either, you stay clear of those nasty, nasty whitewomen. ( ww breathe sigh off relief) lol :D
  12. Canelle

    Canelle New Member

    Oxe sounds like he doesnt like people in general.

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