White women can't cook good enough to please a black man.

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Frozen Veins, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    I heard this one a million times and I know it is a myth. What is the boards opinion on this one?

    Only thing I know is that I am a mad man when it comes to grilling. Gotta have real charcoal not gas.
  2. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Cooking and Race.

    DEFINITELY A myth. Cooking is an art, and artistry knows no color.
  3. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Oh, definitely not true. My man loves my cooking. He'd rather eat my greens than his auntie's. He says hers have to many stems and they aren't clean enough. My husband just said lastnight to my kids and I quote, "your mom is a G when it comes to cooking dinner". Isn't that ironic, he said it lastnight and I read this post today. :smt017 Either way it's a myth. I know what you meant Frozen, but when it comes to really grilling, he's got to run the show. He won't even let me and that's fine with me. I need a break sometimes. :D I think it makes him feel manly to stand there by the grill with the tongs in hand, staring at the meat. Must be a man thing.
  4. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    I feel the same way but it is a stereotype that some black women and/or black people imposed on whites.

    I have my little cooking "vest" that says burnt to perfection and I just go at it.LOL

    Grilling is in my blood. I don't smoke but I am resistant to grill smoke.(And onion juice dosn't make me cry or cringe)

    I can cook too. People say men that can cook are girly but I HIGHLY. A man that can take care of himself can take care of others. Put two men out in the woods. Both know how to survive but one is doesn't know how to cook his prey. Who would survive? The man that can cook AND know how to survive.

    Mom taught me how to cook and dad did too. It is a good way to lure women in. Women like to be feed too.

    Mother always said that good women don't like dependent men, men that can't fend for themselves.

    Sure could go for a nice grilled, thick, sirloin steak right now.....
  5. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    This is true. When I first started going over to my man's house, what did he do :?: He fried me catfish and I fell in love. That was then and now I do most of the cooking but it was sweet. It's refreshing to know that other men share that thinking and will do the same. :D
  6. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    My dad fried my mom some pork chops and she was his.....

    And my grand father fried something and my grand mother fell in deep love......

    Fried food is the key.....

    Unless she is a vegitarian.....

    That is a good question. Would I marry a vegitarian? I am a cruel meateater. Give me your flesh you vile ANIMAL! I rip and tear it and chew it then....

    Sorry I wen't off the deep end again.
  7. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    You're right :eek: What is it with the fried food??? Don't ever marry a vegetarian, I have a feeling you'd be very disappointed after a few months. Plus when you do have kids you don't want them running around talking about "I don't want McD's, I want a veggie burger mom". I'd look at my kids like they were crazy. My brother in law only feeds his son chicken. Don't get me wrong, I love some chicken but not every meal. I sneak him some beef when his daddy ain't looking. He loves me for it :smt003
    And, are you sure you're not on any meds? You go off the deep end a lot FV :!:
    Ok, Ok, I'm done but it was good. :wink:
  8. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I cooked my man thai chicken and baked a cake on Saturday, and he ate it all up. 8) I love to cook...although I have to use recipes.
  9. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I can't cook worth a damn but believe me I know how to please ha ha ha :twisted: . No serious I can't cook, don't really enjoy it so either he can cook (prefered option) and if he can't well then he doesn't have a reason to leave me since he isn't any better.
  10. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Oh I am a burger king man. Thripple Whopper with jalopenos and mushrooms, Chicken fries with a suicide soda(Orange soda, Hawaiian punch, Sprite)

    Then we go to the chinese restaurant and order shrimp fried rice, beef and brocoili some other stuff.

    My dad can eat fried chicken every day. Yes he reinforces the black people and fried chicken stereotype. He like popeyes better than KFC LOL.

    I am a beef man!

    Oh and about me being on meds.

    I am not on any meds at all nor do I require them.

    What are you looking at. You wants some of me? YOU WANT THIS! HUH waiter I need a new fork this one is a smart mouth!!!!!! Give me the the mic son I am about to freeze the whole block. "BOO YOU SUCK AS A RAPPER!" *People throws food at him* Ouch hey HEY! Throw me some of that good old food over there. Yeah. Pass the peas like they used to say Like James Brown and The JB's. I can get on the good foot too son. Work those knees WORK THEM! Mashed potatoes, gravy and Cranberry sause! Little Richard-I.......I started gangbanging first.......that was me. Little Richard. I am the creator the originator of Gangbanging. oooooOOOOOOO!!! Hey........pst.....hey....you wanna buy some of these handsanwitches? They will give you wings.....


    Nah I am not crazy in any way shape or form. Hey come back here! Where you going? We need to save the teletubies!!!

    Seriously though I love to act crazy and do stuff that is crazy. I lived a crazy life a rough crazy life but I made it. Seeing things a kid should never see as a child has to have somekind of affect.

    I would love to be a character on hell date that would act insane.

  11. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Lucky man. I am very sure he is happy with you! :D Never had thai chicken........
  12. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Ah I can cook and it is cool as long as she is watching so I can show off. Cooking by myself is.........lonly.....lol.

    I have prepared myself to fill in the needs of my future significant other.

    I am trained to please and provide......
  13. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    OMG, you sound like one of my kids. They always have to mix their soda, please tell me you are not 9yrs old. :smt005

    Ok, my man reinforces that stereotype too but I kind of agree. There is a Popeye's, Church's and KFC all up the street from my house and we've never been to KFC. I wouldn't eat it everyday though.
  14. veema

    veema Member

    Frozen Veins, where do you hear these things?

    I love to cook. And I love sharing the experience with a man. The two of us in the kitchen sharing a bottle of wine, talking,... all of the sights, smells, tastes... it's a wonderful way to spend time together.
  15. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I agree. It is a great way to bond. And my gal is Southern and you know them Southern white gals can cook up a storm!
  16. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member


    I hear them from Black Women and White Men actually. Most white guys I know bash WW because asian women are the new white women now for them.

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