White Women are Charming; Black Women have Attitudes

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by chocoluscious, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. Athena

    Athena New Member

    :smt059 aww but I'm sweet, innocent and totally passive, wm love me! ok, I can't go on with a straight face lol. Thanks for the giggle Karma :D
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I certainly have an attitude when I need to. And there ain't a damn thing wrong with it.

    I don't think the stereotype is that white girls are charming exactly, it's more than we're far more submissive, which is bullshit. I can be quite charming when I need to, but there's no reason to take undue shit from people. Women of any race should be strong.
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    I think this may depend on age group. I've found that older bm don't think of ww as submissive...well not in a doormat type of way. And it really is more about charm, maybe a bit more refined. Black men I know have been interested in strong women who are confident and comfortable without the need to prove something.

    I think people tend to get confused about what submissive really is.

    One does not need to be abrasive or obnoxious to be strong. It's quite possible to not take any shit from anyone and do it with class. ;)
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Exactly! :smt023
  5. havoc

    havoc New Member

    I don't believe the folks that would have me believe they've never encountered a single "nice" black female or that most of them have been "mean" or ill-spirited.

    Personally I've encountered some on both ends of the spectrum, but I've never attributed those with less appealing attitudes (demeanors, etc.) as having a problem with me b/c I'm a black male. I figured they were (socially) retarded and chalked it up to their ignorance.
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt028You're on the right track family. The lames who make this argument are weak-ass boys. Period. Like you, I've dealt with women both black & white who occupied both ends of the spectrum, nobody owns the the deed to this myth.

    If you prefer WW, then just do you. Don't create lame-ass excuses and indict another group of women. I like WW...and damnit I don't need a reason to!!....I love sistas too!
  7. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    This is the kind of reason I like to read.

    Loads of guys complain about black women all the time for whatever reason, which is fine but it makes me feel like they're only interested in white women because they are their last option or something.

    Kind of like... "I'd rather be with a black chick but they're all moody with attitude problems so I'll settle for a white woman.".
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ehh...good point, but I thought grabbing a white woman was considered a move up?



    Comedians joke about that all the time, so don't shoot me.

    And just to repeat what other posters said, there are some nice black women out there. If you can't take a joke or two, or cry after a mean look, I don't think you need to be with women period.
  10. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Isn't saying that all black men who complain about black women are using lame excuses for preferring white women exactly the same type of generalizing that those saying it would object to?

    White women complain about white men
    White men complain about white women
    Jewish women complain about jewish men
    Jewish men complain about jewish women
    Asian women complain about asian men
    Asian men complain about asian women
    Black women complain about black men

    Why are only black men assumed to be displaying character flaws when they complain about the women in their community?
  11. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I know I'm new here, and I should say I like a whole lot of your posts, so please take this with all the respect intended....

    ...but that's just tacky to say. How long have you been dating interracially? After a decade & a half dating the same handsome black man, I've gotten so used to mean looks I almost don't know how to respond to a smile from a black woman I don't know. I make the caveat about those I don't know, because most of the female friends I've had all my life have been black women, and I'd do just about anything for any of them. What they all have in common is that they too live outside the mainstream in one way or the other, and they get their share of mean looks too (as mean as black women can be to a black man with a white woman, they are even meaner to other black women).

    Why are black women as a group constantly excused for the bigotry against interracial couples that is so prevelant amongst them today? It is considered horribly un-pc, even racist for a white man or woman to speak against interracial couples -- as it should be. Only the most militant, ignorant black men will speak against interracial couples, in my experience, and they are usually mocked or ridiculed for it. Hispanic men and women don't regularly speak against interracial couples, at least in the company of other races, certainly not to the degree that occurs from black women in mainstream society.

    If you gathered an entirely monoracial group of white men into an auditorium in some northern city, and a white woman came on stage and said she preferred dating black men, there'd be little uproar, during or after the performance. If you gathered the same number of black women into an auditorium, and had a black man say the same thing about white women, there'd be a huge uproar.

    This is not to say that white men are not racist. Far from it. But racism from white men is slowly becoming less and less socially acceptable in public.

    Obviously, black women's racism should not be measured as equivalent to that from white people. But we have swung to the opposite side of the spectrum, where racism from black women against interracial couples (or, more often than not, anyone), is not only tolerated but encouraged as positive.

    Why do we tolerate these "mean looks"? Why is objecting to them characterized as "crying"? Why are black men demeaned if they object to being mistreated? Aren't they equal human beings? Don't they deserve human respect?
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    :smt007:smt007:smt007:smt007:smt007:smt007 OMG thank you, CBQ. I knew I wasn't crazy. Excuse me, I've got something in my eye *snif*
  13. chicity

    chicity New Member

    LOL. Thanks Karma, I very much appreciate that.
  14. jpschumi

    jpschumi New Member

    Have to say that i agree, although there is no PC way to answer this.

    Long story short, All women are jealous yet society is afraid to call out black women and black women know it.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    lol he/she called my literature tacky

    welcome to the forums
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    No, I never said that.

    What I meant is that for any race, when a man or woman complains about their women or men all the time it's a little annoying. I don't care about it on the grand scheme of things, but if that's all they go on about it all the time it would bother me. "No good black women like me." kind of thing, you'd begin to wonder if they really want to be with you. I want a guy to want to be with me for me, not because I'm his last resort because he can't find a good black woman. I like black men because I like black men, not because I don't like white men.

    I also feel you on rude black women, I've had the worst of looks from them also. It's not acceptable. I don't hiss and stare at white men/black women couples.
  17. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Guys I'm falling in luv with CBQ. :smt049
  18. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Wow. She nailed it.

    and even some black men are so brainwashed from being raised by families that are overwhelmingly black women and/or other factors that play into their mentality that even they cannot grasp this.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  19. craxy

    craxy Restricted

    I have to admit that the overwhelmingly majority of black women have attitudes. If a black man interracially dates or married, he's classified as "weak" in her eyes.

    I'm extremely turned off by black women.
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you got to take care of Dossou first


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