White women feet

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mwaura, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    BMJ, I've asked nicely.

    once again

    Don't fucking mention me in your posts. It's always some jab at me, and I'm fucking tired of it.

    Get over whatever fascination that you have with me. It's old, tired, and, need I point out, the horse has been beaten to death and is now rotting.
  2. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Co-sicilian. Wait...co-signify. Co-signature? What's that jargon?
  3. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Me either but we will never be able to understand everything in the world. :)
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    There are a lot of fetishes I don't understand, but as long as they're consensual, and don't involve children or animals then I don't give a rat's ass what people do in the privacy of their own homes...or in public places, as long as they're discreet and I don't have to see it. :D
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Exactly! :smt023

    Whatever floats other peoples' boats...more power to them.

    I know what floats my boat and I'll know what floats my guy's boat and that's really all that matters to me. :D
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    how about newpowermovesapproves:smt047
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I co-sign every single point you made here. :smt023
  8. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Newpowermoves likes the way Lipstick thinks.

  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lipstick hopes this means you are rethinking giving me negative rep for talking in third person:smt052
  10. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I have a great class this quarter. Human Sexuality. First day the teacher just dived right in, starting us off with a lecture on fetishes and our perceptions of them. She brought up foot fetishes, saying it was the number one fetish in the country, and then asked us what we thought of it. A few people were like "yeah, that's gross, so no way" but the majority of the class responded along the same lines as I would have had I been asked directly.

    I don't really see what is so sexually interesting about feet, but I'm not a judgmental person. I think people deserve to be happy, and if it makes you happy to suck on people's toes then by god, as long as they're ok with it, go suck on some toes. If I were ever with a man who viewed my feet as sexually arousing (and, contrary to idiotic assumptions, I've been told my feet are actually lovely, and have been approached on the sole (haha, I made a pun) basis of said lovely feet) then I'd be open minded about it, and explore it with him to the extent that it didn't make me uncomfortable. If I became uncomfortable at any point, then the play would have to stop and I would have to chalk the man up as sexually incompatible with me, if it were extremely important to him.

    I see no need to judge others for any reason, as long as they don't engage in harmful activities against others. If a behaviour isn't harming anyone, then who the fuck am I to say it's wrong? Unless reincarnation or the afterlife exists, then we only have one chance to enjoy ourselves here on Earth, and I for one take the "pursuit of happiness" fucking seriously.

    ...and if you mispell it, it's also a great Will Smith movie.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    That is my goal in life, too. I refuse to live my life in situations that make/keep me unhappy. :smt023
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Exactly! To me, judging others is actually pretty detrimental to my own happiness, because if I spent all of my time being pissed about what everyone else was doing then I'd be pretty cranky. lol

    So, really, my peaceful "live and let live" stance is really just egocentrism. :D!
  13. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Now V,
    The man swears up and down that he does not give negative rep, are you sure.......its an ego/strength thing, I feel the same way...I have never given a negative rep either.......I prefer to tar and feather my subjects openly on the thread
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lipstick knows this to be true...having been tar/feathered by you personally was really HOT and sticky mess but lipstick liked it:smt110
  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Darling, do you really believe everything bmj says? I think the vast majority of it is a load of bollocks, honestly.

    Note to self: stop hanging out with British friends, they leave bad imprints on my vocabulary.
  16. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    This woman is endlessly talented at keeping mens attention !
  17. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    I think that your sources are incorrect. The first thing I find wrong is the idea that people with psychological issues rarely have normal sexual inclinations. This is a dangerous idea to be spreading around, that anyone who does not fall into the mainstream of sexuality is somehow twisted in the head. They say the same for all. Researchers used to say that homosexuals were mentally disturbed. They used to say that people who mated interracially were severely disturbed. They used to say that people who did not have sex in the missionary position were deviants. For all of these sexual practices and more, people with professional degrees have produced bullshit analyses that most people today laugh at.

    Further research has produced different results for foot fetishes. As it turns out, foot fetishism is very much a natural attraction. The foot actually produces pheromones. It is actually natural for men to be attracted to the female foot. And people have known about the sexual power of the female foot for thousands of years. What we know is that men love petite feet; small feet are pretty. Anyone familiar with Chinese foot binding knows this, and anyone who is familiar with Cinderella knows that. That Cinderella's feet were small enough to fit into the glass slipper is a traditional sign of femininity and beauty. And just think about today. If feet are unattractive, then open toes "shoes" would not be popular today. Everyone would keep their feet covered. Flip flops are fashionable, and often cute. Even the most elegant female dresses are worn with equally elegant shoes that display the female foot. Again, if feet are not supposed to be attractive, then the female foot would not be on display, especially in more fancy clothing.

    And too many men like female feet (across ALL cultures on this planet) for it to be some psychological disorder. Yes, a lot of men won't admit it, but even those that do, that number is very large. So it is not psychological disorder. Men are biologically attracted to female feet.
  18. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I lightly addressed the whole 'feet are nasty' idea in the 'Thank You' thread, but I feel like expanding on that idea in a little more detail now. I hear people saying how the human foot is loaded with germs and that they emit a great amount of sweat. I agree that those things are true. However, I would like to compare the feet to a dick for just a moment if you will.

    I'm sure that we are all aware that men use their dicks to urinate. Urine contains urea and other substances that can be toxic. Are there any men here who wash their dick with soap and water after going to the bathroom, or do most of you just shake it in the hopes of getting most of the moisture off of it before putting it back in your pants? My guess is that no one is washing it, and it ends up with some small traces of urine on the tip of it when it goes back in the pants.

    Secondly, do men wash their hands before touching their dick?? Most germs are transmitted by our hands. So, if a man doesn't wash his hands before pulling his dick out when he goes to the bathroom or when he is readjusting himself, he is basically putting everything that he has come in contact with that day on his dick when he grabs it.

    Thirdly, I would say that most men sweat at some point during the day, and their balls end up with some amount of sweat on them. I'm sure that I'm not the only lady who has ever come in contact with sweaty balls while performing oral sex.

    I'm sure that I could go on, but I'll stop there. All of these things make the thought of sucking a man's cock very unappealing. I would venture to say that I love sucking cock just as much as most of the foot fetish men on here love sucking toes. Even though I know all these disgusting things, I will still drop to my knees as soon as my man hits the door from work and suck his cock, as Chris Rock would say, like it has the cure to all the world's ills in it. ;) No matter how many awful things are said about it and what lab results show, I will suck dick until the day that I die because I LOVE it.

    It's the same thing with the feet. For whatever reason, we derive pleasure out of it because we enjoy it, our partner enjoys it, or because we both enjoy it. So, if you enjoy it, great. If you don't, great. But don't judge what someone else does because you don't like it. My guess is that you may be doing things that are just as unclean too. You just haven't thought about it in that way because you like it, and you don't want to think about it. Live and let live I say. :D
  19. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member


    I feel the same way about noses as you do about penises. It's an area filled with germs, muscus, and all manner of particles in which its owner has breathed. When a person sneezes, the moisture from the nose (and mouth) can spray tens of feet through the air. After you sneeze, do you generally wash your nose with soap and water? I'd venture to guess the answer is no. A quick wipe with a tissue is usually the course of action.

    The dark, moist nature of the nose allows bacteria to get a foothold and multiply which is the main cause of sinus infections. The skin that lines the nostrals is generally very delicate. Any irritation of this lining causes a person to constantly rub their nose in an effort to rid it of the irritation. This rubbing causes the lining to wear away and is one of origins of nose bleed.

    There are entire shelves in your local pharmacy dedicated solely to medications designed to be inhaled through the nose. Vapors, nasal sprays, nasal drops, nasal strips, etc. The list is practically endless. And it's all for the purpose of relieving nose irritations caused by allergies.

    Yes, and without evening mentioning nose hair, the nose is a veritable cornucopia of nastiness. Yet, I stand here today to inform you that I love the female nose as a sex organ. When my woman comes home, I'll take off her nasal strip, dry that nasal drip, and wait until her sneezing ceases, and then I'd go the work on her nose. I'd lick her nasal cavity with my tongue, in and out multiple times. If I just happen to taste the sweet nectar of an antihistamine, so be it.

    Maybe I should start a "White Women Nose" thread.
  20. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    :smt043:smt043:smt043When I saw that you had posted in this, I knew that it would be an enjoyable read. I would say go ahead with the "White Women Nose" thread. I wouldn't get my hopes up though. I'm afraid it might be a short thread. However, there are a lot of accomodating women on the boards. You might have your own little photo gallery of noses. Just out of curiosity, do you prefer your nose hairs trimmed or natural?? ;)

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