White Women are "Dippy Caucasian Bitches"!

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Moskvichka, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Okay I only heard this one once. At my college's black newspaper, a girl was complaining that she was an only black girl placed in the same apartment with "three dippy Caucasian bitches."

    But today here's what happened to me: I parked downstairs from my ex-husband's apartment in Harlem. When I came back to my car, it wouldn't start because apparently the battery had died. All of a sudden a local black man began talking to me going on and on about how he would help me get a jumpstart but it was going to cost me. Then he yelled out to a woman sitting nearby something about "you've gotta get them like that, they won't come to you!" or something like that. He stopped a passing car and asked the man if he had a cord, then turned to me and said: this will cost you 20 dollars, 10 for me and 10 for this man. But the man didn't have a cord and he left. So I took out my cell phone and asked my ex-husband to come downstairs right away. When he got there, he didn't even speak to the man, he just asked me what happened. And my ex-husband is a big guy, so the "helper" stepped away from my car and changed his rhetoric, speaking to my ex-husband now: you see, the battery died, and I'm a homeless man, me and my wife, just trying to make an honest dollar, I understand it's a woman here, yada yada yada, and he started walking away until we didn't see him anymore. And we just called triple A and they jumpstarted the car for me. But my goodness! trying to get 20 dollars out of me just like that??? what do I look like?
  2. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    I follow your reasoning. You' re right..
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Well, at least there isn't the stigma that your race has smaller brains or we're savages or we're dumber than white people or we're .. the list goes on.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Just to let you know... There are loads of "scientists" (and others) that'll say women are less intelligent than men too. Women have heard that since dawn of time, pretty much no matter which culture we've lived in.

    So sorry, you're not getting any sympathy from me on that one...
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    now..imagine if you were a black woman

  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I've done that sooo many times....
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member



    dont imagine ur oprah tho.. she doesn't count
  8. Ronja

    Ronja New Member


    I've never bothered imagining how it might be to be any American black woman to be honest (or any American at all) cause all in all, anyone who are lucky enough live in the western world actually got a fairly problem-free life and really shouldn't complaint too much...
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I wasn't expecting any. :D
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    That is very true. At the same time, aside from the age-old belief that the prettier a woman is, the easier her life, it's a fact that a woman really needs to have brains of her own nowadays. It's true when it comes to money, personal life, whatever the case may be. Look at Foxy Brown - the girl made all this money and could fulfill any dream, instead what is she doing? going in and out of police custody.

    Women make less money than men, have unique expenses because of kids and "appearance management" and are still MUCH WORSE at managing their money than men are. We indulge in spending therapy, fall prey to advertisers and fail to save, but the way things are going in this world today, who is going to look out for us when need be?

    I have a few African American girlfriends who are single. Some of them are also full-figured, and it makes it harder for them to meet a man. I don't know how hard it is in reality to lose weight for a woman over size 16, but I see how it kills their dating chances. Big women are ostracized everywhere, including this forum. So my friends put their energy into study, work, investing. Because no one will be there for them except themselves. My friends are serious young women who have no interest in bringing drama into their lives, so they steer away from meaningless liasons and sexual adventures, and it seems that a lot of men look at big women as a source of entertainment when nothing else is going on. The stories my girls tell me make me want to give these men a good slap in the face. Myself, I'm not full-figured but I kick myself continuously for the year (during the divorce) when I spent all my money indulging in shopping therapy... Women can't, I repeat we can't look at money issues lightly, not in this economy today. It's really easy for a woman to be stupid, empty her bank account, neglect her career, let men take advantage of her, but the cost of such choices is too high.

    A lot of black women are single, including slim ones, pretty ones. A lot of women are single, period. I'm in love but single. :) We must manage our lives and our money wisely. If we don't, the cost is too high.
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Ronja rarely ever apologizes to almost anything.
  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I do if I feel I have something to apologize for.

    I'm not willing to have another argument with you right now.

    You'll just end up saying something ridiculous like "give me statistics over pretty women in your country" (If you actually believe there is a such a thing as a country who have statistics over it's inhabitants beauty, you must be pretty dumb btw). Or you'll start insulting little Denmark. (A country I don't believe for a single moment that you've been to, based on some of your comments to me.)

    You come out as the stereotypical ignorant, obstinate and yet extremely confident American. (That you occasionally spice things up adding a bit of the "angry black man"-stereotype doesn't exactly make it better.)

    Stereotypes gets boring really fast.
    You're no exception.

    Now leave me alone.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    it's one thing to mess with black men...

    but it's another to extend the racial relations..

    to people that you probabably don't have sexual attraction to..

    so..you're okay in my book, mosk


    not that the opinion of some random forum guy, means much

    again.. i seen my share of black women, that did not hang with white women..

    how can we get past history, if we don't make an effort to bond?
  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Yes. I think it's really sad. Big women already know they're overweight and that it's unhealthy etc. They face prejudices every day. Being called botb is not what they need.

    Strangely enough big men don't seem to have the same problems. (For instance there haven't been a single thread here where women are complaining about fat guys.)

    Also, I do agree with you in the rest of your post. Gender equation hasn't really come all that far, and women everywhere have unique problems men don't have. Even in the countries where the gender gap is at it's smallest, the genders are not yet fully equal. Women making less money than men is just another proof of that (to my knowledge there is still not a country where men and women do earn the same btw).

    I recently read a report (by UN or something) that ranked countries after how big the gender gap is. My country were supposed to be the second best (being beaten by a neighbour country). Knowing how many problems women here have, that's really very scary (for instance I'll probably never make more than 80-85% of the amount a man with the same job and education does). Women in Europe, North-America and Australia are extremely lucky though. I don't think it's possible to fully comprehend what ordeals women in the rest of the world have to go through.
  15. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I met my African American friends in college, and yes there were some black girls that didn't want anything to do with me. I noticed that the more sophisticated ones were more open to IR friendship. I now have several black girlfriends, and the closest three are all with a bachelor's degree, two of them also have a master's. At the college where I go at night now, I have a Jamaican girl pal that I study with. She is an older woman with a grown son, not interested in any nonsense, and we get along great.
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Moskvichka do you think a brother would settle for a woman who has the looks or weight of a babushka? I wouldn't. Ronja the members in your country go back and forth to your neighbor country to buy things that are considered to be less expensive such as food. The brothers would not consider to go with women in your land that are obese or near fat.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    you kats iz wild up in hurr

    as for you, Mosk..

    education, sometimes, is really beneficial in that way..

    I would consider Dr King, to be an educated man...

    He didn't just look at the black and white situation in America, from a black viewpoint only...

    He wanted "equality" for everyone

    some of his marches had women in them, along with white people, black people, you name it..

    He was a unifier, and I think it took a smart person to pull that off

    not saying that you have to go to college, in order to be open to IR, but it does have the tendancy to help..

    some people just learn to think for themselves..look at problems from other standpoints..while in college..that's all
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    +1. Ditto. Bab-U-Ska!
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    honestly... i can't remember the last time i heard a black kat say that word


    hell...if it's that time of the day, and a pimp aint had any in weeks..babuska is going to get nailed too
  20. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Oh, I love the Russian babushkas!!!

    I've got the sweetest Babushka as a neighbour (she moved here to live with her son and his family). She don't really speak anything but Russian, so it's impossible for me to understand her, but she'll always talk to me anyway. Often she'll start touching my belly and gesticulate that it has grown. She's absolutely adorable. :D

    When did babushkas become fat and ugly btw? It only means grandma.

    "My" babushka is wrinkly and skinny, and wears a kerchief. And she smiles all the time. Just like a babushka is supposed to do... I've never imagined babushkas to be otherwise...

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