There's not a drop of simp blood in my body. My old man is nothing to brag about but you can't say he was a lacky or simp that's for damn sure.
Me too. Love the darker skinned brothers. Just look at smokin' Joe here. I would have been all over that man in his prime.
Well, the thought about cock sucking being such a controversial act is mind blowing (pun intended). I mean, it is after all quite a safe and innocent sexual thing.
It had to be in the 2000's. The BW don't give head stereotype was still true in the late 90's. EDIT: I feel that online porn becoming popular in the 2000's had to be part of what flipped what the switch.
LOL. you going in too hard. Most the BM who are married in my family have Black wives, and NONE of those women talk like that. A lot of BW like dark skinned BM. A lot of women period like dark skinned men. Also by the time a BW gets to college he's got that membership card for most Black parents. He's on track to get his college degree and a good job, hopefully. Husband material. Why you so negative about BW like in general??? It's funny, but it sounds like it's on some deeper level shit too.
Yeah, it was probably multiple factors. Seeing Black female pornstars with mad head game no doubt opened up new possibilities for BW and they didn't see it as something a BW simply didn't do. But White girls, wow. They wouldn't fuck but still give you the greatest BJ you ever had in your life. When a chick sucks the dick down so good she makes you catch feelings, that's skill.
The simps will start their rebellion in a few. Surprised Dumblove and Moistside ain't up in here crying.
Yeah thats true, I think being desperate for a guy will do a couple of things; either repel the good guys, or attract bad guys, like moochers, catfish and controlling abusive types. but I think we also need to from time to time acknowledge any good fortune we have had, and realize some of people's actions are from being less fortunate. There are also those who are immature, dumb or whatever to recognize a good thing in front of them.
Reluctant head is definitely a thing. When a chick starts saying shit like, "are you done??", or "my jaw hurts," she's not serious about sucking dick. I would be like well fuck if your jaw hurts, lick it up and down, popsicle style. But by the time they started making excuses they didn't want to go down, I was done with the BJ anyway.
Oh all that is a load of crap anyway. I have TMJ and I still can figure out a way to get it done very well.