Ok, let's try this again. I suspect that this is an assumption underlying alot of posters beliefs here. I could be wrong, but let's examine it ... Is any one brave enough to argue the 'white men are smarter side'. If no one is brave enough now, I suspect there will be someone in the future since membership and attitudes tends to turnover regularly here. BTW, let's keep it clean. If you can't handle your argument being questioned, you are looking for a place to vent your frustrations about the MAN; you are looking for a place to vent your frustrations about the those "lazy, whiny negroes"; or you are looking to get back at those BW that were/are mean to you, then you probably shouldn't participate.
I believe this is, one, an excellent topic.....I bet many are expecting me to play the "devil's advocate." But are you familiar with Biologist Jared Dimond's "Guns, Germs, and Steel"!? If you haven't may I suggest it -- it's is an excellent read! Many assert that "whites" are naturally more intelligent than "blacks" because "advances in civilization"(note:not where civilization began) started within Eurasia; but Jared Dimond asserts: Given the distribution of geographic, ecological, and biological conditions, the outcome was practically preordained. The Eurasians' animals offered several benefits. They provided protein, wool, and hides. They powered plows, grindstones, and water lifts, transported people and goods, and served as vehicles of war. Of course, this domestication propelled an agricultural revolution. Eurasians abandoned hunting and gathering, whilst Africans did not; this increased their productivity and let them experiment with more plants and animals, which led to more people adopting the lifestyle. The factors reinforced each other in a positive feedback cycle. Superior food production allowed Eurasian communities to grow. From this growth came the "advantages" of civilization. Society became more complex and specialized, requiring centralized government and writing to administer them. Powered by domesticated animals, large-scale trade and warfare demanded wheels and metallurgy. Germs flourished in crowded environments and people developed immunities to them. Once civilization started in the "Fertile Crescent," claims Diamond; plants, animals, and ideas spread: Neighboring hunter-gatherers were replaced or became food producers themselves. Not only did Eurasia's centers have better resources than Africans, they also had a head start. The Whites/Caucasians/Europeans "won" because of inexorable historical trends, not superior cultural values and intellect. Many assert "superior" intelligence is biological, therefore, IQ test of spartial intelligence favours White Men and Asian Chinese and Japanese women. But many psychologist today in Harvard, Cambridge and Manchester Universities suggests higher levels of intelligence is a combination of both biology and social construct. Now, Howard Gardner from Harvard University have developed the "multiple intelligence" theory he asserts: "In the heyday of the psychometric and behaviourist eras, it was generally believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited; and that human beings - initially a blank slate - could be trained to learn anything, provided that it was presented in an appropriate way. Nowadays an increasing number of researchers believe precisely the opposite; that there exists a multitude of intelligences, quite independent of each other; that each intelligence has its own strengths and constraints; that the mind is far from unencumbered at birth; and that it is unexpectedly difficult to teach things that go against early 'naive' theories of that challenge the natural lines of force within an intelligence and its matching domains." Still defining levels of "intelligence" to this day is in its early stages.
Speaking of books, check out The Iceman Inheritance by Micheal Anderson Bradley and the seminal Chosen People From the Caucasus also by Bradley. They are interesting reads, to say the least, AND by a WM no less.
I.Q. test results can be misleading when comparing them over large, varying populations and ethnicity's. Supposedly, East Asians score the highest with sub-Saharan Africans scoring about 30 points lower....the flaw is that these tests measure intelligence based on concepts that are important to a given culture. The tests used to measure different populations are almost invariably created by white Westerners who use ideas they have learned or believe people should learn..and apply them to their exams. East Asians generally spend much more time in a learning environment relative to their Western counterparts so it stands to reason that they may perform well on a test such as this. It is akin to an athlete being placed on a football field and practicing his dribbling skills and conditioning for many weeks consecutively. When the time comes to compete in an actual match...he may not have ever spent time actually PLAYING the game...but his training has left him well prepared to at least be a functioning component of his teams' success. If a group of east African goat herders receive PhD's from one of the finest institutions in the world (Cambridge...Oxford...Harvard etc.) and then use their knowledge to create an I.Q. test...they might conceivably use "goat-herding logic" questions as well as "nomadic reasoning" problems to fill up the allotment needed for questions. If they give out their test worldwide...most likely goat-herders and nomads would fare best while urbanites (especially Westerners and some East Asians) would fare worst. As 7seven said...there are many forms of intelligence...these tests measure one form but they don't account for the many different types of aptitudes.
Well, since you re-created this topic, let's give it another go... All one has to do is read through the threads of MOST of the black men in here, and then ponder the existence of all the high school drop-out, meth head, tuberculosis carrying, porn-downloading, wife-beating, alcoholic, impotent, plaid and khaki pants wearing, cult-following, adrenaline-addicted surfer boys, Neo-Nazis, and rednecks out there in the world, along with most of America's serial killers and pedophiles from an upper-class upbringing. And, there ya go.
Re: yo Blackpimpxwali, your posts are hilarious. That's got to be the most stereotypical black slang of all time. :? Anyone who thinks that white males have some inherent mental prowess is ignorant to quite a few things. They've probably been reading The Bell Curve, which is quite possibly the most propaganda laden piece of literature to for whatever reason not be banned in the US. :roll: