White pride for Biracials

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Um,yes he is self hating.The fact that hes trying to shun is black side IS self hating.
    Plus,you havent seen the comments he makes on youtube.
    He is a tragic mulatto.

    His quote from the video link YOU posted.

    If that aint self hate,than frankly i dont know what is.
  2. malikom

    malikom Banned

    LMAO,are you really that gullible, dummy?
    This is cliched rhetoric used by self hating mulattoes in the hopes of justifying their hatred for their black/white side
    All he did was use the typical "blacks treated me bad int he past so this is why i hate them and want nothing to do with them.Or the infamous " my black father abused me,excuse.

    Ive came across mulattoes,who didnt like whites,who made the same excuses(white poeple treated me wrong in the past.My white father/mother abused me,etc etc)
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yes it is actually.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I agree.Its funny how some biracials think as if the whole black pop is dark and fully "black" and that they belong to some exclusive club of being light skinned with white blood lol.There are lots of light skinned black americans whom are paternally and maternally black,who look "biracial".

    Jerimiah wright looks more "white" than Barack(an actual biracial)

  5. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I don't think that anyone should dictate how biracial or multi-racial people identify themselves. The "pick a side" mentality is a bit absurd. Even though I'm not biracial, as a black immigrant to the US who was raised largely around white people, I have had a great deal of unpleasant experiences with people (black and otherwise) who attempted to dictate how I should comport and identify myself and with whom I should associate based strictly on the color of my skin.

    With that being said, the "one drop rule" is deeply ingrained into American culture and the claim that any one group is more responsible than another for its continued pervasiveness in the psyche of race relations in this country is laughable. The comments made by black Americans on this site aren't really a representative sample of anything. Was anyone here paying attention to what was going on with regards to race relations during our Presidential campaign?

    Regardless, this kid has issues.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Don't you even read what you write?

    If a biracial person says he/she's biracial, you think they're saying they prefer the white side?
    That's EXACTLY what the biracials complaint about. If they say they're biracial, blacks will say they're trying to be "better" than what they are- or as you put it "belong to an exclusive club":rolleyes: That's why black people force them to choose (and it'd better not be white they choose!)

    Here's what you need to understand:
    When someone is saying that he/she is biracial , it means the person is embracing BOTH sides. Not rejecting one.

    P.S youtube one drop, mulatto, biracial etc, and you'll see who the mixed ones are mostly complaining about. Sorry, it's NOT the white people. As one girl mentioned: The majority (55%) of white people consider Obama biracial, thus embracing both his white AND his black side. The majority of black people however (64%) consider him to be merely black, thus rejecting his white ancestry (even though they are the ones who raised him to be who he is, and his black dad was never even around). It seems like it's not the white people who have the biggest issue with "biracial-nes".
  7. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Do you have a source for that survey?
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    No,there is nothing wrong with a Biracial person embracing his white side,but to shun his black side,that is just wrong.

    Ok,if that was all that he was trying to convey,i wouldnt have a problem with that.But the things he says about blaks and his black side eclipses any argument about him "just wanting to be seen as biracial.As you can see in his own quote,he wants to surgically erase the ethnic look about him.

    I KNOW what it means.I dont have a problem with him calling himself a mulattoe and embracing both sides,get it through your head.Its the fact that he shuns his Black side that irritates me.He hates blacks,he hates half of himself.Are you even reading his comments on the videos YOU posted?

    Yes for the most part it is whites.55% isnt that much LOL.In any other circumstance barack would have been seen as black by the majority of those "white" pollsters.I garunte you if barack had stayed a U.S senator and you took a poll,more pollsters would have polled him in being Black even if they had known that his mother was white.
    If barack was an ex con,hed be seen as black by majority of whites(have no doubt) but thats a whole diff discussion :rolleyes:
    Even if Blacks did have a problem with biracials not identifying as just black.Can you blame them,i mean really?500 years of the one drop rule indoctrination,you seem to be forgetting this.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  9. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I wasn't the one who first wrote it, it was a biracial girl. The survey was easy to find though. But the girl remembered it wrong. It wasn't 64% of blacks who reject Obamas white side. It was 66%!

    The survey's from Williams/Zogby in 2006.

    You can read a little about it on these sites:


    Ronja, you should move to the USA (preferably da Deep South).

    Let your son grow up here and see what happens.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

  12. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    OK, so mixedboi has a problem. W can agree on that. But so have you.

    Let's not focus on what he's saying, but what YOU are saying. You say:
    You're ridiculing biracials who say they're biracial. You say they believe to an exclusive club (making me suspect that you consider white to be exclusive- talk about who's self hating). By making fun of biracials who want to embrace both their roots, you are NO better than any racist. Ridiculing people, and accusing them for feeling superior, is just another way to bullying them into "choosing" black. Cause they have to choose black, right? Not white. Cause then they're rejecting the blackness in themselfs.

    Am I understanding your point of view correctly? If not, please do explain!

    P.S: 55% of whites embracing Obamas black roots, is the majority of whites. And even if it's not 100%, it still means white people are far more accepting for multi-ethnicity than the 66% of blacks who are rejecting his white roots. (Thus meaning only 34% of blacks accept his white roots.)
  13. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I dont know about Ronja, but reading this thread all the way through i definitely would not be willing to take such a risk with my son, no way my Son is having these issues, that seem as always to be an American issue, but hey maybe its just a numbers thing,
    I can see Ronjas point here though, just a question do you have any mixed race children at all or are you posting from a non personal point of view here ?

    The boy in the Vid has issues but he has points from his side of the arguement that cant be ignored, he is not entirely black he is part black why is that so hard to accept for some people.
  14. malikom

    malikom Banned

    You took that quote the wrong way.I wasnt talking about biracials trying to claim both races,or criticizing it or anything.All i was doing was speaking on a certain mindset within alot of self hating mulattoes.Like Mixedboy,who think that they belong in some exclusive club of whiteness and that the rest of the "full" black population is just that,fully black.This leads them to thinkt hat somehow they are better then the blacks they perceive to be "full".Thats all.Who said i was makingf un of biracials who embraced both races?What int he blue hell are you talking about?

    Barely the majority.What about the 45% percent who see him as a black man?;and like ive said,they probably ssee him as biracial because hes gotten to the highest office int he land,and arguably the world,so they want to "strip" him of his negroe card so to speak.
    I reiterate,let barack rob a bank,or get caught with drubs in his vehicle and we shall see what they consider him as then.
  15. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Actually that's not a totally unrealistic event. If hb get's it his way, we'll be a family who's constantly travelling. 5 years here, 5 years there... That's how he's lived his whole life, so that's what he likes.

    Even if we lived in the US, I still think my son would grow up to consider himself biracial.

    The society force all children to choose, according to bm on this board, yet many American children considder themself biracial, not black. So the difference lmust lie in their upbringing, and since both I and hb would do anything in our power to make sure our son is equally proud of both his roots, why wouldn't he end up being like the many American biracials, who do consider themself biracial?
  16. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    1. Zogby's a hack, and his poll had laughable trends and results during this year's campaign cycle.

    2. Even if the poll is taken at face value, I think that blacks are just being more up front about the fact that biracial or not, the majority of people in this country consider Obama to be a black man. That IMO is not evidence of blacks forcing him to "reject" his white ancestory but rather it is evidence of a pragmatic view of where he falls in the racial codifcation of American society. Franky, I've noticed that a lot of people feign ignorance or display a sort deliberate obtuseness rather than admit uncomfortable truths in debates regarding issues of race.

    3. Not really an important issue, but the purported "racial attack" mentioned in the last article that was allegedly due to the "Obama is my slave" T-Shirt was a hoax created by the shirt's "designer" as a publicity stunt.
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Ok, barely the majority perhaps.

    Still WAY better than the HUGE majority of blacks who reject his white side.

    BTW: Putting LOL behind statements, kind of tells people you consider something to be a joke.
  18. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I've proven my statement. Now you prove yours. Where does it say this survey is a hack, fake etc...

    P:S according to the survey, also the majority of Hispanics considered Obama to be biracial (61%). If you leave out the black community, looks like the majority of America consider him biracial. (God knows that's what the rest of the world is doing.)


    Of course you can see her point, francie, you live in Europe and hence experience a different paradigm with regards to black-white racial issues.

    I have no mixed kids (yet). But I can appreciate what's being discussed and have lived in New Orleans for 9 years (college, cashier, security, tutor, bum) long enough to experience this:

    Once, a biracial/creole/mixed/ecetera told a dark-skinned Ghanaian friend of mine who was interested in dating her that he looked like a monkey and he was too dark for her. Issues with Blackness? Hmmmm...
    Another time, a then-close friend/classmate of mine (biracial but of creole ancestry looks like Beyonce...don't they always?) called me African booty-scratcher (in reference to movies/documentaries of Africa wherein natives were usually shown standing about and scratching their butts...as if no one ever does that) after I asked her out. More issues with Blackness? Hmmmm...
    There's more but enough for now.

    I also urge you and Ronja to read the book: Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class by Lawerence Otis Graham.
  20. maghalil

    maghalil Member



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