White Women on "Black" Sites??

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Just as a point of information. In the US there are actually very few children who are "orphans" even within the system. Most states will not terminate parental rights (no matter how dire the situation) until a family is found to adopt the child...the idea being that they don't want to purposely create orphans. There are those birth parents who will voluntarily surrender their rights even within the public system.

    Most adoptions in this country are private and the placement happens very shortly after birth. Often the situations are matched prior to birth. Black women have a much tougher time finding families to adopt their children, and also deal with a lot of cultural pressure and often will not find someone to adopt their child until right before birth or after.

    I think most would agree that they would hope to place a child with same race and/or culture family. Unfortunately that often is not an option with black babies and children. So then the question becomes what is most important. And unfortunately there are those Social Workers who get on power trips and feel it's best to place a child in a same race home at all costs....leaving children without a home, even though there may be qualified families out there who really want the children.

    There are some crazy things that go on out there. There are children placed in trans-racial homes for foster care and then that family will adopt but the child is moved to a different adoptive home because of race. This is probably NOT in the best interest of the child as disruption from the home can cause all sorts of issues for that child.

    I'm the first one to point out issues within the "adoption world". The whole supply and demand mentality is rather sickening. There are all sorts of nasty things that go on out there. However, in all that...there are thousands of babies and children without homes. They don't have the time for people to work out the policies. And I certainly don't think any home is better than no home.

    I certainly would not advocate people adopting trans-racially if they aren't prepared. And I'm quite sure that many out there are not. And it bothers me a great deal that there are those who will open themselves up to adopting black babies/children solely because the wait time may be quicker or the costs of adoption cheaper.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again...adoption has become big business. It's shifted from being concerned about the needs of the child and finding them the best possible home; to being about the needs (demands) of couples and finding children for them. Of course there are still many situations out there where this is not the case and it really has been about the best for the child. But the trend sure has gone the other way.
  2. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    You've summed it up pretty well there. I find it rather unseemly that money is traded for children in some cases. Sure it is politely refered to as a service fee or what not, but it sure give the appearance of auctioning off a human being. There is certianly much room for improvement.
  3. beauty

    beauty New Member

    Re: Whitewomenblackmen.com

    being open-minded is a blessing from god and most arient blessed with it. love your reply!

  4. dossou

    dossou Member

    Be yourself if not you won't live life to the fullest and you'llnever be strong within Love must be srtong otherwise it'll be to weak and you'll be shy
    Love without strengh produces the weak .Strengh without love makes the beast.
    Hope it would help
  5. beauty

    beauty New Member

    this is very true and i will share this with friends. thank you very much

  6. dossou

    dossou Member

    Thanks Beauty for appreciating the words
    Have a nice day
  7. beauty

    beauty New Member

    Your welcome Dossou, your words shows a kind heart; this i definately appreciate and thank you dearly for it.


  8. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    I have to agree with Lipstick, you go where the black men are, too bad the white woman have to deal with the consequences with the black women on the board.

    If I want to look for white women I go to sites that have alot of them, but read their profile before responding some do still like to date white men.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Don't know if anyone posted this before...

    a lot of posts in this thread, didn't have time to read them all...


    I used to browse black sites to see if women of different ethnicities and backgrounds had "ads" there..

    for me..it saves me the trouble of guessing whether or not that white girl...or asian girl..or whatever, was interested in meeting or just talking to black men, in general..

    I have come across women that absolutely refused to just simply instant message black guys, just because they were black..

    so..using some sort of logic...i came to the conclusion that, if a girl posts on a site geared towards black people, she was interested in black men..

    that sort of reasoning is what separates men from animals

  10. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Right on...
  11. burris

    burris New Member

  12. burris

    burris New Member

    all i know is that by the years end i will have a white wife
  13. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    That's the best post on this thread. Very practical and I use that logic myself. Wish I would've said it first. :)
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    maybe someone did post something like that earlier... I dunno....

    i just tend to look at the first couple of posts and the last ones, before replying...

    so that I don't make a "total" ass out of myself..

    but I went to a site called "blacksinglesmeet," and found other girls on it besides blackwomen...

    helps alot if you are into the interracial scene, but are not really sure if your potential partner likes black men..

    like I've said before, i've met some women who flatout said no, because of skin color...

    I don't have time to weed through all of that bullsh*t...

  15. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Blackplanet is an Oxymoron if there every was one....

    824 German women in one search I did.... Yeah some them are biracial women, but c'mon now.

    Several Groups on BP are specifically for IR

    Thousands of pages from Canadian and American Caucasian women on that site, it dwarfs any so-called Interracial Site out there.

    In fact I find many of the women on several dating sites as well, so yes people use Blackplanet as a dating tool as well.

    I have been online since 1990, remember Compuserve????

    I ALWAYS know where to look, if your curious just ask.
  16. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Im on www.blackplanet.com and get a lot of hatred from black women. But I dont let them bring me down. I like the network
  17. Pinnacle23

    Pinnacle23 New Member

    I know that I can give all the credit to online dating for my greatest of fortunes.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I had used Black Planet myself but,it has been a while since I last used it.
  19. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    good stuff, intrigue. i couldn't agree more. :smt023
  20. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt055 ...thank you...with your sexy-ass....Are you taken? What's your name? What's your number?...You got a man....in the Words of the late great Roger Troutman....."I-I-I-I wanna be your man/I wanna be your man" :smt049
    Just kiddin'....sike

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