White pride for Biracials

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. maghalil

    maghalil Member

    If this is a "USA" problem , then we should not worry about it that much. As many of
    us in the rest of the world recognize the bi-racial people double heritage.

    The day i will have my children (Hopefully bi-racial , if my soul mate and
    wife will be white) , i will make sure they inherit both our cultures.

    And Ronja stats will look better , at 54% :D:D:D

  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    You are applying the actions of people you know to all white people. In Europe it is different because there is a recognition of biracials as something distinct from both black and white. In the U.S., biracials aren't generally seen as bi-racial unless they are 1.) incredibly fair skinned i.e., Mariah Carey 2.) Do something important that is of substance 3.) Are considered elite in some way..generally beauty etc.

    A biracial serial killer that gets his picture plastered on TV will be seen as black by whites and black by blacks....at least in America.

    The fact is...in the 'States, many biracials are proud of their white heritage (Barack Obama for example) but if you ask Obama to identify himself...he says he is black. Not because he was "forced" to be black...remember...he grew up with his white mom, white grandfather and white grandmother...yet Obama in every aspect of his life was treated like he was black by others...even his family. They didn't love him less but they recognized that he would be viewed by the world (especially the white world) as something not white.

    Black people don't tell biracials to write down on documents that they are "black"....black people tell biracials to accept their blackness because they will be treated as such by the world at large. You can call yourself biracial and there is nothing wrong with that...but you must recognize that biracial in the United States is no different than Mexican, African-American, Chinese, Native American etc...you are a minority that isn't quite included in the white majority that exceeds 200 million in the U.S.
  3. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I'm going to take one last stab at this. Notwithstanding the poll that you've cited, most people in this country associate a person of mixed black/white ancestry with the black parent unless they look like they're "white." When biracial people can "pass for white" in the States, they usually do and disassociate themselves completely from their black roots in the process which would apparently be an enviable position for the kid whose videos prompted this thread but I digress.

    I'm sorry but "biracial" is simply not a category that exists at this time in the racial strata of American society. Do I think that it's fair? Of course not. The scions of multiple races/ethnicities/cultures should not be forced into a contrived identity that does not truly represent who they are. However, I apologize for being blunt but I have to say that you're demonstrating a great deal of unabashed ignorance and naivete by citing a poll and a few Youtube videos to make the claim that black Americans at present are more responsible for this behavior and its perpetuation than any other group. Its a mindset that is hard-wired into the American psyche regardless of race and most of the people who live in the States and have addressed this topic have attested to this fact.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    You're just ignorant on the issue,i think ud have to be a U.S citizen to understand.
  5. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Exactly,at the end of the day,it all comes down to what you look like.

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