She teases me and says things like, "I know how much you love those black men!" She thinks it's a phase or kink that I like black men, and I tell her people can (and do) say the same thing about her and her man. It's usually very light hearted conversation, especially since I moved to the south. We don't talk like we used to.
Its also in the end about control as well. Look into it but it is about not fixing oneself and about control . I ahd the same experience at work. I conversed with the all women there and it was cool and all. but when i conversed jsut conversed with WW it was a big deal. I was even once told dont mess with vanillia. I didnt care. But this needs to be address and check. By both sexes. If your lonely fix yourslef first dont blame someone of another race taking your "man/woman" if your lonely . Fix yourself then you might be able to find a good person