White Cop, Black Cop

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by V777, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. veema

    veema Member

    Awwww, do you have to? I kind of enjoy it.
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I know you have got of the subject now,
    but are you black like these guys mean Black ? ie off affro/ carri decent,

    Cus i get the feeling you are indian or something like that plus a few things youve mentioned in your posts, does the V in V777 stand for something like Vickram.
    Come on be honest;)
  3. V777

    V777 New Member

    Hi Francie! Um my great grandfather was Indian from South Africa. Grandparents are from South Africa and both my parents were born here in America. Both my parents are more African than you may think. There is alot of Indians and African and whites in South Africa. They mix togather alot over there. When my dad grew up in southside chicago there were alot of Indian immigrants from India in the same apartment building. So my parents would get invited for Indian Dinners and such and vice a versa.They made alot of Indian friends. When my dad left Chicago for L.A for Dental school and met alot of Indians in Dental school too. My parents feel comfortable around them. As a young kid i had a lot exporsue to indians and their culture. They would invite my dad and mom to weddings in India and that would be the family trip of the year. My first name is James and the V stands for nothing. I don't know why i put the V. I know a vikram in my college though. I look more Black than you think. Most of me is African.

  4. V777

    V777 New Member

    I'm like the black guy "Carolton" or something like that from the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" show. My family reminds people of the Banks's family on the show.

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