White Women on "Black" Sites??

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Ok so we sortof started talking about this on the online dating thread. But I thought it might be a good topic to bring up and there are those who aren't going to be looking in an online dating thread.

    So what do you all think about a white woman posting a dating ad on a black site such as blackpeoplemeet ?

    For anyone not familiar with the site - as you enter it asks all sorts of questions and one is ethnicity and it lists many. There are definitely white women on there. It's not a discussion forum....it's dating ads.

    I'll be honest here and say that I did post my ad on there temporarily. The truth is there have been lots of responses. The ad has my picture - it's obvious I'm a white woman.

    I'm still a bit uncomfortable with being on there.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    do you think lance armstrong purchases his bicycles at sears? now sears sells bikes...i get the impression he goes to a bike shop...custom bike shop would be more appropriate...so why not go after what you want? why does it matter where you find him...isn't the goal to find him? did i not tell you that you would get many hits on your profile knca...can the glass just be full today? enjoy it! you deserve the attention!
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    :lol: I know where you are at about this topic lipstick. And I think your points are well taken.

    I don't think the analogy is quite on though. I think there is a difference between a white woman posting on an IR dating site and a white woman posting on a black dating site. Your analogy would fit more for those thinking of posting ads on match.com, etc. vs a black site.

    It's not that I'm not seeing the glass as 1/2 full (for the record - there are many responses from the IR sites as well) I brought it up as a point of conversation simply because I think it's nice to have new topics on here and not the same things recycled all the time :)
  4. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I haven't considered putting an add up on an "black site" because I figured anyone interested in IR dating would be on an IR site... now I actually learn that posting on Blackpeoplemeet for example is welcome by some men. I don't think it's an issue to put up an add there but I personally would just keep a low profile (example I wouldn't engage in the discussions on the forums)
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I sse no reason why you should feel uncomfortable being on the site. It is a dating site for people to meet black people who are single; it is NOT a site for ONLY black people to meet single black people. Big difference. When a guy wants to look at ads to meet women, white women is one of the options, so it also for black men who want to date white women. It is great for the guys who like white women because we know the white women there want to date black men. So knowing that there are black men who like women on that site (as you've already found out), then by all means stay there! I suspect you're anticipating some kind of backlash from bw on the site. If that happens (I doubt it will) then you just tell them to mind their own business :)
  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im an absolutist when it comes to things such as this. I dont think "black" dating sites should be exclusive to blacks. Those type of sites were designed to give minorities a place to gather rather than be a place exclusively for them. It just makes sense that if you are attracted to a specific race, religion, color, etc that you would increase your chances of meeting someone if you frequented places that they are. Haters be damned!
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    True indeed Jellybird.
  8. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I have to say the number is lower(I checked my area). The amount was probably about 10 non-black women and out of that 3 were good enough to date. I actually think that the website should cater anyone who might be interested enough to date people of that racial group. I mean it is nothing wrong doing it and of course you can meet successful men who might click with well and then have a long lasting relationship.
  9. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    I don't mind if a white or other non black women is putting up ads on a site like blackplanet. It actually helps remove the guess work on whether or not she's down for brotha's.
  10. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Well... since there has been discussion about this, I decided to give it a try and I've put up a profile on BPM. And since I've put up my picture, I've received a few messages.... the only problem is that there aren't many BM in my area on there :(

    I guess I'll have to keep looking........
  11. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Well, what a complete downer! I've posted an ad on BPM and I have apparently received some messages and "flirts" but you have to be a paying member to see them and their credit card payment option is not working right now. I wrote to them to ask what was going on and they want me to pay by Western Union or by mail! I am really not that dedicated, I guess, cause that seems like a major hassle! Plus, you can't see who the messages are from before paying! Booooooooo!
  12. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Oh that sucks Peargirl, I was looking forward to some good "first date" stories... are you going to try once the credit card payment option is available again?
  13. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    The thing that I always find rather odd about dating sites is the men who will send flirts, smiles, whatever (maybe messages) but then you respond in the same way and often you will not hear back.

    I know it's not just men. I have male friends who have said the same thing about women.

    My thought is - why are they sending something if they don't want to interact?

    Peal - I would wait until the cc is working again. It will just cost you more to do Western Union.
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i think the flirts are too easy...so i said NO to flirts and bookmarks and made it clear that i would only respond to real messages...otherwise you may end up wasting alot of time responding to the lazy men...the serious ones will take the time to write...
  15. gladiator423

    gladiator423 New Member

    There are EXCLUSIVE clubs in this society that only caters to certain types of people. Many of those clubs go out of their way to keep it EXCLUSIVE.

    I respect others right to be with who they choose to be with and not invade their space. Many people in this society feel as though they are the chosen ones and can do whatever they want. COLUMBUS had that attitude when he "discovered" America, a land that already had inhabitants. He was even bold enough to enslave the people in their own land in his quest for gold.

    Its that attitude why some folks prefer to only associate with their own and as a human being, I respect that.
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    gladiator...i believe that the "exclusive" nature is something we need to all overcome...we are talking about people connecting on an intimate level...if bpm was for black people only it wouldn't give you the option of choosing any other race when you are placing a profile...are you saying that ww are invading the bw space...that is just like saying we are taking all of their good men...this site doen't have a forum or chat so the ww that are on the site don't even interface with the bw...in fact the bw would have to do a search to even find the ww...giving bm options in dating would be no different than a bw putting herself on a predominately white site in hopes of finding a wm...i say more power to you and i hope you find someone wonderful...
  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    "Ayy...yyyeee...men!" :smt043

    (What can I say...I went to church today...)
  18. Javelin

    Javelin New Member


    The board out front says whitewomenblackmen.com not allarewelcome.com

    Those who want to talk with wm or bw should start a site for that purpose. I don't come here to talk with bw or wm(or to here their opinions on ir dating). 8)
  19. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I've gone on "black" sites as well as IR sites. never recieved any grief for it either. Online dating, I think, has made interracial dating more accessible to people who may not have ended up doing it before. It makes people more accessible to each other even if they don't live in the same neighborhoods or would otherwise not cross paths with each other.

    A ww who might work and live in a mostly white town might have toyed with the idea of dating a bm, but never had the opportunity pop up, or perhaps was afraid of the social stigma. Now people can just go online. Online dating has changed the dating scene in many ways, and I think increasing IR dating in one of them, particularly in parts of the country where it was not as common before.

    Just look at how many dating site catering just to IR are popping up and you see how common it is becoming. I think online dating lends itself well to non-traditional pairings and anything that makes it easier for more WW/BM to come together and removes the social barriers is good in my book.
  20. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Re: Whitewomenblackmen.com

    Bit it doesnt say whitewomenblackmenonly.com.

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