No fear for the white people, they will not be going extinct. There are plenty of white women to go around for every race. More girls are born in every race. Almost 2 to 1 around the world, two white women for every white man. The exception is for Black people, more boys are born. Whites: There are more gay men than gay women. More transexual/transgender male to female than female to male (Chaz Bono) Many more White males marrying asian females than vice versa. What does this mean? An abundance of lonely white women!
its a load of fear mongering by WN and other forms of white dengenerates, it has no evidence behind it
Where are you citing your info from? I think the world over has more women from every race, ethnicity, sexual preference than men, period.
theres no such thing as white anyhow so how the fuck they going to get extinct? we are all a mix of people anglo saxon celtic moor mongolian , europeans especially!! a pure aryan race never existed in the first place as they are a derivative, how the fuck they gonna worry about getting extinct?
True, except in the case of China with its one-child policy and some Arab nations because of cultural preference for male children.
There is one more category of sexual preference that increases the number of of white women availability. Pedophiles. 70% of the white pedophiles are man boy - Sandusky anyone? People are still divided into 3 categories. Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. If "White" is a problem, then replace it with Caucasoid.
If anything they'll do what they did back in the early 20th century with the Irish and Italians and just start classifying more Hispanics as "white" (which you know many would love anyway). Honestly (in this country at least) there is no group that's more racially paranoid than White Americans.
Umm, please come to the modern age. The categorization of peoples are very much outdated. Proof HERE for more information.
the biggest minority, on the globe is "people who classify themselves as white" don't go for that minority BS. it has nothing to do with your skin, you're in the minority of people who know what's up
this "white people will be extinct" crap came from white people who victimize themselves to evoke sympathy for a phony cause aka WN