White Women Are "Easy"?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Zen_Disciple, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. roseveltfranklin

    roseveltfranklin New Member

    Theres one final thought I'd like to pass on about the CDC in particular. Its almost common knowledge in government circles that the CDC keeps two sets of books; in other words, some information is compiled and distributed for the benefit of the public, other information is compiled and distributed to gov. agencies. the difference between the two sets of books is like nite and day. For example, in public forums they say that its relatively easy to protect yourself from HIV, safe sex, etc etc... but they tell the gov. agencies a decidedly different story. For gov. agencies the story is indeed harrowing. they speak of unknown modes of transmission of the virus, robust mutations of the virus that continue to develope unchecked.... In this climate, its hard to know where the truth begins and ends. One thing we do know is that The US gov. will lie to americans in general, and black people, and other minorities in particular. anyone who doubts this need look no further than the infamous "Tuskeegee Experiment"
  2. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Wow, the ingnorance is telling. I find it quite amusing that you only mention those who live in poverty, or below the poverty line. Where diease, crime, and the like is an epidemic. What about middle-upper middles class blacks? Let me guess the stats don't tell you about that huh? Those stats are general ones im afraid. But, i think you know that. Keep on with your, I hate bm speech. It is quite funny.

    I think rosevelfranklin latter post pretty much 'sums' it up.
  3. blondenlovingit

    blondenlovingit New Member

    Has anyone seen this months Ebony magazine issue? It talks about how the #1 killer of black women between 20-35 in the USA is AIds. They talk of how it is due to black women being more careless sexually and having multiple partners with out protection.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    WM infect women and children all over asia..especially in thailand and singapore during thier "sex vacations"

    That never gets mentioned..
  5. solar flair

    solar flair New Member

    White women aren't any easier than any other kind of women. They're *all* pretty easy in my experience (and that's no brag).

    What's hard (for a black man) is finding one that's really down with you. Sex is so easy, it's nothing.
  6. suz

    suz New Member

    With an ass like yours, Solar - all types of women are probably following you! :p
  7. solar flair

    solar flair New Member

    Thanks Suz! :p

    A confession though -- that shot of my ass had been photoshopped.

    Below is a real picture of my ass...



    A little hairier, but still cute??... :wink:
  8. suz

    suz New Member

    I don't know, I think you need a good waxing :p
  9. HTownGirl

    HTownGirl New Member

    That is is a shitty, juvenile stereotype.

    Just as much that ww date black men because you all have big dicks.
  10. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

  11. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    Re: The strength of white women and black men who love them

  12. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    The white women I have dated all tell me that some brothers are hung and others aren't. Black men generally are bigger in penis size but then so can other races of men be as well. It all depends on the type of white female that you are talking to. As for me as a black man I have been told by many white females that I have a very big dick. And then other white females have told me that they have had sex with black guys who didn't have big dicks at all. So it all varies on the type of white woman. Some men are hung like a horse and others aren't so gifted. Size matters to some white women but other white women have told that the size doesn't matter.
  13. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    Anyway that is what I think, you have the right to disagree with me though.
  14. HTownGirl

    HTownGirl New Member

    Like I said, shitty juvenile stereotypes.
  15. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    I have read your post and as a black man it doesn't bother me to see a black woman with a white man. If that white man likes that big black booty and loves that black woman who am I to hate on that sister? I don't care what a white man dates, men are men and they can date whoever they want to. Your right in that you don't see many white women bashing black women for dating white men but brothers who hate to see a black woman with a white man need to check themselves first. Maybe it has to do with love and not the color of their skin? Since I date white women I get many comments from black women that I am a sell-out, black woman hater, and that there are not enough good black women for me. I don't care what the black women think and many black female that are my friends have no problem with a black man dating a white woman. Those kind of black females who hate on the brothers for being with white women wouldn't be any friends of mine in the first place.
  16. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    :wink: I couldnt agree more.
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I dont know if WW women are easy, are black women easy? I see tons of black women who are not married and teens who have children out of wedlock, so I guess the question should be, Are black women easy?

    White women I would say are not more easy than any other women, they may be more open and direct but they are not any more Easy
  18. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    Are White Women Easy?

    As a black man who has dated only pretty hot sexy white women with hot bodies I can say that not all white women are easy. It seems like any hot-looking white woman with a sexy body and a nice face is always never easy unless you are extremely rich or just a superstud in bed. In my personal experience it seems like the white women who go to clubs to pick up black men are only easy to certain black men who have it going on. I think there are just as many easy black women as there are white women so a lot of it depends on how the white women is approached and how she responds to your advances.
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I agree, Stacey--most of the white women I know and all that I have dated or been in relationships with were Never easy. I treated them with respect, they treated themselves with respect and treated me respectfully.

    most men go after easy prey, whatever the race.white women tend to be more open to having a conversation or accepting an offer to dance and get to know someone, while I see most black women at the club, even the unattractive ones, acting as if they are entitled to something and waiting for mr perfect--sistahs!!! its just a dance ok??

    why are 69% of black women in the situation where they will never be married and cant find a decent brotha?? well it isnt because they are not easy, its because they are often not receptive to a good man and want a stereotype of a man. There are many white women in that category too, but doesnt make any one race easier than the other
  20. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I can honestly say that there is a double standard when it comes to black women/white men and black men/white women. Its seemingly "acceptable" for black women to date white men and those black women who do it don't get labeled with derogatory names like "Aunt Jemima", "Tom" and what not. but when black men do the exact same thing, such are the horrible, unjustifiable insults inflicted on them. Its really strange and tragic. Black women complain that they don't have a good stock of Black men to choose from, but then they do everything they can to push those same Black men away...and usually to women from other races. For example, they want the thugs, gangstas for a reason anonymous to me but they fail to realize these men are of no good to them. They see hard-working, upright black men like myself as wimps and nerds. But when we become successful tomorrow, they then expect us to date them. How on earth is that possible? how can you build a house where there is no foundation to start with? These women want the thugs and the good black men get taken by women of other races who want them. Then, the next comments are, "Oh, what a sellout!!!!!", "cant he get his ass a black woman", "typical house negro"; i could go on for ever.
    Its harder for me to talk to Black women in a new social setting, they're more demanding of me without the compliment of being equally giving, they are more critical of my actions and motivations, they are less tolerant of my lifestyle and interests...the list goes on and on. Honestly, I feel like the question should be: DO BLACK WOMEN REALLY WANT US?
    My experience with Black women has usually been negative while I can honestly say that I have only had one terrible experience with a White woman in my life. Why is that? I'm not a thug, or someone who needs a submissive female in his life (I believe that men and women should be submissive to each other equally), and I find Black women to be attractive. I am a professional, no criminal record, I own property with my girlfriend, I have a Bachelors degree, I come from a solid family where my mother and father were very equal in power and importance. So what is it, really? I've dated Black women that were recovering drug addicts, dancers, teachers, college students and fashion designers. The experiences have all been similar in regards to the negative issues that, in the end, pushed me away: attitude, games, hostility, intolerance, insecurity, ostentatious. It makes me angry to even think about.
    When I would visit a club, its white and Hispanic women that would flirt with me and accept an offer to dance. When I offer women compliments in the course of my day, Black women often respond with a glare or a mumbled thanks while other women will smile, thank me, and offer one back. The list goes on...
    A lot of black men are slipping into the hands of non-black women but its mostly black women's faults and no one else. White women are not on some mission to steal all of the Black men, and Black men are not forming movements to go out and be with other races - but its happening more and more.
    I just wish someone - a Black woman particularly - would take a look at what BLACK WOMEN are doing to push their men away in larger and larger numbers.

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